Gao Li checked the system panel and was surprised to find a new reward.

And it was an SSS-level lottery!

"It seems that the Ancient One is really a heavyweight figure. His death can bring such a wide impact?"

However, Gao Li thought about it and felt that it was normal. The Ancient One at least involved many dimensional demons. In addition to the changes to the future, it is normal to have an SSS-level.

What Gao Li didn't know was that not only the future of Doctor Strange was affected, but also the future of the Avengers who were originally going to borrow the Time Stone in the final battle was affected. Everything was shrouded in the unknown fog.

All these combined, the influence directly reached the SSS level!

Gao Li didn't say much, and started the lottery!

"This time, it's better to worship God. After all, the God of the DC universe is the greatest!"

Gao Li prayed not so devoutly, and ordered the lottery machine to start turning.

When the golden SSS-level lottery machine stopped, another knowledge-type memory was poured into Gao Li's brain.

But Gao Li was stunned on the spot after a little aftertaste.

"Is this the reward that should be given by the SSS level? Isn't it S or SS level?"

Because the new knowledge that appeared in Gao Li's mind was about the development data of T2 Gaia Memory and Bilateral Driver and Lost Driver!

This is the basic standard of Kamen Rider W, and it should be classified as S level.

But Gao Li calmed down and thought that this is the next-generation Gaia Memory of T2 version, so the situation is completely different.

"Whether it is the 'limit' representing the final form, or the 'eternity' whose combat power can match the final form, its manufacturing method is included in the research and development data of T2 Gaia Memory..."

It's not surprising to see it this way. Since it contains the knowledge of the final form, it is indeed SSS-level knowledge.

However, as Gao Li carefully savored this vast knowledge, he immediately realized a problem.

The Well of the Earth is needed to make Gaia Memory, otherwise the concept of the Earth cannot be extracted.

Where is my Well of the Earth?

Is there a Well of the Earth in the DC world?

Gao Li fell into deep thought.

Maybe there is, maybe not.

Anyway, he doesn't know where there is for the time being.

Anyway, Gaia memory is a very sci-fi technology, even more sci-fi than astronomical switch technology, photon blood technology and tachyon application technology to some extent.

It's just going straight to fantasy.

Therefore, Gao Li is still very interested. No matter whether there is the Well of the Earth, he will study it first!

Let's go to the laboratory!

After arriving at the secret laboratory of the Hiden Group that belongs to Gao Li, Gao Li planned experiments and purchased equipment without stopping.

The original facilities were a little insufficient, and the new ones had to wait for a while before they were delivered, so Gao Li sat in the laboratory to rest temporarily.

After all, he had just fought a time-spanning battle with the Supreme Sorcerer. Although Gao Li of the DC universe was not tired physically, Gao Li's heart was still very tired.

"Oh, by the way, I have another project that I am very interested in..."

While half-leaning to rest, Gao Li suddenly remembered something.

Mainly because he had spent more than a year in the Marvel Universe, the span of memory time was a bit long, causing Gao Li to almost forget it.

Just now, Gao Li saw a certain device from the corner of his eye, and then he remembered it belatedly.

That device was the Phantom Demon Maker that was moved from Wayne Manor!

After this Phantom Demon Maker produced a Phantom Demon that was specifically used to produce magic stones, it was basically sealed and unused.

After all, Gao Li had achieved his goal and had a source of magic stone production. He had no intention of creating the Phantom Demon race in the future.

The reason was also very simple, just as Gao Li answered Zatanna and Constantine that day-

The Phantom Demon born of despair is evil by nature. If Gao Li created it, it would be very likely to harm the world.

But this time it was different.

Because Gao Li remembered that he still had a Phantom Demon raw material-the God's origin given by the giant beast!

This God's origin, which was completely reversed by the giant beast, was originally condensed by Him to produce Phantom Demons. It can be said that it is 100% suitable for generating Phantom Demons.

Looking at the multiverse, there is absolutely no raw material more suitable for Phantom Demons than this.

Although the giant beast was interrupted by God's handshake when it was halfway through, but...

Gori is really curious!

What will the phantom demon born from the purest power of light look like?

Gori has always had a clear self-assessment of his abilities, so as to avoid wasting time on research that he is temporarily unable to do.

For example, whether Gori Wayne appeared by coincidence or was arranged by someone, whether God intervened in the big event of the rise of darkness...Gori thought about these things for a while and then threw them behind his mind.

The reason is very simple, because Gori understands that he is not capable enough to touch these things now.

Similarly, he was only slightly curious about the principle of Gori's system, and he didn't think about it anymore.

His knowledge level is accumulated slowly from weak to strong. The system is Gori's most important source of knowledge. Only when he feels that he can really crack the mystery will he start to study it.

And the current matter of making phantom demons is obviously within Gori's ability!

"Even if a bad phantom demon appears in the end, my magic immunity as the Lord of Magic Power is enough to suppress shouldn't be a big problem."

Gori thought secretly that no matter what, the phantom was still a product of the Knight's magic system, and it would definitely not be immune to his magic immunity.

You know, the magic immunity of the endless style can be effective against the power of the giant beast!

And the new phantom is only part of the origin of the giant beast, there is no reason to surpass the giant beast.

"Besides this, there is probably no other hidden danger," Gao Li checked in his mind, "If God didn't want to see the birth of the phantom, he would have confiscated this power directly at the beginning."

God is infinitely close to omniscience and omnipotence in the DC universe, which makes Gao Li feel more at ease.

Because an omniscience and omnipotence does not want him to do something, he will definitely not be able to do it, so Gao Li does not have to worry that his successful behavior will anger the omniscience and omnipotence.

Since everything has been thought through, Gao Li will start working immediately!

Gori turned on the phantom making machine, carefully guided the God's origin in his body out, and injected it into the phantom making machine as raw materials.

Since Gao Li has already put his own mark on it, it is still easy to control this group of God's origin.

From the outside, it looked like Gao Li injected the milky white energy, which was as viscous as liquid, directly into the machine...

After everything was ready, Gao Li pressed the start button without hesitation!

"The rest is waiting...According to the last experience, it takes about ten days for a phantom demon to be born."

Gao Li nodded with satisfaction. At this time, the facilities and equipment he ordered had been delivered one after another, and basically they could be seamlessly connected to the next research.

But it was late, and Gao Li had nothing to worry about, so he was not in a hurry to advance the research so quickly.

Having just returned from the Marvel Universe, Gao Li decided to give himself a day off today and have a good sleep.

After all...

When the idea of ​​staying up late came up, Alfred's old face would appear in Gao Li's mind.


Sure enough, I was brainwashed by Alfred's magic sound!


The next day, Gao Li came to the laboratory refreshed, but when he saw the progress data on the computer, he was stunned.

"The progress in twelve hours is... 0.01%?!"

Fuck, how long will it take to finish this?

If the original Phantom Demon had taken so long, the progress would have been at least 5%, right?

"At this rate, it will take a full five thousand days to reach 100% progress!"

Gori roughly estimated that if his life span was similar to that of a normal human, he would see results after living about one-seventh of his age.

In other words, it would take more than thirteen years for the Light Phantom Demon to be born!

"What's going on? I shouldn't have made any mistakes, right?"

Gori checked from the beginning and found that he had no problems, so the problem must be with this ball of God's Origin.

"Maybe... the energy level of God's Origin is too high? So the processing speed is so slow?"

Gori thought for a long time and felt that this was probably the case.

But it doesn't matter, he really plans to spend it!

Anyway, he has no use for this God's Origin at the moment, so it's better to leave it there...

"Hmm?" Gao Li was suddenly stunned, "I wonder if I can use Gaia Memory to extract the concept of God's Origin?"

If it is possible, then the technical prospects of Gaia Memory are amazing.

With such expectations, Gao Li started to study and make Gaia Memory without stopping.

Finally, when the progress of the magic reached 0.3%, Gao Li successfully created the first blank Gaia Memory.

Next, it is to extract the concept of energy!

If someone else were to do this, it would be extremely difficult.

But if Gao Li wants to do this with this ball of God's Origin, he has a unique and absolute advantage.

Because Gao Li is the Lord of Magic Power, and he has also put his mark on this ball of God's Origin!

Can others do it?

The Lord of Magic Power is not a cabbage, and has amazing authority over the energy with his own mark.

Gao Li just hooked his finger at the God Origin, and suddenly a white filament-like energy thread floated out from the God Origin.

This did not even interrupt the progress of its phantom transformation!

The energy thread that Gao Li seduced out was quickly introduced into the blank Gaia memory through the pipeline.

Gao Li held his breath and watched this scene. Success or failure depended on this one move!


The Gaia memory first turned white for half a second, and then exploded on the spot, turning into fragments all over the ground!

The God Origin energy thread that had entered it also escaped directly and automatically returned to the main body in the phantom manufacturing machine.

"Ah, this..."

Gao Li glanced at the monitoring data on the screen, roughly understood what was going on, and immediately felt deeply regretful.

"God is really worthy of being the strongest in the DC universe. The energy level of his origin power is too high, so high that Gaia memory can't even bear it..."

If Gao Li guessed correctly, the energy level of God's origin should be higher than the "anti-crisis energy" that the giant beast mentioned to him.

"Anti-crisis energy" is the seven forces of creation that make up the universe that Gao Li is currently in. In mythology, the God who is said to be able to create the world should not have an energy level lower than the seven forces of creation.

"There is no other way. Let the origin of God continue to be consumed in the phantom magic maker."

Gao Li sighed and turned to make a new blank Gaia memory.

It's not that he is getting more and more courageous and wants to challenge the power of God, but Gao Li has another idea that has not yet been realized.

If the energy level of God's origin is too high, causing Gaia's memory to be unable to carry it, then his Knight's magic power should not exceed the carrying limit of Gaia's memory, right?

Everyone has the power of Kamen Rider, so they should be at the same level.

As the new blank Gaia memory was produced, Gao Li's conjecture was also confirmed.

Gao Li exerted his control over the master of Knight's magic power and introduced the Knight's magic power into Gaia's memory, and indeed a change occurred-

Gaia's memory was loaded and the concept of Kamen Rider Wizard's flame style was obtained!

The results of the experiment made Gao Li happy, but looking at the Gaia memory in front of him, he always felt a little familiar, and couldn't help but ponder.

"By the way... isn't this the legendary Knight memory series sold by Bandai?"

Shaking his head, Gao Li threw away the messy thoughts in his mind.

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