In the previous generation, my brother was trying to steal my property every day, and he often stole sex or sex. What a waste!

It must be said that the birth of Kamen Rider Wizard Gaia Memory is of great significance to Gauri.

This means that in addition to lending magic power to the other knight, there is a new way to transform other people!

"However, Gaia memory is very particular about adaptability. If the adaptability is not good enough, it may not even be used. It seems that it is not without limitations..."

"And if someone has a good compatibility with Kamen Rider Wizard Gaia's memory, will he be stronger if he directly becomes a knight magician?"

Gao Li touched his chin and carefully thought about the conditions for using Gaia's memory.

It can only be said that compared with direct lending, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. At least Gaoli has one more method.

After a day of research, Gao Li walked out of the laboratory and stretched.

Harley walked towards him with her cell phone in hand and reported: "BOSS, your friend Zatanna Zatara called me this afternoon, but because you asked not to disturb her, so..."

"I know," Gao Li interrupted, "just dial it back for me."

He took the phone and called Zatanna. As soon as he heard the sound, it was Zatanna's apology.

"Gauri! I'm really, really sorry!"

99. Chapter 99 Famous and supreme existence




Gao Li was confused for a moment, why are you sorry for me?

What happened during my time in the Marvel Universe?

No... Actually, only fifteen minutes have passed in the DC Universe. The rest of the time was spent by Gao Li studying the drive.

Only then did Zatanna hesitate to tell the reason: "Um... Gao Li, do you still remember what you asked me to do after you showed your power in hell?"

"Showing great power in hell?" Gao Li frowned, "When did I show great power? Why don't I remember..."

Zatanna said: "Compared with the ghosts and the God King of Naboo, you are already showing great power. At least the magic world thinks so."

"Oops, I accidentally said it... Wouldn't it be bad to say it behind their backs like this? I wonder if they will sense it?"

Gao Li scratched his head: "I don't pay much attention to things in the magic world. In fact, I haven't even been in contact with the magic world."

"The only magicians I know are you and Madam Xanadu, plus the magic masters I've met before. Are there any legends about me in the magic world?"

"Of course," Zatanna said excitedly, "The name of the Lord of Infinity has now exploded in the magic world! Almost everyone knows it!"

"Especially Lian Wraith and Naboo God... Ahem, no, I don't dare to say anything. In short, with comparison, everyone generally believes that you are at least a supreme being."

"After all, your ability is acknowledged by the Ultimate Darkness himself. Besides, as the master of magic, there is absolutely no problem in calling him supreme in terms of status."

Gao Li felt a little happy after hearing this, but he remembered the business after all.

"Okay, I'm going to get off topic...then why are you apologizing, and what do you want from me?"

Zatanna said "uh" and said, "Let's talk about what happened just now. It was when I asked my father to teleport you back to the material world from hell."

"I had no choice at the time. Although I didn't reveal who you were, I did expose the fact that I knew the Lord of Endlessness. Originally, I had repeatedly warned him to keep it a secret, but..."

"According to my father's own account, when he was drunk one time, he boasted about it and boasted about it. As a result, many magic masters knew about it, and I even scolded him..."

Gao Li said magnanimously: "It doesn't matter. Anyway, I asked you to let your father teleport me at that time, so I had already expected that this might happen."

"On the contrary, it is because you are known to know the Lord of Endlessness that you need to be more careful. I wonder if someone will attack you because of this."

Zatanna said cheerfully: "Don't underestimate my strength, Gao Li! I'm very close to the realm of a magic master, and ordinary people can't even get close to me."

Gao Li was right. The combat effectiveness of irony magic was first-rate, so there was no need to worry too much.

"This is something I want to apologize for, but me looking for you is also related to this matter," Zatanna continued, "To be precise, it's not me looking for you, it's the magic masters you've met before who want me to contact you. ”

"They hope that the Lord of Endlessness can stand on their side in something in the future...or should I say stand on the side of humanity, not other forces."

"In this way, the human side can be considered to have strong support, and they can feel more at ease. But everything depends on your thoughts. I just convey it to them."

Gao Li said in confusion: "The more you talk about it, the more confused I become. Is this a big deal? It seems to involve all of humanity?"

Zatanna explained: "Because you don't have much contact with the magic world, it's normal not to know. In fact, this is the most important event in the magic world in recent years."

"According to my father, just when they learned that the giant beast was about to resurrect, a prophecy came from hell and was said to be engraved on a stone tablet."

"What is written above is: After the winter solstice, the natural and the supernatural will combine to give birth to a new generation of the Son, who will be able to heal this land."

"This matter has caused a stir in the magic world. Everyone didn't know what 'healing this land' meant before. Now it seems that the Holy Son has the ability to quell the elemental chaos caused by the giant beast."

"Winter solstice?" Gao Li looked at the calendar on his phone, "Which country's winter solstice are you referring to?"

Zatanna said: "Of course it is the winter solstice in the Roman calendar, which is December 25th. To use an inappropriate description, this is a prophecy about the birth of Jesus in the contemporary era!"

Gao Li suddenly realized that the "Holy Son" was referring to this Holy Son. It was indeed a huge event.

Considering that God is the number one big brother in the DC universe, the status of the Son related to Him must also be extremely special, and he is definitely a very heavyweight in the DC universe.

What Gao Li didn't know was that the three major events of "Crisis on Infinite Earths", "Rise of Darkness", and "Advent of the Son" were interlocking and interconnected major events.

However, because Gao Li broke into Wantianyi and triggered the "Rise of Darkness" event in advance, the time of the "Advent of the Son" associated with it was also advanced.

"I probably understand," Gao Li said, "but I still don't understand something. What does the emergence of the second generation of the Holy Son have to do with the magic master?"

"Why do the magic masters want me to take a stand when the Holy Son comes? How does this have so much to do with the human race?"

Zatanna thought for a moment and said, "Actually, I don't know the details, so I can only tell you briefly, which may not be accurate."

"The birth of Jesus, the first-generation Son of God, has a strong special significance. It represents the rule of heaven over mankind, which can be said to be a kind of authority."

"So this time the Son of God returns, the human mages headed by the God King of Naboo hope to put the initiative in the hands of humans so that all humans can enjoy freedom in the future."

" that so?" Gao Li thought for a while, "So the world today is a world ruled by heaven? To be honest, the existence of heaven is not strong. There are even two sects that are as big as it."

Zatanna said helplessly: "To be honest, I don't quite understand the difference. Maybe this is a great ambition that only the God King understands. I am only responsible for spreading the word."

Gao Li pondered: "Then I understand, but I need to think about it. After all, this may offend Heaven. I don't have a big business that can offend Heaven at will."

"Okay, then don't force it." Zatanna finally said, "Anyway, that's what I said, and that's what you heard. It's enough for me to complete what they asked me to do."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Li fell into deep thought.

In fact, it is just Gao Li's excuse to offend Heaven and provoke Heaven.

After all, just think about it and you will know that even magic masters dare to intervene in this matter, which proves that the attitude of heaven in the "Advent of the Son" incident is mostly to let nature take its course.

None of the magic masters are afraid of offending Heaven, let alone Gao Li?

It is said that the reason why Satan Lucifer from hell rebelled from heaven was because God ordered the archangels to kneel to Jesus, the Son of God. It is possible that the archangels generally do not like the Son of God.

However, for such a big matter, Gao Li definitely couldn't just listen to one side of the story, so he dialed another number.

"Congratulations, big star, why did you think of coming to see me? I thought you were going to unilaterally break off our relationship with me after last time."

Constantine's lazy voice came from the other end, and Gao Li asked knowingly: "What big star?"

"It's the 'Lord of the Endless' that the giant ferocious beast himself said. He's famous in the magic world! Even the Swamp Thing expressed concern about me when he left. I hope I can put in a good word for you."

In the first half, Gao Li heard it from Zatanna, but in the second half, he didn't know what was going on.

"Swamp Monster... seems to be the plant god you mentioned before, right? Why is he worried?"

Constantine said: "Didn't he accidentally attack you earlier? Although the target was not you, it affected you after all."

"Swamp Monster is afraid that big people are small-minded. One day the vindictive person will remember this matter, and the more he thinks about it, the more angry he will be. He will come to kill him, or even destroy the entire Parliament of Life..."

Because for Gao Li, the battle to annihilate the evil witch group was separated by more than a year, and he almost forgot about it, and he was slightly speechless when he heard this.

"He didn't know I was inside at the time, not to mention that it was all to kill the evil witch group. How could I be so narrow-minded?"

Constantine smiled and said: "That's what I say, but facing a big shot who can even withstand the attack of a giant beast, who can control himself from thinking too much?"

"Okay, let's not talk so much." Gao Li interrupted, "I have something to ask you. Do you know the prophecy of the coming of the Son of God on the winter solstice?"

Constantine was stunned for a moment and said: "Of course I know this. In fact, the trouble I wanted to ask you about earlier was the return of the Holy Son."

"However, I am still confident that I can handle this matter, so I haven't told you for a long time. Entrusting you in advance is just to provide insurance for this matter."

This time Gao Li was surprised and asked: "John, I'm not looking down on you, but... well, such a big thing involves heaven, where do you have the courage to say that you can handle it with certainty?"

Constantine said triumphantly: "It's very simple. No matter how the Holy Son comes, he still needs a mother, right? Even though Jesus is awesome, he also has the Virgin Mary."

"And I found Zed, the contemporary Holy Mother, and Zed is already my girlfriend. As long as the Holy Mother is gone, no second-generation Holy Son will be able to come out!"


Gao Li was shocked. Is there such an operation?

It can only be said that Constantine really has a wonderful affinity with women. No wonder he is such a scumbag but still has many girlfriends.

"Does Heaven not care about this?"

Constantine said: "Heaven is a group of sanctimonious villains. The coming of the Holy Son is essentially announcing that heaven will enslave mankind again, so the angels will not directly intervene in this matter."

"After all, heaven still cares about face and reputation... So the essence of the coming of the Holy Son is that humans, gods, and demons are secretly competing, and everyone uses their own methods."

Gao Li asked: "I know that on the human side, they are probably the human mages headed by the God King of Naboo. Why are there 'demons' involved?"

Constantine explained: "The 'devil' side refers to hell. The prophecy of the coming of the Son comes from the stone tablets dug out from hell, so it cannot be hidden from hell. Hell certainly does not want a new son to appear. "

"Although I haven't fully investigated the details, it is said that in order to prevent the coming of the Holy Son, hell sent a demonic army called the 'Legion of Eternal Punishment'."

"Heaven definitely wants Zed, and Hell definitely wants to kill Zed..." Gao Li frowned, "John, you are being attacked from both sides."

Constantine chuckled and said: "I have no problem anyway. Dealing with demons is already commonplace. As for the forces under Heaven's command that are involved in this matter..."

"Hmm, I'm still investigating. It seems to be called the 'Holy Advent Crusaders'. But based on the information currently known, the Holy Advent Crusaders won't be too difficult an opponent to deal with."

"Okay, since you said that, maybe it's not a big problem." Gao Li hung up the phone directly.

Constantine put it even more harshly, saying that Heaven was using this matter to re-establish its status as a slave to mankind, and that the general meaning was consistent with the masters of magic.

Although he claimed to be very confident, Gao Li still kept an eye out in case the bastard accidentally overturned and was killed.

After all... Even if Constantine is really a trap, he can still be considered Gao Li's friend.

"Aph, send someone to keep an eye on John Constantine's movements. Also, help me investigate the information on the 'Holy Advent Crusade' and the 'Legion of Eternal Punishment'."

Gao Li called Alfred. Although he didn't expect the power of Wayne Industries to find out too much information about the magical world, it was better than nothing.

"Understood, Master Gaoli." Alfred was still so polite, "When will you go back to Wayne Manor to visit?"

"Let's take a while. I'm currently busy with a research project."

After the call ended, Gao Li always felt guilty for having perfunctoryly dealt with the empty nester who stayed at home alone.

However, Gao Li soon adjusted his mentality. He really planned to return to Gotham to visit the empty nesters after his research was over, and he was not fooling Alfred.

It's better than the cheap old Bruce Wayne who went out and fooled around for so many years and never came home, right?

Gowrie continued to immerse himself in the production of the Lost Drive. Only a few days later, he received the documents transmitted by Alfred.

The Legion of Eternal Punishment didn't find much information, but the Holy Advent Crusade was able to figure out what kind of organization it was.

The Holy Advent Crusade is indeed, as Constantine said, a fundamentalist missionary organization with few experts, and there will be no one who is too strong for him to fight against.

In essence, it is just a traditional church organization that expands its influence through financing among wealthy people.

Now Gao Li felt a lot more relieved, Constantine was probably not in much danger.

At the same time, Constantine, who was high-spirited a few days ago, is now wandering the streets like a zombie.

"No-no! Why is this happening again!?"

100. Chapter 100 The game is over!



A few days later.

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