The hell demons were also shocked. How could a random guy in strange clothes be so powerful?

They tried to attack Clark with fire, but his reaction speed was beyond the imagination of the demons, and he evaded all the attacks in a few casual moves.

On the contrary, Clark's fist fell like lightning, striking the hell demons quickly and powerfully!


Another demon was beaten by Clark until blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and his chest collapsed!

His strength is so great and his speed is so fast that the demons of hell are almost unable to fight back.

However, the hell demons are not vegetarians. After being crushed in the early stage of the encounter, they quickly saw the weakness of Clark's lack of combat experience.

Immediately, several demons cast hell magic, turning themselves into mist-like existences, and came to haunt Clark.

Clark punched them hard several times, but his empty fists produced nothing but sonic booms.

The displaced airflow only slightly dispersed the mist demons before they coalesced again.

"This... no matter how hard I fight, it's useless!?"

Clark had never fought against demons before, so he couldn't help but panic when he saw this.

After all, he was not the experienced superman of later generations. Seeing that the speed and strength he relied on had lost their effect, he couldn't help but subconsciously look at Gao Li, his eyes full of help.

Gao Li was a little amused when he saw this. Apparently not long ago, Clark was talking in front of him about how he had grown and improved.

It can't be said that Clark hasn't improved. At least after learning to fly, it seemed that a certain Kryptonian switch was turned on, causing Clark's physical fitness to suddenly improve a lot.

And Clark's mentality and will have indeed improved a lot... Normally Gao Li would let Clark go through the experience of these hellish demons, but now he is very busy and in a hurry, and he doesn't intend to waste time here.

"The game is over." Gao Lishi suddenly appeared, having condensed the endless ring, "Transform!"

101. Chapter 101 The nightmare of the devil in hell!



"Unlimitedness! Please!"

"Metal - wood - water - fire - earth -! All-encompassing Yinglong!"

The terrifying magic pressure spread out. In order to avoid causing too much commotion beyond his own shielding range, Gao Li suppressed it.

even so……

After feeling this magical breath, the hell demons still couldn't help but tremble from the bottom of their hearts!

"This...this aura is!?"

"It's the Lord of Infinity!"

"How come the Lord of Endlessness appears here?!"

It's okay to say that the powerful and stupid young man in front of him can be easily manipulated by using some power-restraining magic.

But the Lord of Endlessness is different!

There is absolutely no way he can be his opponent!

"Oh, am I already so famous? Every hell demon I see knows about me?"

Gao Li tilted his head and said softly: "When I went to hell before, I killed less than a thousand demons. It shouldn't be that sensational, right?"

Clark took a deep breath subconsciously, always feeling that Mr. Wayne said something very scary in a very normal tone.

However, Clark was very surprised that Mr. Wayne was so prestigious even when facing the legendary hell demon.

Mr. Wayne is actually a man that even the devil is so afraid of!

After the initial panic, the hell demons gradually calmed down.

Rather, they had to be forced to calm down——

Facing the Lord of Endlessness, you cannot defeat him by fighting, and you may not be able to escape by escaping.

The only way to survive is through negotiation.

"I...we are the Legion of Eternal Punishment! Our legion leader, Lord Nigel of Hell, was appointed by the great Lord of Hell, Demon King Foster!"

The leader of the demon paused, then plucked up the courage to say: "So you... well, the respected Lord of Endlessness! Please consider clearly the consequences of being an enemy of the Demon Lord!"

"Oh? Are you the Eternal Punishment Legion?"

Gao Li raised his eyebrows, as for Nigel and Foster...

Have not heard.

But since lords and demon lords were mentioned, Gao Li did understand these basic common sense.

In hell, demon kings are the highest ruling class, roughly corresponding to the level of the supreme or god-king.

As for the Demon Lord, he is a little worse, but he can also be compared to the main god in mythology.

The lord is even further down...

Originally, Gao Li was still a little unclear as to what extent his power was compared to the powerful men in the magic world.

After all, although the character of the Lord of Magic is comparable to the Supreme, character and strength are not necessarily linked.

At least he had seen the attack the ghost made against the giant beast, and Gao Li thought he couldn't carry out such an exaggerated attack.

But after experiencing the power of eliminating the God King of Naboo and receiving a blow from the giant beast, Gao Li probably had some ideas.

——Although his combat power is not comparable to that of the Supreme, his restraint on magic power is so great that he can touch anyone under the Supreme!


As soon as the leader of the demons finished speaking proudly, Gao Li smiled slightly.

"It doesn't matter, you guys look weak anyway."


Before the demons had time to be surprised or angry, the light of the knight's magic circle flashed before their eyes.

Gao Li's giant hand swept over through amplification magic, swatting countless demons along the way like mosquitoes!



"Damn it!"

The demons screamed one after another. As soon as the demons that turned into smoke touched Gao Li's palm, they were forced to return to their physical bodies.

All the magic defenses they cast, or the magic to strengthen their bodies, became useless under Gao Li's attack!


The street trembled, and the big hand like the palm of Tathagata slapped all the demons into meat patties!

When Gao Li withdrew his palm, the bodies of the demons began to spontaneously combust and turned into ashes in the blue flame.

"This... is it over?"

Clark was stunned.

It's too fast, isn't it?

It's not that Gao Li's attack power is much stronger than his. In fact, after a trip to the Fortress of Solitude, Clark's Kryptonian ability was awakened again, and his strength and speed alone have improved by leaps and bounds.

Even if he used the amplification magic, Gao Li was definitely not as good as Clark in wrestling.

But because of this, Clark was even more shocked!

Obviously, on the surface, his speed and strength were better, but he was still helpless against those demons.

When Mr. Wayne took action, he wiped out all the demons in an instant!

"Okay, let's go."

Gory, however, was like nothing had happened. After removing the transformation and concealment magic, he went straight into the hospital.

Alfred had already helped him check Constantine's ward number, so Gory could get straight to the point.

When he saw Constantine, he was very silent, sitting by the bed and smoking silently.

If Constantine hadn't coughed so badly, Gory would have almost thought he was very healthy...

Wait, that's not right.

Why did Constantine cough when he jumped out of the car?

"John, I thought you were seriously injured."

Constantine turned around and saw Gory.

"It's you... I just felt some magic fluctuations downstairs. Did you use magic to rush here?"

Gory shook his head, but didn't say Clark's existence.

It can be seen that Clark doesn't want to be exposed too early, so he didn't even go into the hospital, but waited downstairs.

"No, I just wiped out a group of demons downstairs."


Constantine was stunned, his face a little strange.

"Is it the Eternal Punishment Army?"

"You know? Sure enough, they are the demons that are looking for you. No need to thank me. I helped you deal with the danger in advance."

Constantine was silent for a moment, without saying much, just laughed.

"It's good that the Eternal Punishment Army was eliminated, a good death!"

Gory thought he hated the enemy and skipped the topic directly.

"So how did you recover? I heard from Afu that you were seriously injured. Wayne Industries' intelligence should not be wrong."

Constantine pointed out the window: "You just killed a lot of demons, can't you guess it?"

"You recovered with the help of demons?"

Gory was stunned, and his face became strange.

Could it be that the Eternal Punishment Army is actually Constantine's friendly army?

But thinking about Constantine's crooked ways again, many of the magics borrowed the power of hell demons, which seemed reasonable.

"I guess so... although he forced me to recover." Constantine said vaguely.

In fact, Constantine was able to recover so quickly from his serious injury thanks to a high-level lord of hell who forced him to drink his demon blood.

That demon lord was the leader of the Eternal Punishment Legion, Nagel!

At the same time, Nagel was Constantine's childhood playmate, and it can be said that he has a lot of connections with Constantine.

But this does not mean that he has a good relationship with Constantine. In fact, the two are enemies.

However, Gao Li did not care about those things. Since Constantine has recovered, it proves that he can also protect himself.

As for Nagel, the leader of the Eternal Punishment Legion...

When destroying those demons just now, Gao Li did not feel that there were any difficult opponents, so Nagel must not be among them.

If Nagel is a lord of hell, it would be difficult for Constantine to deal with it with his strength.

But since the Eternal Punishment Legion helped him recover, it would not be killed again after recovery, right?

"It seems that I came here for nothing," Gao Li shrugged, "You don't have to reimburse the travel expenses, but you can tell me why you jumped out of the car."

"I thought you were fighting with someone before, and then you were forced to jump out of the car halfway, such as the Eternal Punishment Legion... It seems that this is not the case now."

If it was the Eternal Punishment Legion that caused Constantine to jump out of the car, why should they help him heal his wounds?

Constantine looked melancholy when he heard this, took another deep puff of cigarette, and then coughed violently.

"Actually... I jumped out of the car by myself, which is related to my past experience."

"Is that so," Gao Li turned and opened the door, "Then I'm not interested, bye."

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