
It can be seen that Constantine's mind is indeed very unstable now and he urgently needs to find someone to talk to.

This is a rare thing. After all, who can make a bastard show such a pricked conscience expression?

So the fun-loving Gaoli stayed again and sat opposite Constantine.

"Please start your show...well, I mean tell your story."

Constantine: "..."

Damn it, I suddenly didn’t want to tell him anymore.

After a long silence, Constantine spoke sadly.

"A few days ago, in order to investigate the Holy Advent Crusade, I asked a friend of mine to help. His name is Rich Simpson."

"Although Richie has no magic power, he has created a kind of quantum magic, which allows him to enter his soul into machines and networks."

"Oh?" Gao Li became interested when he heard this, "Then there are great development prospects?"

If this kind of skill is used to develop technology, it will definitely be of great help. Gao Li also came up with the idea of ​​​​getting acquainted with Rich through Constantine.

There is no doubt that this is a genius!

"Yes, he should have a bright future, but...but...I didn't expect that investigating the Crusaders would be so dangerous!"

When Constantine heard this, he showed a very painful expression.

"Originally, according to the intelligence I collected, there should be no experts in the Crusaders. Because of this, I felt relieved to let Rich go investigate."

"However, when Richie's soul entered the Internet and explored the secrets of the Holy Advent Crusade, he seemed to have come into contact with a higher level of terrifying existence!"

"This directly overloaded his body and caused him to self-immolate on the spot. I tried my best to put out the fire. In just a few breaths, Rich's body was burned to ashes..."

Gao Li was dumbfounded when he heard this. He was just doing a favor to his friend, but his body was immediately burned away...

This Constantine is really a friend killer, the ultimate disaster star!

Gao Li guessed: "Although the Holy Crusaders look weak, almost the weakest existence among humans, gods, and demons, there is heaven behind them."

"It's very possible that when Rich went to explore the secrets of the Crusaders, he accidentally connected to heaven. If he, a mortal, dares to take action on the secrets of heaven, he will certainly be punished by God."

"I didn't think of this before, I'm sorry for him!" Constantine's head suddenly dropped lower.

Gao Li was unable to complain for a while. After thinking about it, he felt that he could only comfort him casually.

"Mm...I can't say it, but being friends with you is a terrible thing. Fortunately, Richie's soul has entered the Internet. Although his body is gone, he can think of other ways..."

"It's too late!" Constantine said sadly. "Although Richie's soul senses that his body is disconnected, I can't let him know that his body has been burned."

"Otherwise, Richie's soul will turn into an evil spirit on the spot! So...I...unplugged the computer's power cord and let Richie rest in peace!"


Gao Li was really stunned this time, even more shocked than before.

NMD, why? !

"John, is there a hole in your fucking head? Is this necessary? You killed your friend with your own hands!"

Constantine sat down slumped and whispered: "I know... I know, but this is better than letting Rich degenerate into an evil spirit and go out to harm others..."

"After all, Richie's quantum magic is really powerful. I know nothing about it. Once Richie turns into an evil spirit, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop him from escaping from the Internet..."

Gao Li understood what Constantine meant.

If Richie turns into an evil spirit, he will probably have the properties of quantum magic.

For other evil spirits, Constantine has plenty of ways to exorcise them, but for quantum evil spirits that can move freely between networks and machines, Constantine is helpless.

In other words, he was 100% unable to prevent Richie's evil spirit from going out to harm people. In order to avoid causing greater damage, Constantine simply killed Richie in advance.

"Although you act very sad, as if you would kill for the safety of others, I still can't understand it and think you are very sick."

Gao Li's blood pressure soared when he heard that a good scientific research genius was wiped out by Constantine!

"Even if Richie's body is gone, why do you assume that he will become a demon? Can't Richie have an iron will?"

Constantine was startled, then reacted and explained: "Gaoli, your magic system has never appeared before, so you don't understand some of the original common sense in the magic world, right?"

"In your imagination, I'm afraid that after the human soul leaves the body, it just doesn't have a physical body, and other will and thoughts are the same as before... but this is wrong."

"When a human soul leaves the body, it is equivalent to losing its protective shell and regulating function. All his emotions and desires will be directly exposed to the outside world, which is equivalent to completely exposing his inner heart."

"In this case, you can understand that he has become an extremely emotional existence. When Richie discovers the truth that he is dead, it will be like a fire that directly ignites his soul!"

Gao Li narrowed his eyes noncommittally. He understood the truth, but he still felt a little uncomfortable thinking about it.

Richie's death was so painful and innocent!

Just then, Constantine's cell phone rang.

Gao Li signaled him to answer the phone first. After the call was connected, Constantine listened for less than a minute before showing an extremely dull face.


The next moment, Constantine screamed in grief!

102. Chapter 102 Kamen Rider Superman?



Gori was shocked. What happened?

"John, you..."

Looking at Constantine, who was like a bereaved mother, Gao Li twitched his mouth.

Wait, this can't be...

Sure enough, Constantine smiled bitterly.

"I asked... I asked Zed... to hide in a friend's house, but! But!"

Constantine buried his head deeply, and his voice became extremely painful.

"The Holy Crusaders raided his home! Not only did they capture Zed, but they also killed my friend's family!"


Gori was shocked. He didn't know how to evaluate Constantine's friendship.

Being a friend of Constantine is definitely a high-risk job.

Almost all of them will die a miserable death!

But regarding the Virgin Constantine, Gao Li had to get to the point first.

"If your girlfriend Zed is captured by the Holy Crusaders, do you need my help to rescue her? Isn't it a good time for you to ask me to deal with the trouble?"

Constantine shook his head and said, "It's too late, because my friend registered me as the emergency contact person at the police station, so the police just called me."

"In other words, this happened at least a few days ago. His neighbor called the police because he couldn't stand the stench of the corpse, and the police found the bodies of his whole family."

"Has it been several days? A few days ago, you were..." Gao Li suddenly reacted, "Oh, so why did you jump out of the car? ? You haven't told me yet. "

Constantine said bitterly: "I... I can actually see some hallucinations all the time, maybe they are not hallucinations, but real ghosts."

"There are Flack, Ann Marie, Gary... In short, they are all friends who died because of me in the past, or were accidentally killed by me."

"Of course, this also includes Richie. At that time, because I had just killed Richie with my own hands, my mind was extremely unstable. Under the pressure of the ghosts, I couldn't bear it and jumped out of the car to escape..."

When Gao Li heard this, he felt that the shock he felt from Constantine tonight was too much.

This is a damn disaster!

He actually has so many old friends whose causes of death are related to him!?

Gao Li is now seriously considering whether it is better to break up with Constantine.

The reason is that friendship with Constantine is like a curse.

Not being friends may be good for everyone.

"By the way, even if he really has such a curse, he should be immune to my endless style, right?"

Gori was thinking about all sorts of things, and pinched his brows with a headache.

"John, to be honest, I don't know how to complain anymore. You are such a bad luck. But let's be honest. Now your plan for the Advent of the Son of God cannot be completed because Zed was captured, right?"

"Even if Zed was captured a few days ago, he should have entered the headquarters of the Holy Advent Crusade by now, but as long as you know the location of the headquarters, it won't be a problem for us to break in and rescue her."

Constantine was silent this time, and he was silent for a long, long time.

Until Gao Li was a little impatient, Constantine spoke again in a hoarse voice:

"I really want to ask you, but I can't ask you. I have killed too many friends. I don't want you to be one more."

"If it weren't for Richie, I would definitely do what you said, but Richie's death means that the Holy Crusade is hiding deep behind it!"

Richie can communicate with Constantine through the machine during the period when his soul is out of his body to explore.

Because of this, Constantine was afraid that Richie would soon find that his body was burned to ashes, so he had to unplug the power quickly.

Constantine still remembered that before Richie's body burned, Richie had described to him where he was currently -

If Constantine guessed correctly, it might be the center of the Heavenly Silver City, the Golden Palace!

Because Richie wanted to invade the Golden Palace, he was punished by God!

Before this, who would have thought that the seemingly ordinary Holy Crusade would actually hide its core secrets in the Golden Palace?

Although Heaven is quite low-key, it is undeniable that Heaven is definitely the top force in the Wan Tian Yi.

Let alone other things, the great God of Heaven alone is known to everyone in the Supreme.

And because the sect under God adheres to monotheism, only God is called God, but in fact the top archangels have the highest realm, comparable to the God Kings of other pantheons, but they don't have the name of "God".

Such a top force with at least several God Kings' fighting power, and no debt owed to Gao Li, Constantine didn't think Gao Li could deal with them.

"Anyway... I have a new plan recently, which will definitely make the Son of Heaven come in vain. I don't need your help, so go away."

Constantine took another big puff of cigarette and waved his hand while coughing continuously.

Since Constantine said so, Gao Li was not enthusiastic enough to get close to him, so he could only shrug.

"Well, you've become famous in the magic world with your clever ideas before, I hope you can do it again this time, I'll go back first."

Gory went downstairs and found Clark, and found that the young Superman was also shocked.

"What's wrong? Come back to your senses." Gorrie waved his hand in front of him.

"Or do you want me to help introduce you to John, the magic master? I can't teach you magic, but he can."

Clark laughed awkwardly: "Uh, thank you for your kindness, but no."

His super hearing can hear the conversation between Gorrie and Constantine without deliberately listening.

Constantine's skill of pitting friends like the law of cause and effect, even Clark is afraid.

The two flew into the sky and returned the same way. Before they even flew halfway, Clark wanted to say something many times but stopped.

After all, he is still a young man. Today, he heard and saw so many secrets of the magic world, and his curiosity could not be stopped.

"Ask if you want to. You will definitely come into contact with enemies in this area in the future. It's not a bad thing to know more."

Gorrie had already seen Clark's restlessness and knocked on his head with a smile.

Clark asked embarrassedly: "Um... Mr. Wayne, what are the Eternal Punishment Legion and the Holy Crusade?"

"And I seem to have heard 'Virgin Mary'? Is it the Virgin Mary? What happened to Mr. Constantine's friend's family being killed?"

Clarke was a little confused. The name of the Holy Crusade sounded like a church organization, didn't it?

Why would they do such a cruel thing as killing a whole family?

This made Clark, who had a sense of justice, indignant.

"This involves the most important event in the magic world at present," Gory began to explain to Clark, "Have you heard the story of Jesus?"

The Bible is well-known in the United States. With Jesus as an example and Gory's explanation, Clark quickly understood the details of the "Second Coming of the Son of God".

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