"La la la la la..."

At this time, Dingjili was still humming a tune while scraping the fish scales with a military dagger.

He didn't notice the eight or nine people walking towards him behind him.

It wasn't until they got closer and Dingili saw the fish in his hands that he noticed the movement.

"Damn! He's got a fish!"

Someone shouted something, and the others immediately went crazy. They rushed towards Dingjili regardless, trying to snatch the fish from his hand.

"What are you doing! Stay back! This is my fish! You want to eat it and catch it yourself!"

Dingjili looked horrified, holding a military dagger and shouting a warning to these people with a vigilant expression.

"Nigger! Where did you get so much fish? You can't finish it by yourself, can you? Give us some!"

Charlie looked at the fish that had been processed on the ground and swallowed hard and said.

"No! This fish was caught by Chen Fan! If you want to eat it, you must obtain his consent!"

Dingjili refused without thinking.

"Chen Fan? That Chinese monkey? Where did he get the fish?"

After Charlie heard Chen Fan's name, his face was filled with shock and resentment.

"Catch it from the sea! If you want to eat it, you can catch it yourself!"

Dingjili said unceremoniously.

"Hmph! Since it belongs to him! It belongs to everyone! Brothers! Let's go! Grab all these fish! Each of us is going crazy!"

Charlie still resented Chen Fan for kicking him just now, and he was encouraging others to grab the fish.

The others were also very hungry and couldn't care less. They surrounded Dingjili like hungry wolves.

"Asshole! Get away!"

Dingjili became anxious, and he waved the military dagger randomly.

Although he is stronger than these people, their physical strength has been exhausted now.

Fighting now is entirely based on human instinct.

What's more, everyone is now in a state of extreme hunger, and everyone goes crazy when they see real food.

No matter how powerful Dingjili is, he is still no match for so many people.

Soon the military dagger in his hand was knocked to the ground, and then someone knocked him down.

Several people rolled in a ball on the beach, fighting for the fish that had been processed.

After Chen Fan gathered all the materials, he was about to go find Dingjili, but he didn't expect to see this scene when he came to the beach.

"You guys held him down! I'll get the fish!"

Charlie said this to several other students, then climbed up from the ground and walked towards the pile of fish that had been processed.

"Hey hey hey! There's something to eat!"

Charlie looked at the pile of sea fish greedily, and his laughter couldn't help but flow from the corner of his mouth.

"This is my fish, what do you want to do?"

Just when Charlie reached out to catch the fish, a big hand grabbed his wrist forcefully.

A cold voice sounded from above his head.

"Chen Fan?!"

Charlie looked up, his expression suddenly dropped when he saw Chen Fan, and a hint of guilt flashed across his face.

But he soon calmed down, rolled his eyes, and said, "Chen Fan, we are all friends, how about sharing these fish with everyone? You can't eat so much by yourself anyway."


Chen Fan looked at Charlie coldly and said these three words.

"Well...aren't you Chinese people the most particular about sharing? And you are also the most compassionate."

"Look, everyone hasn't eaten for a day. You can't bear to see us starving, can you?"

Charlie said shamelessly.

"Sharing is sharing with people. Dogs don't deserve it."

Chen Fan glanced at Charlie contemptuously and said this.

Charlie instantly became angry and stared at Chen Fan angrily.

"Asshole! Who are you calling a dog?"

"Whoever barks the loudest is the dog."

Chen Fan raised his eyebrows and said without any hesitation.

"Damn it! Brothers! Chen Fan doesn't agree to share the fish with us! What do you think we should do?"

Charlie was smarter this time. Instead of confronting Chen Fan himself, he yelled and called over the students who were entangled with Dingjili.

"Hey! Chinese monkey! I advise you to be wiser! Let these fish out! Otherwise, I will make you walk around without being able to eat."

The leader of the Xiong Nation said with a malicious look on his face.

"The fish is right there. If you want to eat it, go get it according to your ability."

Chen Fan said, taking a step forward and blocking the fish.

"Very good! You have the guts!"

Xiong Guoren didn't expect that Chen Fan would be tough with him, and his face suddenly darkened.

Then he walked up to Chen Fan, reached out and grabbed his collar.

He used his arms hard to grab Chen Fan from the ground.

But what was surprising was that Chen Fan stood motionless on the spot.

Xiong Guoren frowned slightly and strengthened his hand a little more.

But he still couldn't let the soles of Chen Fan's feet leave the beach at all.

"Pushkin, what's wrong with you? You can't even deal with a Chinese monkey?"

Charlie frowned beside E and said with some disdain.

"Shut up!"

Pushkin cursed angrily in a low voice with a dark face, and then used force on his hand again.


He let out a low growl, and the muscles in his hands swelled a little more, and veins popped out.

But even if he tried his best, he still couldn't shake Chen Fan at all.

"That's it?"

Chen Fan glanced at Pushkin contemptuously and revealed a mocking smile.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Pushkin's wrist, turned his body violently, pressed Pushkin's arm on his shoulder, and threw him backwards with a force.

Pushkin's strong body drew an arc in the air, and then slammed heavily on the beach with a bang, stirring up a cloud of dust.

Pushkin was dizzy and swollen, and he became more gloomy after not eating for a whole day.

He lay on the ground for a long time before recovering.

"Asshole! Let's go together!"

Charlie didn't expect that even Pushkin would be defeated. He roared and led the attack on Chen Fan.

The other people hesitated for a while, and finally took action.

Because they were really hungry.

"Chen Fan! Be careful!"

Ding Jili, who looked embarrassed, wanted to help, but he really had no strength. He climbed up from the beach, his eyes turned black, and fell to the ground again.

Chen Fan stood there with a contemptuous smile on his face, looking at these people coldly.

The punches they threw out, exhausted, had no killing power at all.

They were no threat to Chen Fan at all.

Bang, bang, bang——

Ding Jili, with black eyes, only heard a series of sounds of flesh colliding.

"Chen Fan! You bastards! I'm going to kill you!"

He instinctively thought that Chen Fan was beaten by these people, and rushed towards Chen Fan with a roar.

The next second, a powerful big hand pressed against Ding Jili's forehead.

He couldn't move forward any further.

"Bastards! Let me go!"

Ding Jili shouted while pushing forward with all his strength.

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