"never mind."

Chen Fan's clear and cold voice came from above his head, Dingjili was stunned for a moment, and then stopped.

Looking up, I found that the seven or eight people were beaten to the beach at this time.

"W-what's going on?"

Dingjili asked in surprise.

"You want to eat fish, right? Then go into the sea and catch it yourself."

Chen Fan did not answer Dingjili's words, but picked up Charlie from the beach with one hand and threw him straight into the sea.



Charlie, who was beaten by Chen Fan until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, was thrown into the sea so abruptly that he didn't even react for a moment and was given a few mouthfuls of seawater.

The way it looks like flopping in the sea water is as embarrassing as it is.

"Chen Fan, why do I feel that you have become much more powerful?"

Dingjili looked at Chen Fan and said thoughtfully.

Although he had never fought with Chen Fan, he could clearly feel that Chen Fan's aura had changed.

Sharper and more majestic than before.

"Yes? It's okay."

As Chen Fan said this, he bent down to pick up the fish that had been processed on the beach.

"Let's go grill the fish."

"Asshole! Chen Fan, I want to report you! Report you for beating a classmate!"

Charlie climbed up from the sea in a panic and shouted at Chen Fan loudly.

"Sorry, it's still assessment time."

Chen Fan dropped these words without looking back.

He was not worried that William would eliminate him because of this, because if he had wanted to, he would have sent someone to stop him.

Soon, the fire was lit.

Chen Fan used cleanly cut branches to spear all the fish, and then put them on the fire to take the test.

During this period, some wild peppercorns, cumin, etc. were constantly sprinkled on the fish.

Among them, he also found a rare plant called Yangushuang. The fruits of this plant can be ground into powder and used as salt.

After some tinkering with him, the grilled fish soon had a mouth-watering aroma.

"Chen Fan, you will be my big brother from now on! I will follow you!"

Dingjili stared at the grilled fish from the side, his mouth almost dripping to the ground, and he worshiped Chen Fan.

Many students arrived at the finish line one after another.

After they rested, they all smelled the aroma of Chen Fan's grilled fish.

But because of what Charlie and the others had learned, they didn't dare to snatch Chen Fan's fish.

But they were really hungry, so they simply imitated Chen Fan and jumped into the sea to catch fish.

After a lot of trouble, they actually caught a lot of fish.

But they didn't have the ingredients Chen Fan had prepared, so the grilled fish was very fishy and not tasty at all.

"Ah! This grilled fish is so delicious! So delicious!"

"Chen Fan, your cooking skills are definitely comparable to those of Michelin chefs!"

Dingjili's mouth was full of oil after eating, and he had a look of satisfaction on his face.

While eating, he loudly praised Chen Fan's craftsmanship. Chen Fan felt a little embarrassed by the praise.

The other students were already hungry and their chests were pressed against their backs. The smell of grilled fish almost made them greedy to death, and Dingjili kept adding to the atmosphere.

Finally, a black man couldn't sit still, hesitantly came to Chen Fan, and asked with an embarrassed head.

"Hello, do you have any secret recipe for grilled fish? It's so delicious. I want to learn from you."

Chen Fan didn't expect that he would take the initiative to ask for advice from him. He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and handed the remaining materials to the black man.

"Here are some of the materials I have left. You can use them if you don't mind."

The black man didn't expect Chen Fan to be so easy to talk to. He was stunned for two or three seconds before he came to his senses and immediately showed an expression of joy.

"Thank you, thank you. My name is Kakarta. What's your name? Can I be your friend?"

Kakarta took Chen Fan's materials and asked with a smile.

"Chen Fan, nice to meet you."

Chen Fan said with a smile.

Chen Fan's kindness improved Kakarta's impression of him a lot.

He originally thought that Chen Fan was an unkind person, and even thought that the other person would reject him without hesitation and look down on him.

After all, China's military strength in the international arena can compete with that of Xiong and Guo.

For example, people in country M have eyes on their heads and look at people through their nostrils all day long.

I don't even bother talking to people from a small country like them.

Unexpectedly, Chen Fan had no airs at all and was even willing to be friends with him.

This made Kakarta somewhat flattered.

At the same time, I also made a decision in my heart.

That was Chen Fan who he had decided to make as his friend.

"Well, my companions and I caught a lot of fish, and we can't finish them all. I'll give you two as a thank you gift for the materials."

After a while, Kakarta came back with two fish, looked at Chen Fan shyly and said.

Chen Fan was a little surprised and looked towards a fire not far away.

There was another black man sitting next to the fire. Seeing Chen Fan looking at him, he smiled very friendly at Chen Fan.

"We have enough fish. If you really can't finish it, you can give the fish to others."

Chen Fan declined Kakarta's kindness.

It wasn't that he was ungrateful, but the fish they caught were indeed enough to eat.

It would be a waste to give these two fish to them, because the fish would be smelly if left until tomorrow morning.

"Well, thank you very much. If there is anything we can do to help you, please feel free to contact us."

Kakatar didn't force Chen Fan to give it to him, but really listened to him and gave the two fish in his hand to another student who didn't catch any fish.

The student almost cried and held the two fish as if they had found a treasure.

Other students didn't expect Chen Fan to be so easy to talk to. Kakatar set a good example for them.

So more and more people came to Chen Fan and asked him what ingredients he had for grilling fish.

Some people from some countries, because they had ridiculed Chen Fan before, couldn't lose face, so they went to Kakatar to ask for ingredients.

In short, because of the grilled fish, Chen Fan's image among these students has been greatly improved.

Even many people expressed their willingness to be friends with Chen Fan.

Of course, most of these people came from some small countries in Africa or West Asia.

But Chen Fan didn't despise them, and still greeted them with a smile.

This is what he learned from the founding leaders of China.

When China entered the United Nations, wasn't it carried in by those poor friends and friends from small countries?

How could he despise and look down on them now?

However, although Chen Fan's relationship with the people of these small countries has eased, his relationship with some European countries such as M and H has become more rigid.

Because the people Chen Fan just beat up are basically people from those countries that follow M.

They wanted to skin Chen Fan alive at this moment.

Seeing that the people of those small countries took the initiative to ease the relationship with Chen Fan, their faces turned black.

"The Chinese monkeys are getting more and more arrogant, we must do something."

Weike looked at Chen Fan, who was playing both sides, and said with narrowed eyes.

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