These black panthers and poisonous insects are trained, and the clothes distributed to Chen Fan and his men are specially soaked in a potion.

These poisonous insects and black panthers will follow the smell of the potion, but will not attack the mercenaries who are chasing Chen Fan and his men.

As soon as the cage door was opened, dozens of black panthers rushed out like arrows from a string and disappeared in the darkness in an instant.

Those poisonous insects, snakes and scorpions also entered the jungle one after another, and the hunt officially began.

Chen Fan estimated the time and knew that it was time to release the black panthers and other beasts.

He immediately stopped moving forward and quickly climbed up the tree with Ding Jili and his men.

"Strange, why did they suddenly climb up the tree?"

Charlie and his men followed behind Chen Fan and his men, and they were very confused when they saw their movements.

"Let's climb the tree too! The black panther is coming!"

Bu Keer immediately understood, and without saying a word, he quickly climbed up the nearest tree.

Charlie and his men reacted and all climbed to the top of the tree in a hurry.

"What a bunch of copycats!"

Ding Jili looked at Charlie and others who had also climbed up the tree, his face full of anger.

"Haha, don't worry, they may not be able to learn what I will do later."

Chen Fan looked at Charlie and others who did not have herbs in their hands and smiled coldly.

In fact, when he was given the uniform training uniform, Chen Fan had already smelled a very strange smell on it.

Before, he thought it was the unique smell of new clothes, after all, everyone's clothes smelled the same.

It was not until today that he knew what this smell was used for.

It is obviously used to mark those black panthers and poisonous creatures!

And the herbs he just picked can combine the smell on the clothes, so that the black panthers can no longer track them.

"Ding Jili, Tatatar, take out the herbs I just asked you to pick, mash them, squeeze out the juice and apply it on your clothes."

Chen Fan said while taking out the herbs to demonstrate.


Although Ding Jili and others did not know why Chengzhang did this, they obeyed his orders unconditionally.

Following Chen Fan's instructions, they crushed all the herbs they had picked earlier, squeezed out the juice and smeared them on their bodies.

"Huh? What are the Chinese monkeys and black ghosts doing? What are they applying on their bodies?"

Charlie and his companions on the tree looked at Chen Fan and his companions with confusion.

Bu Keer frowned at this time.

There is something fishy!

Just when they were puzzled, there were suddenly roars of wild beasts under the tree.

Looking down, they saw seven or eight black panthers under their tree.

"Damn! They found us so quickly!"

"Fortunately, we climbed up the tree, otherwise we would definitely be eaten by these black panthers!"

Charlie and his companions looked at the black panthers staring at them under the tree, and they felt their scalps tingling.

But because they climbed too high, the black panthers could not jump up and bite them.

They could only

"Strange, why are these black panthers only circling around us, but there is not a single one on the Chinese monkeys and black ghosts side?"

A student from Country F exclaimed in surprise.

After being reminded by him, Charlie and the others turned their heads to look at Chen Fan and the others.

Sure enough, there was no black panther under the tree where Chen Fan and the others were!

"What's going on?!"

Charlie's eyes widened, and he shouted in disbelief.

Ding Jili and the others were also confused by this scene.

"Strange, why don't those black panthers come to catch us? Is it because we have black skin like them?"

Ka Kata said puzzledly.

"How is it possible? They are beasts and have no emotions at all."

"Chen Fan, did you do it?"

Ka Kashiya looked at Chen Fan and asked.

"Our clothes have long been smeared with a special thing by the instructor. The smell emitted by this thing can attract black panthers and those poisonous creatures."

"This is why the black panthers can find us so quickly and accurately."

"The herbal juice I asked you to apply on your body just now neutralized the smell on our clothes, so that the black panthers could not lock our position. "

"And these black panthers are specially trained. As long as there is no special smell on their bodies, they will not be attacked. "

Chen Fan nodded and explained.

"Do our clothes have a smell? Why can't I smell it?"

Ding Jili raised his arm and smelled his clothes, surprised.

"The smell is very faint, and it is difficult for ordinary people to smell it, but because I know Chinese medicine, my nose is more sensitive."

After Chen Fan finished speaking, he suddenly jumped and jumped onto a big tree in front.

"Let's go quickly, those poisonous creatures will catch up soon."

After hearing Chen Fan's words, Ding Jili and others did not dare to delay and quickly followed.

"Assholes! They ran away!"

Charlie shouted as he watched Chen Fan and others jumping forward in the woods.

"Catch up!"

Bukel shouted, and then jumped to a tree in front.

The black panther under the tree did not leave, but followed Bukel and his direction of advance, guarding under the tree.

"What's going on? ! Why are these black panthers only staring at us! "

Charlie on the tree said angrily.

"It must be the stuff Chen Fan just smeared on his body that caused this!"

"Let's go! Let's go to the trees where they just stayed and take a look!"

Bukel immediately found the trick and quickly jumped towards the tree where Chen Fan just stayed.

There were still a lot of herbal slag on the trunk.

Bukel didn't think twice and quickly smeared the slag on his body.

Although there was not much juice left, at least it still had some effect.

Charlie and his friends who arrived later also got some, but the juice inside had been completely squeezed out.

No matter how hard they squeezed, they couldn't squeeze out a drop.

"Damn it! What should I do now!"

Charlie gritted his teeth and said.

"Wrap these slag with cloth and carry them with you!"

Bukel frowned and said.

Although he didn't know if this would work, in the current situation, he could only try his best.

Charlie cursed in a low voice, then tore a strip of cloth from his clothes and wrapped the slag in his hand.

But the medicine residue left on the trunk was limited, and many of them were thrown under the tree.

This resulted in insufficient distribution of the medicine residue.

"Asshole! That's mine! Give it to me!"

Soon, two people from Country F started fighting for it.

"I saw it first! Why should I give it to you!"

The two fought fiercely on the tree, neither of them giving in.

"Stop it! Now is not the time to fight about this!"

Bukel frowned and growled.

But his words did not work, and the two were still fighting.

Crack --

At this moment, the branch where the two were suddenly broke.

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