
The few panthers under the tree had been waiting for the opportunity. When they saw the two falling from the tree, they immediately let out an excited howl.

The minds of the two people in mid-air suddenly went blank, looking at


what to do!

what to do!

In an instant, one of the people slightly higher up suddenly thought of a way to save himself.

I saw him using all his strength to adjust his posture, and then his legs

! ! !

popped out of his eyes.

He stretched out his hand to grab something, but found nothing.

Because he was being used as a springboard, his falling speed instantly became faster.


The next second, he hit the ground hard.

The other person used his strength to grab a branch halfway and found a temporary foothold.

Then, relying on this foothold, he swung hard to a nearby tree and barely escaped death.

"Asshole! I'm going to kill you!"

The man who fell to the ground stared at him with a murderous look on his face and roared.

The man on the tree trunk looked down at him from a height, his face full of disdain and contempt.

He knew that these were just the man's last words before he died.

How could he survive being surrounded by seven or eight black panthers?

Indeed, that man must die.

After falling from the tree, two of his ribs and his left thigh were broken.

The leg bones pierced the flesh, and bright red blood continued to flow from his body.

The black panthers formed a circle, their eyes a dangerous dark green in the night.

He was approaching him step by step.

"Don't come here! Don't come here! Ahhh!"

"I have medicine residue! The black panther won't bite me! It won't bite me!"

The student below had completely collapsed at this time. He grabbed the green-black medicine residue on the ground and frantically smeared it on himself.

If he is not injured, use these residues to cover up the smell on his clothes.

Maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

Unfortunately, he is injured now.

The smell of blood stimulates the animalistic nature of black panthers. They no longer rely on the smell of their clothes to identify prey.

Instead, they rely on their innate hunting instinct to get closer to their prey step by step.

"Save me! Save me! Charlie! Promise me that you will help me pass the exam smoothly! You can't keep your word!"

Seeing that the medicine dregs had no effect, the student became even more panicked. He raised his head and frantically called for help from Charlie and the others on the tree.

"Charlie, do we want to save him? This...is in alliance with us after all."

A student from country F said somewhat unbearably.

"Save? What to save? The military dagger in your hand? Or your two fists?"

Charlie gave the F country student a cold look and said in a cold tone.

After hearing his question, the students from country F did not dare to say anything.

They had no other weapons except a military dagger.

It is completely impossible to save people from the mouths of so many cheetahs.

If we force the rescue, both sides will suffer losses.

"If you want to save him, I won't stop you, but I won't take action."

"Although we are in an alliance, we still need to control our own life and death."

"I'm on my way, you can do whatever you want."

After Charlie said this, he jumped directly to a big tree in front.

Bukel glanced at the frightened man under the tree, his eyes full of indifference.

Without saying anything, he followed Charlie, followed closely by Vic.

When the others saw that the three strongest people in the team were gone, they looked at each other.

I looked at it with some sympathy.

"No! Don't go! Please! Don't go! Help me! Help me!"

The man under the tree didn't expect Charlie and the others to run away. His eyes were full of despair and fear, and he shouted for help.

But Charlie and the others didn't even look back, and jumped out more than ten meters away in an instant.


The man under the tree felt a rough breathing sound in his ears.

Warm breath sprayed on his neck, and the fishy smell of the beast filled his entire nostrils.

His expression instantly became stiff and he turned his head very mechanically.

A bloody mouth appeared in front of him.


A miserable scream sounded in the jungle, accompanied from time to time by the howls of wild beasts.

It makes the jungle look extremely scary late at night.

"Can he... survive?"

A student from Country F who was walking behind heard such a miserable cry and couldn't help but shudder, swallowed his saliva and whispered.

"With this movement, it's probably been eaten by those panthers."

The student who almost fell also curled his lips and said coldly.

"That's not because of you. If it weren't for you, he might still have a chance of survival."

The students from Country F looked at him angrily and said.

"Oh, he can also use me as a springboard for him, but it's a pity that he can't."

"If you want to blame him, you can only blame him for being too weak. You can't blame others."

This student was not angry, he just said this contemptuously.

The students from Country F couldn't utter a single word when they were shocked by these words.

"Okay, stop arguing and find Chen Fan and those niggas quickly."

"Don't forget what our purpose is."

Bukel gave the two men a warning look and said sternly.

As soon as he spoke, the two of them could only give up.

In fact, Chen Fan and Ding Jili and the others did not go far, they were about one kilometer ahead of them.

It was just because Chen Fan and the others wanted to get rid of Charlie and the others, so they deliberately covered up the traces left by their passing.

Because they walked up.

Instead, they continued to jump on the tree.

Although this greatly increased the safety factor, it was a great test of their physical strength and arm strength.

Once they were short of physical strength or arm strength, they were very likely to fall from the tree.

"Can you still hold on?"

After walking another three kilometers, Chen Fan looked at the panting Kakashiya brothers and asked.

"Huhu... No, it's okay, we can still, still hold on."

The two Kakashiya brothers panted and answered.

"Tell me if you can't hold on, we'll rest for a while before going on."

Chen Fan frowned and said.


The Kakashiya brothers adjusted their breathing and nodded.

Seeing that they could still hold on, Chen Fan said nothing more and continued to lead the team forward.

When he jumped to the next tree and was about to jump forward to make room for Kakashiya.

A poisonous snake as thick as an arm suddenly appeared on the tree behind him.

"Kakashiya! Don't jump!"

Chen Fan hurriedly stopped him.

But it was too late.

Kakashiya had already jumped into the air and was about to jump onto the tree with the poisonous snake.

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