Seeing the students climbing to the top of the mountain, Chen Fan, who was halfway there, raised his hands and shouted loudly to the students.

"There are five and a half minutes left! It's up to you to fight for today's dinner!"

As soon as these words came out, the students on the top of the mountain couldn't help but trembled.

The relationship instructor starts counting the time when he starts running, not when he reaches the finish line!

Does this mean that they only have five and a half minutes to cross this swamp?

And if they can't finish it within five and a half minutes, their dinner today will be cancelled...

After Chen Fan finished speaking, he continued to attack quickly.

Seeing Chen Fan's speed, the students who were a little desperate couldn't help but feel hope in their hearts.

Because even in the swamp, Chen Fan's speed didn't seem to drop much.

"This swamp doesn't seem to be what we imagined?"

"Look at the instructor's speed, he doesn't seem to be affected by the swamp! Brother, I rushed first, if I were later, I wouldn't have dinner!"

Li Zimo shouted and rushed down the mountain.

The weight was 20 kilograms, and the downhill slope was quite steep. Li Zimo could move his legs faster than anyone else.

Seeing Chen Fan's speed running across the swamp, the other students also felt a little hope in their hearts.

"For food! Come on!"

"If we don't eat, how can we train tomorrow? We might as well starve to death!"

"I'm rushing too! There are only five and a half minutes left!"

The students cheered each other on, and each student rushed crazily down the mountain like dumplings.

Perhaps it was because they stood there for a while, or perhaps because they were doing their homework, that the students' speed miraculously increased.

Chu Qingyun did not hesitate anymore and rushed downwards with the large army.

But the moment they stepped into the swamp, they were completely dumbfounded.

Is this swamp so deep? !

Just by stepping on it lightly, they can sink nearly twenty centimeters. If they stand for a little longer, their legs may be swallowed!

"Holy crap! Is the instructor fake, or is there something wrong with this swamp! Why can the instructor run so fast on the swamp, as if he's walking on flat ground?"

Li Zimo immediately shouted.

The other students also felt something bad the moment they descended into the swamp.

Before going down to the swamp, they thought the swamp was very shallow. After all, Chen Fan ran so fast on it.

After going down to the swamp, the students' faces turned green.

Now they are carrying a full twenty kilograms of weight. Once their legs sink in a little more, it will be very difficult for them to pull them out.

"Can't stop!"

Chu Qingyun frowned and said loudly: "If we stop, we will be completely hopeless! If we sink in a little longer, it will be even more difficult for us to pull out in a while!"

"We can only run the last one thousand meters in one go! Otherwise we will sink deeper and deeper into this swamp!"

Even though moving forward in the swamp requires a very high amount of physical energy, they have no choice.

If they stay stagnant in the swamp for one more second, the next step they take will consume their energy exponentially, causing unnecessary consumption.

"Fuck! Let's fight!"

The students roared and rushed forward with all their strength.

The faster they run, the less extra force they have to waste.

After a full twenty kilometers, Chen Fan felt particularly leisurely.

Even Chen Fan didn't know where he found a piece of dogtail grass, and lay on a big rock, leisurely watching the students struggling in the swamp.

"Not really stupid."

Chen Fan smiled softly and said to himself: "I also knew not to stay in the swamp for too long. I thought I would lose my mind after running for such a long time."

Until now, the only thing that can support the students is their tenacious willpower.

Is there any difference between speed and speed at this time?

Now it's all about their willpower to see if they can break through the limit.

The students did not live up to Chen Fan's expectations. Finally, after two minutes, notification sounds gradually sounded in Chen Fan's mind.


"Student Chu Qingyun successfully broke through the limit, and student Li Zimo broke through the limit..."


Most of the students have almost exceeded their limits and are sprinting forward crazily with the remaining strength they have after breaking through their limits.

With the last minute left, Chu Qingyun successfully reached the finish line in first place.

Li Zimo followed closely.

"last minute!"

Chen Fan shouted towards the swamp.

As soon as these words came out, the students who had not yet reached the finish line ran forward as if they were desperate.

Every kick seemed to use up all their strength.

"Instructor, can we take a rest now?" Chu Qingyun asked.


Chen Fan said calmly.

After receiving permission, those who successfully ran to the finish line immediately fell to the ground.

"One, two,, eight, nine..."

Chen Fan lay on the stone and counted silently.

Finally, the number came down to twelve.

"Instructor, what are you counting?" Chu Qingyun looked at Chen Fan with some confusion.

He compared it and found that there were only seven of them before the finish line, not twelve at all.

There are a total of thirty people in their class, and the remaining twenty-three are even less likely to constitute twelve.

"Twelve poor guys who can't get dinner."

Chen Fan said calmly.


Li Zimo on the side couldn't help but exclaimed.

Twelve poor guys who can't have dinner?

They haven't finished running yet, how did the instructor know that twelve people can't have dinner?

Time passed by minute by minute.

Beep beep...

The stopwatch sounded, and the six-minute countdown ended!

At this time, Chu Qingyun looked towards the swamp again.

Sure enough, there were twelve students who were about to finish in the swamp.

Is the instructor a fortune-teller? Can he calculate this?

Finally, another half a minute passed, and the last student finally reached the finish line.

"Isn't the training intensity of this Chen Fan too high?"

At this time, a school leader said.

"It's a bit too high, after all, they are just some children."

"High-intensity training alone may not be enough to pass the assessment in two months."

"Carrying 20 kilograms of weight, running 20 kilometers, the value of this 20 kilometers is N times stronger than the ordinary 20 kilometers."

Looking at the results of the intensive class, the school leaders discussed it.

"But his effect is also significant."

The principal said: "If they don't push them, they will never know if they can run these 20 kilometers."

"For them, this may be an impossible 20 kilometers, but now they have done it."

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