As he spoke, the principal recalled.

Not long after running away, the students lost track of Chen Fan.

At this time, Chen Fan also showed off his strength.

Although these students are lacking in physical fitness and combat command, they are not far behind in special skills.

Put these students into some regular special forces, and these students can definitely be called kings of soldiers.

Their investigative capabilities are no worse than anyone else's.

But these thirty students with extremely strong investigative abilities were assassinated by Chen Fan alone.

Although the principal also disapproved of Chen Fan, thinking that he got in through connections.

But now, the principal can't help but have some changes in Chen Fan.

At least he is indeed very strong in terms of strength.

He was so disguised that even if they used a panoramic camera, they wouldn't be able to detect him.

And since Chen Fan stopped the students and said something to them, the students obviously became more adaptable in the following training than in the first few kilometers.

Could it be that this person is also unique in teaching?

At this time, the students on the screen once again made new moves.

This surprised the leaders.

"Don't they still have to continue training?"

The school leaders couldn't help but said curiously.

Seeing this scene, the principal couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and continued to step forward to take a look.

Just when he was at the finish line, Chen Fan had already called Xiaoxuan and asked Xiaoxuan to send a few cars to pick him up.

Chen Fan's destination was very close to the road, and he led the students to the roadside in a few minutes' walk.

At this time, the responding vehicle had already been parked on the roadside.

When they saw a car parked on the roadside, the students' eyes suddenly shone.

"Remove the burden."

Chen Fan said calmly.


Every time I take off the weight, it never feels as good as this time!

The moment the weight was removed, the students could even feel that they were given wings and they could now fly directly into the sky.

When I started walking again, I felt like the world had become lighter.

"Put your stuff in the car."

Chen Fan pointed at the military vehicles and said.


Soon, the students did not hesitate at all. One by one, they picked up the heavy-duty sandbags and rushed towards the car like flying.

After putting the weight-bearing sandbags in place, the students stood beside the vehicle and waited with their chests raised and their mouths raised.

The extremely hard seats in the car are now so luxurious in their eyes!

What they were waiting for was Chen Fan's order to get in the car!

After loading all the load on the car, Chen Fan nodded to the driver of each car.

Then, the engine started.

Hearing the sound of the engine, the corners of the students' mouths raised even higher.

Although it didn't take long to drive twenty kilometers, it was enough for them to get a good sleep.


Why is this engine sound getting closer and closer to them?

When they turned around and looked again, they found that the vehicle had already left them!


The students were immediately stunned on the spot.

Looking at the car getting further and further away, the students stood there for a long time, unable to recover.

"Instructor, the car has left?"

Li Zimo asked Chen Fan tentatively.

"Well, let's go."

Li Zimo was stunned immediately, "Are you leaving now?"

"if not?"

Chen Fan frowned slightly and asked, "Do you still want to take the car?"

As soon as this statement came out, the students immediately burst into laughter.

Do you think you want to take a car?

See, are these still human words?

"No, instructor, shouldn't we take the car?" Chu Qingyun also said with some confusion.

"Look at your results."

Chen Fan said disdainfully: "With this result, do you still have the nerve to ask for a ride back?"

"Do you know how long it took you to run these twenty kilometers?"

The students were startled.

"A good two hours."

Chen Fan said calmly: "Why do you have the nerve to take the car in this situation? If I were you, I wouldn't even eat dinner."


The students almost fainted on the spot.

Is it still possible for a person to carry a weight of 20 kilograms and run for an hour in this kind of terrain?

If I were you I wouldn't even eat dinner, which is putting it lightly.

"The more I think about it, the angrier I get."

Chen Fan frowned and said, "Dinner is canceled today. Your performance is really bad."


The students' eyes widened. Did they hear it wrong?

"I forgot you were cadets in a military academy."

Chen Fan said: "This is how I train normal special forces, but as a member of the military academy, your talents and physiques are better than those of normal special forces."

"Anyone who graduates from the military academy can easily defeat my men if you pick any one, but your current results are not even half as good as mine."

"If you pass the assessment in two months, you will graduate in one year. In this year, I really can't think of how you can improve to reach the heights of those people."

"Letting you have dinner is really too cheap for you."

All students: "???"

"It is said that the students who can enter the military academy are extremely talented."

Chen Fan said calmly: "But I feel that you are nothing more than that... You really disappoint me."

"I feel that canceling your dinner is a bit of a bargain for you."


After hearing this, the students almost fainted on the spot.

Canceling our dinner is a bargain for us?

Our talents are poor?

From childhood to adulthood, they have never been denied by others like this.

Almost everyone among them has been praised since childhood, praised for how smart they are, and praised for how talented they are.

As a result, when they came to Chen Fan's place for an afternoon, Chen Fan directly denied their talents twice.

Although they may be a little worse than other students in the same school, they... are not so bad, right?

"You don't meet the standards in physical fitness and combat command."

Chen Fan asked: "But you should be able to meet the standards in special skills, right?"

The students were stunned at first, and then replied: "Meet... meet the standards."

"Meet the standards?"

Chen Fan said in disbelief: "This level can meet the standards?"

"Are the standards for military academies so low?"

Students: "???"

Brother, how did you see our level?

You only led us to train for an afternoon, and it was just running. How did you see that we were not good at special skills?

"Thirty people were silently eliminated by me alone."

Chen Fan said puzzledly: "I really can't figure out how you met the standards in skills. I was within one meter of you and you didn't even feel it."

Listening to Chen Fan's words, it seemed to be true...

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