Chen Fan looked around the surrounding environment, and finally stopped at the mountainside, which was about a thousand meters away. It was a very good sniping point.

It was a ridge and it was not easy to climb up, but to Chen Fan, this was nothing.

"Should I go up there and snipe them? You hide here. If someone wants to escape, you shoot again."

Chen Fan pointed to the ridge, then pointed to a slope, and said to He Chenguang.

He Chenguang looked up and saw that it was indeed a perfect sniper spot. If the opponent didn't have heavy weapons or long-range artillery fire, Chen Fan would be in an invincible position on it. No matter how many people the opponent came to, they would be killed!

However, with this steepness, it doesn’t seem that easy to climb up.

"Chen Fan, this is too dangerous, there is no need for us to take this risk..."

He Chenguang opened his mouth to persuade.

"Don't worry, for ordinary people, this may be very dangerous and impossible to climb up, but for me, it's nothing at all."

Hearing this, He Chenguang opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him again, but Chen Fan had already taken steps to run towards the foot of the mountain, and turned to him and said: "Hurry up, the enemy will be back soon!"

In the end, He Chenguang still didn't say anything. He looked at Chen Fan's back with a wry smile on his face, and then ran to his ambush position.

Soon, He Chenguang laid an ambush, and then looked up at Chen Fan who was climbing up the mountain. He was still a little worried.

"So fast!"

When he saw that Chen Fan had climbed nearly a hundred meters, He Chenguang's pupils were shocked.

Are you born in the year of the Monkey? How can you climb?

Such an idea popped up in He Chenguang's mind involuntarily.

Chen Fan's climbing relied entirely on his strong hands to grasp the concave and convex points, and then kept climbing up.

This method of climbing is very similar to a popular exercise method nowadays, which involves climbing up with only your hands.

However, most people would end after climbing only a dozen meters, but Chen Fan had already climbed a hundred meters, and the speed was so fast, it was simply inhuman.

There is a reason why Chen Fan chose this climbing method. He only needs to climb up and there is no need to consider the footing point. As long as the strength is strong enough, climbing up with two hands is much faster than using both hands and feet.

"It seems that my worries are really unnecessary."

He Chenguang sighed.

In fact, Chen Fan didn't want to use this method, but he saw another group of people appear from the radar scan.

Twenty-two people are moving here quickly.

If these people didn't have clear goals, why would they run straight here?

Their goal was to rescue Gao Shiwei and Fan Tianlei, and Fan Tianlei and the others happened to be here, which had to make Chen Fan suspicious.

Chen Fan was a little unsure. Did these people already know where Fan Tianlei and Gao Shiwei were hiding?

But when I think about it, something doesn't seem right. If they knew, why did only these twenty-two people know about it? Why didn't anyone else know?

This is something Chen Fan doesn't understand.

Maybe, this is just a coincidence.

The mountainside where Chen Fan wanted to go was more than 500 meters above the ground.

When Chen Fan was halfway up, he finally got thunderous and had to stop and rest.

"Why did you stop?"

He Chenguang saw Chen Fan stop, and his heart lifted again after he had just let go.

"Don't let anything happen to you, Chen Fan!"

He Chenguang murmured in his mouth, with a very worried expression on his face.

At this moment, Chen Fan, who had had enough rest, continued to climb up again, and this time, he occasionally used his feet.

Two minutes later, Chen Fan finally climbed the last two hundred meters and stood on the mountainside.

Without any pause, Chen Fan immediately found a relatively flat position, lay down, and then set up the sniper rifle.

Seeing this, He Chenguang also leaned down and hid himself.

Just after the two of them were in ambush, a blue army team slowly appeared in the distance. It was the blue army team that Chen Fan had scanned.

This Blue Army team is the team that the high school team asked Ling Xiangdong to arrange.

There were a total of forty-five people left in the field company. Ling Xiangdong divided everyone into two teams, one on the left and one on the right to outflank them.

But somehow, this team slowly deviated from the direction while running, and no one noticed it, and they came to Chen Fan unknowingly.

"You tell me, isn't this place very close to the Red Army territory? Why didn't I see a single Red Army soldier?"

A Blue Army soldier was very puzzled and couldn't help but ask.

When they first started, they were not as bold as they are now, but very cautious.

After just wandering around in the woods for a long time, I didn't even see a living person, so I couldn't help but slowly relax my vigilance.

"Hey, I heard that the reason why the Red Army often loses to our Blue Army is because they always fight according to conventional combat methods."

"Modern war is an information war and a technological war. Whoever has more and accurate information and advanced weapons and equipment will basically win!"

Another blue soldier replied, looking very understanding.

"so many people?"

He Chenguang, who was hiding in the dark, felt a little nervous when he looked at the group of people appearing in the distance.

Isn't it too long for these two special people to ambush more than twenty people?

They didn't have grenades to set up an ambush. How could they fight with just two guns?

"Let it be, it's a pity that I haven't avenged Erniu and Yanbing yet!"

At this time, the blue soldiers were getting closer and closer, and they had entered the best shooting distance.

However, the expected gunshots did not sound.


"Why didn't Chen Fan shoot?"

He Chenguang was very confused. Didn't he say that he was ambushing the blue soldiers here?

Could it be that he didn't dare to fight because there were so many people?

Until the blue soldiers passed by and gradually walked away, Chen Fan still didn't shoot.

His target was very clear, that is, the Wolf Fang Commando and the dog-headed Lao Gao.

The previous two times, they were obviously going to kill them all, and at the critical moment, the support of the blue army would arrive.

Is this the protagonist's halo?

Chen Fan didn't believe it!

It has become his wish to kill all the powerful protagonists in these special 1.

Seeing that Chen Fan didn't shoot, He Chenguang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, several more blue soldiers appeared, and it was the high school team.

"It's them!"

When He Chenguang saw the people clearly, he was immediately excited.

The combat uniforms worn by the high school team were different from those of the regular troops. Although he didn't see their faces clearly, He Chenguang knew that the two people who killed Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu were inside!

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