"Wild Wolf, why do I feel something is wrong about this place!"

Zhuang Yan held the gun and observed the surrounding environment vigilantly.

At this moment, the whole world felt very quiet. There were occasionally a few birds chirping, and it was very empty. It felt like something was about to happen, which made him feel very uneasy.

"What's going on?"

"I think it's pretty good. Birds are singing, flowers are fragrant, mountains are flowing, and water is flowing."

Deng Zhenhua said happily.

"I don't know, I just feel like there's something wrong with this place!"

Zhuang Yan insisted.

The high school team's brows furrowed slightly, and he clenched his right hand and raised it, signaling everyone to stop.

His sharp eyes scanned everything around him, but he found nothing unusual.

"Look, there are footprints on the ground!"

That was left by the twenty-two Blue Army soldiers who passed by before.

Since there are many of them, one on top of the other, it is easy to leave traces.

"Judging from the messy footprints, there should be more than fifteen people on the other side."

"Could it be Platoon Leader Ling and the others?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"But after all, this place is relatively close to the Red Army's position, so it's better to be careful!"

After the high school team finished speaking, they looked up at the mountains not far away.

This side of the mountain is either a cliff or full of lush thorns, making it impossible for humans to climb up.

There shouldn't be anyone ambushing you up there.

At this time, Chen Fan was not aiming his gun at them, so there was also a theory that the scope reflected light.

It’s a joke. I’ve watched too many sniper movies about Chen Fan in his previous life. Many snipers were discovered because of the reflection of their sights, and therefore failed to kill their targets.

What's more, a sniper was killed because of this. It would be such an embarrassing death. Chen Fan would not make such a mistake.

With radar scanning skills to keep an eye on them, it would not be too late to wait until a few people walked into Chen Fan's sniper spot before taking aim and shooting.

"Everyone, be careful and try to get as close to the woods as possible!"

Although no abnormality was found, for the sake of safety, the high school team still warned several people.

"Wild wolf, look!"

At this moment, Zheng Sanpao seemed to have discovered something, pointed at a small tree, and shouted in surprise.

"Keep your voice down, do you want to attract all the enemies?"

the high school team whispered.


Zheng Sanpao said seriously with an apologetic expression.

Then several people came forward one after another, and saw a small mark deliberately carved out at the root of the small tree, which was the unique mark of their wolf fangs.

This is used to tell yourself that teammates are nearby.

"This must be left by Chief of Staff Fan, they are nearby!"

Zheng Sanpao said very happily.

The high school team nodded, there should be no mistake, this is our unique mark of Wolf Fang, and the enemy cannot know it.

When he said this, for some reason, the image of Chen Fan flashed through his mind.

"Coyote, scratch it off!"


Zheng Sanpao picked up a stone from the ground and scraped it back and forth several times.

"What are these people doing there? Why don't they leave?"

He Chenguang saw a few people from the high school team stopping and muttering there, and he became a little impatient.

"Good guy, they actually made a mark. It seems that they already know where Fan Tianlei and the others are."

Sure enough, after the four people stood up, their eyes began to search around.

"Isn't it possible that some flaw was discovered?"

Seeing the four people like this, He Chenguang was startled and immediately hid behind the bunker.

He thought the four of them had found some clues and guessed that someone was ambushing them around.

After the four people searched for a while, nothing was found, so the high school team said: "Let's go, go to the front and take a look, pay attention!"

Slowly, the four of them finally walked into Chen Fan's best shooting spot.

Chen Fan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and aimed his gun at the four people.

The hunting time begins!

The moment Chen Fan aimed at them, Zhuang Yan, who was extremely vigilant, caught the reflection of the mirror from the corner of his eye, reacted instantly, and shouted hurriedly: "Be careful, there is a sniper!"

After shouting, Zhuang Yan rolled over and threw himself towards the nearest tree.

After hearing Zhuang Yan's reminder, others responded quickly, but it was already too late.


The bullet accurately hit sniper Deng Zhenhua.


Deng Zhenhua couldn't help but utter a bird's song.


Gunfire rang out again, and the dog-headed boss was also killed!

"There's gunshots!"

At this time, the team of Blue Army soldiers walking in front also heard gunshots.

"Behind us, hurry!"

The high school team stood still, silent, and finally let out a long breath.

"Siberian wolf, mountain wolf, what happens next is up to you!"

"Wild Wolf..."

Zhuang Yan clenched his teeth and looked at the high school team with red eyes, and then looked at Deng Zhenhua.

Deng Zhenhua shrugged and smiled bitterly, showing helplessness.

"Asshole, I must kill that bastard!"

Shanlang punched the ground and said with great anger.

"Mountain Wolf, don't be impulsive!"

Zhuang Yan shouted sharply.

"The enemy is halfway up the mountain, about a thousand meters away in a straight line. In this situation, we have no chance of winning!"

Zhuang Yan analyzed.


At this time, He Chenguang, who was hiding behind the bunker, saw Chen Fan kill two opponents at once, and couldn't help but clench his fists excitedly.

"There is another one!"

He Chenguang said in his heart.

The one he was talking about was Zhuang Yan, who killed Wang Yanbing and Li Erniu.

"What should we do now?"

Zheng Sanpao asked.

"We have to find a way to get the sniper rifle, otherwise we can't fight this battle!"

Zhuang Yan said.

However, Deng Zhenhua was the first to be killed. He was a little far away from them and they couldn't reach him at all.

Just when the two were worried, He Chenguang leaned out of the bunker and fired at the two.

"Be careful!"

Zhuang Yan was shocked when he saw He Chenguang aiming his gun at them.

"Da da da! Da da da!"

The two had never thought that there was another enemy hiding in the dark. Zheng Sanpao, who was caught off guard, was shot by bullets again and again, and he was "dead" and couldn't be "dead" anymore!


Looking at the white eyes on his body, Zheng Sanpao cursed unwillingly.

At this point, only Zhuang Yan was left in the entire Wolf Fang Commando Group B.

Now, Zhuang Yan had to face the attack of two masters.

"Da Da Da!"


Without time to think, Zhuang Yan stretched his reaction speed to the limit, dodging, rolling and jumping, the whole person was like a flexible monkey.

For a moment, Chen Fan and He Chenguang both failed to hit him.

Rolling forward again, Zhuang Yan hid behind a boulder.

This time, Chen Fan and He Chenguang both had no shooting angle.

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