This Zhang Zixiong is different from Ma Laoer.

The smarter a person is, the more afraid of death he is.

For example, Ma Laoer even planted a denture with poison in his teeth.

But Zhang Zixiong didn't dare to do such a thing.

That's why.

After Chen Fan confirmed that there was no denture in Zhang Zixiong's mouth through radar scanning skills, he decided to act.

The moment when Zhang Zixiong ordered his men to lay down their weapons was the most precious opportunity to act.

Everyone has their own inertia.

Although Zhang Zixiong's men are numerous.

But the quality of individual soldiers is not as good as these Zhulong special forces under Chen Fan.

When Zhang Zixiong asked them to lay down their weapons.

These people were originally paid to do things, so of course they had to listen to their financial sponsors.

The most important thing is that Zhang Zixiong had already made it very clear when he called them over.

It's just to show off his strength before cooperating with others.

There is a high probability that there is no need to take action.

But Chen Fan and Li Xiaodong and other Zhulong special forces are different.

They are always ready to fight the enemy to death.

The time bombs of the Apostle Organization sound very high-tech, and the sensing device technology is very advanced.

In fact.

Once the owner of the sensing device is afraid of death, this time bomb can be easily used by the enemy.

Just like now.

Chen Fan let go and launched an attack. Would Zhang Zixiong dare to commit suicide?

If he knew that Chen Fan represented the Chuncheng Branch and was an elite from the army.

Perhaps he still had the strong will to die together.

Unfortunately, Chen Fan's series of actions deceived this cunning agent of the Apostle Organization!

"All of you put down your weapons and squat!"

"Whoever dares to move, I will kill him!"

Chen Fan roared and walked towards Zhang Zixiong with big strides.

He believed in his teammates.

As long as those men of Zhang Zixiong dared to take action, they would definitely not end well.

This is the tacit understanding under long-term cooperation.

Zhang Zixiong still didn't know why he offended the moody Ye Aotian again.

"Brother Tian, ​​we can still discuss! We can discuss!"

But Zhang Zixiong's goal is to cooperate with the big boss in the education industry behind Ye Aotian.

So he didn't make up his mind to let his men fight back in a hurry.

And this is exactly why Chen Fan chose to act at this time!

Once Zhang Zixiong became wary.

Even if Zhou Chao brought people from the Chuncheng City detachment later, it would cost a lot to take Zhang Zixiong down.

What Zhang Zixiong said just now can be said to be all nonsense.

"Since it can be discussed, what do you mean by the nonsense you just said?"

Chen Fan's feet kept moving and continued to approach Zhang Zixiong.

"What do you mean by everyone has arrived!"

Chen Fan stepped on the coffee table in the hall: "I'm asking you now, have everyone come?"

Chen Fan pointed the muzzle of his pistol at Zhang Zixiong's head.

He clearly saw through the radar scanning skill PS that there were nearly 200 armed people in the cave base of Tianzi Mountain.

And Zhang Zixiong's men also reacted at this time.

If Zhang Zixiong fell, who would they ask for money?

"What are you doing?..."

Some of the men were brave enough to raise their automatic firepower.

Da Da!

Gunshots rang out.

The man who was about to raise his automatic firepower had his automatic rifle dropped to the ground with his hands drooping.

The one who fired the gun was Li Shutong, who had been following Chen Fan and looked harmless.

Lv Xiaodong and others were used to it.

Li Shutong had already shown her extraordinary qualities at the drug dealers' gathering.

This girl, who grew up in a military compound, looked like a good girl.

But her real temper was very hot, even fierce.

She had almost no chance to show her talents in the army before.

It was not until this time when she followed Chen Fan out to perform the mission that her different side was revealed.

At this time, Li Shutong yelled again: "All of you, squat down obediently!"

"Whoever dares to move, this is the end!"

The whole person was like a female war god descending to earth.

Zhang Zixiong looked at Li Shutong in surprise.

He only thought that the woman codenamed Haitang in the intelligence was a vase, and he never took it seriously.

But he didn't expect that she was a female devil who killed people without blinking an eye!

Sure enough.

Everyone around this unscrupulous Tian Ge can't be viewed with common sense.

Even a non-professional female bodyguard has this level, you can imagine how skilled the other male bodyguards around Ye Aotian are.

At this moment, Zhang Zixiong looked at Chen Fan with even more fiery eyes!

Of course, the stronger the partner is, the better!

What use is there in finding a bunch of embroidered pillows as partners except to make things difficult for yourself?

"Don't move!"

At this moment, Zhang Zixiong was even more excited than his men.

The strength of this partner is really too strong!

It must be maintained well!

Chen Fan couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart when he saw this scene!

It seems that his acting skills are not bad, and the role of Ye Aotian has been recognized by Zhang Zixiong.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't get excited!"

Zhang Zixiong raised his hands again to show that he had no ill intentions: "Brother Tian, ​​you are making such a big fuss, isn't it just to plan a retreat for your boss?"

"Our Apostle Chamber of Commerce has already found this retreat!"

After saying that, Zhang Zixiong winked at Chen Fan, meaning that there were too many people here and it was inconvenient to say more.

Little did he know that Chen Fan was too surprised at this time!

What is this plot?

Then he thought of it.

Zhang Zixiong mistakenly thought that the person behind Chen Fan was a big boss in the education industry who was about to come to Chuncheng for research.

That is to say.

Zhang Zixiong had other channels to contact the big boss in the education industry.

And he also knew that the big boss was trying to find a retreat.

Instantly, Chen Fan felt cold in his heart!

On the one hand, he was very shocked that the Apostle Chamber of Commerce had actually infiltrated the high-level big bosses in the Chinese education industry.

On the other hand, he was secretly glad.

Fortunately, this big boss in the education industry has not been completely dealt with by Zhang Zixiong.

Otherwise, wouldn't the role of Ye Aotian he played be exposed?

At this moment.

Chen Fan conducted a profound review and reflection on his actions!

It seems that if he has to do these things next time.

The preparation work must be more thorough!

You know, if he is exposed in advance, it will affect more than just one or two people!

Not only will the team members such as Li Shutong and Lu Xiaodong who were brought out will fall here.

The people of the Chuncheng City Detachment may also be wiped out!

The consequence is really too serious!

However, the most important thing at present is to deal with Zhang Zixiong!

"Boss Zhang, you can cooperate!"

"The premise is that you give me what I want first, and we will go to another place to talk!"

Now that Zhang Zixiong's bottom line is known.

Chen Fan's actions are not so polite!

While Zhang Zixiong was still in shock, he rushed over and removed Zhang Zixiong's two arms and controlled him.

It was not until this time that Chen Fan really breathed a sigh of relief!

Next, we just need to wait for Zhou Chao to bring the people of the Chuncheng City Detachment to finish it!

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