"Stay here and don't move. Brother Tian and I will be back soon!"

Even if Zhang Zixiong didn't say this.

These desperate men under his command didn't dare to move at all.

Although they claimed to the outside world that they didn't care about their lives.

But when they were really about to die, who dared to say that they had no attachment to life?

They didn't know about others.

But the people brought by Ye Aotian really dared to shoot!

They dared to shoot at their hands and feet when they were warned.

If they really fought, these guys in front of them would definitely be cold-blooded killers who would kill without blinking an eye!

"Boss Zhang, your decision is wise!"

Chen Fan didn't plan to say more to Zhang Zixiong.

What he feared most was that he was too harsh in the process of taking Zhang Zixiong away, and both sides would end up in a dead end.

Whether it was Chen Fan or Lu Xiaodong and others, they were ready to sacrifice themselves for the safety of the country and the people at any time.

But there was no need to make unnecessary sacrifices.

It wasn't long before Chen Fan, Lu Xiaodong and others took Zhang Zixiong away.

All the members of the Chuncheng detachment, led by Zhou Chao, also rushed to this villa.

Those desperate criminals had not had time to disband before they were surrounded by the detachment.

Just now, Lu Xiaodong and his men had made these desperate criminals dare not move.

Now facing the fully armed detachment members, they dared not even breathe.

They were disarmed one by one.

They had committed some crimes before, but even if they were caught, they would not be sentenced to death.

But if they resisted law enforcement and even used guns, the possibility of their survival was very small.

In the car.

Zhang Zixiong was still talking to Chen Fan about his cooperation plan.

"Brother Tian, ​​we also know about the big man behind you!"

"Due to the changes in the upper echelons over the years, in addition to making further progress, you are also looking for a way out!"

"Our Apostle Chamber of Commerce may not be able to do much to help the big man behind you make further progress for the time being."

"But the way out overseas will definitely satisfy the big man!"

Chen Fan just got the information from Lv Xiaodong that the Chuncheng City-Detachment's operation went smoothly.

At this time, the look he gave Zhang Zixiong was somewhat playful.

Since he is willing to cooperate with Ye Aotian.

So why not listen?

Chen Fan asked in confusion: "The so-called transaction is usually an equal exchange!"

"Just now, Boss Zhang only talked about the services he could provide to us, but did not make any requirements. I'm afraid this is not appropriate, right?"

Zhang Zixiong was confident: "Believe me! Brother Tian, ​​what I need you and the big man behind you to do is just a piece of cake for you!"

"Can you tell me in detail?"

Ma Laoer has been escorted to another car.

Now there are only Zhang Zixiong and Chen Fan sitting in the back seat of the car.

Chen Fan just wanted to verify whether the information given by Ma Laoer was true.

Then Zhang Zixiong explained in detail what he needed Chen Fan and the big boss behind him to do.

Sure enough, there was not much difference from what Ma Laoer said.

However, as the actual operator, Zhang Zixiong has more details.

For example, how he dragged those so-called painters from famous families into the water.

And how he made those materials pass the review level by level step by step.

The reason why Zhang Zixiong can speak out his plan so openly is naturally because the price he can offer is attractive enough.

"Brother Tian, ​​if you can make this happen, we have several manors in the Romantic Empire, you can choose from them!"

"If you want to settle down in the Romantic Empire or some other countries for a long time, we can also help you get a donkey card!"

"Including the dozen top maids in the manor, they all belong to you!"

"There are also more than 30 top luxury cars that have been collected since the 1980s, which will be transferred to your name in a very short time!"

Hearing this, Chen Fan's mind emerged with Fan Debiao's lines!

You use this to test cadres?

It's so exciting!

No wonder so many people are dragged into the water by the Apostle Organization. In terms of bewitching people, the Apostle Organization really has a firm grasp!

For most people.

Isn't it wealth, status and women that they work hard day and night?

"If these are given to me, they are very generous conditions!"

Chen Fan hesitated for a while and then said: "But if Boss Zhang wants to use these things to impress the boss, I'm afraid he is not qualified enough!"

Chen Fan is not bragging.

Not to mention the big shot behind his disguise this time, even for Chen Fan.

His current wealth is enough for him to buy any manor of the same conditions in China.

As for the so-called top maid.

For the top leaders, as long as the wealth and power are in place.

Women are not a problem at all.

The so-called goddesses that ordinary people can only watch from afar but not play with are just toys that can be summoned and waved away by those top rich young men.

There is a saying that goes well.

"The tree-lined path you yearn for is actually covered with white frost every night and morning."

Not to mention the big shots who came to Chuncheng for research and investigation this time.

"Since Brother Tian asked, I will tell the truth!"

Zhang Zixiong said bluntly: "If the boss is willing to join us, the Archangel of our Apostle Organization will find time to meet with the boss in person!"

The so-called Archangel is the spokesperson of a foreign force that truly controls the Apostle Organization.

It sounds really sincere!

This also proves from the side that there is indeed no problem with Ma Laoer's intelligence.

Thinking of this, Chen Fan asked the last question: "Boss Zhang, you are also a Chinese."

"Even if the Apostle Chamber of Commerce really implements the plan to eliminate the inferior races, there are only these so-called superior races in the world now!"

"Can you guarantee that you will not be reclassified as the inferior races to be eliminated?"

Zhang Zixiong smiled calmly: "Of course not!"

"Our Apostle Organization has long considered that believers loyal to the Lord may have doubts in this regard!"

"The Lord divides the superior race and the inferior race according to loyalty!"

"As long as I complete the plan to eliminate the inferior races this time, I will become the most loyal apostle!"

"Become the elite among the superior races!"

"The same goes for you and the big man behind you!"

"I will never let you bleed and cry!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but be silent after hearing this.

This guy has been brainwashing others.

But in fact, he himself has been brainwashed!

Thinking of this, Chen Fan looked at Zhang Zixiong with a trace of pity in his eyes.

It is precisely because of this pity.

When Chen Fan handed Zhang Zixiong over to the detachment, he didn't say the line he had already thought of!

Seeing Zhang Zixiong being hooded, the detachment escorted him to Chuncheng Detention Center step by step.

Chen Fan finally said the line: "I'm sorry! I'm a Chinese soldier!"


Li Shutong and Lu Xiaodong, who were standing next to Chen Fan, didn't hear it clearly.

Chen Fan shook his head: "Nothing! Go back!"

"You cooperated well in this mission!"

"After I go back, I will ask the military district party committee for credit for you!"

"At least a second-class credit!"


Li Shutong and Lu Xiaodong couldn't help cheering after hearing this!

They reluctantly returned to their respective units.

Chen Fan, with a heavy heart, continued to stay and do the final finishing work.

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