After a long journey of 6 hours.

The base team members finally arrived at a sea area prepared for them by the military region's navy.

This is also where future Marines will train.

Don't tell me yet.

Even among the base members, there are many who have never seen the sea since they were born.

Especially the boy Tan Jiaqi, when he came to the beach, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and shout: "So this is the sea!"

"I want to be Aquaman!"

The other base team members were about to pay homage!

How could he express his inner thoughts so openly and openly?

Is it possible that the main thing to learn at the National University of Science and Technology is shamelessness?

Or are you learning to be shameless?

"Haha! You want to be the King of the Sea, right?"

"Get off here for me!"

After saying that, Chen Fan kicked Tan Jiaqi down.

"Save... ugh... lives!"

Tan Jiaqi is simply a landlubber. How can he swim?

After being kicked down by Chen Fan, everyone was stunned!

The other base members who were still on the shore couldn't help but laugh.

"Is this how you treat your teammates?"

Right now.

Chen Fan's sneer rang in everyone's ears!

"The most important thing in our Chinese army is unity and friendship!"

"Brothers are already suffering in the sea, how can you still laugh while gloating on the shore?"

"How can I tolerate this?"

After saying that, Chen Fan winked at Xu Xu and the other three people.

For a moment, all four of them had evil smiles on their faces!

"Get down here, everyone!"

It doesn't matter whether these base players can swim or not.

Let’s hurry up first and then talk about it!

Even if you don’t know how to swim, how can you learn it if you don’t dare to go down?

If you don't push them, who knows where their limits are?

"Hurry! Everyone follow!"

"Did you see the small island in front of you? Is that your destination?"

"What do you mean by the look in your eyes? Are you too close?"

"It doesn't matter. There are three round trips today!"

"Also! Damn it! Can you guys pay attention to your posture? What are you doing in the water with your butts sticking out?"

"And you! Why are you swimming so fast?"

"We are a team! Are you rushing to the front to die alone?"

"The rhythm of ventilation!"

"I've said it a thousand times! No matter what we do, we have to have a certain rhythm, okay?"

Chen Fan didn't have time to let these guys adapt to the water nature bit by bit.

Everyone immediately went into training after arriving at the training area.

The first thing to start is, of course, ordinary training in a swimsuit.

There is a big difference between swimming in the sea and swimming in rivers or swimming pools!

Even those who have already learned how to swim.

When I got into the sea, my eyesight was all black, and I even felt a great sense of panic!

If there weren't many teammates around them, they might have been so frightened that they couldn't help themselves!

After water-based training during the day, night swimming training must be carried out.

Apart from the teammates around him, he couldn't see anything else in the vast sea.

Even more terrible.

By the time the unarmed swimming training phase was over, the water quality of basically all the base team members had been greatly improved.

This may be difficult for many people who have never participated in swimming training in the army to understand.

Because there is no shame in the army, and there is no such thing as sitting back and being a quail if you can't learn.

If you don't know how to swim, just kick him down and talk about it later.

Soon everyone will react.

It is better to take the initiative on your own than to be kicked down.

In this case, everyone made great progress.

But what Chen Fan wants to train is a master swimmer who can swim across the five oceans to catch turtles.

Therefore, after bare-handed swimming training, it is necessary to carry out fully equipped swimming training.

And this is just the beginning.

Once all team members are fully equipped and able to swim more than 2 kilometers in the sea, special swimming training will begin immediately.

For example, if you tie your hands and throw them into the sea water, the base team members must untie them in the sea water and swim back to the shore 1 kilometer away.

This is to deal with the possibility of being exposed and caught by the enemy in the future and having to jump into the sea to survive.

Of course, if he really got caught, it wouldn't be such a coincidence.

But even if there is only a 1/10000 chance, Chen Fan must go all out during training.

After 10 days, the water quality of almost all base team members has been greatly improved.

Next is diving training.

"Everyone, put on your diving equipment. There is no room for sloppiness in the following diving training!"

When Chen Fan led the base team members to dive under the sea water, almost everyone began to become nervous.

Although in the sea

But under the water it was almost pitch black.

If you are not careful, you may lose your direction.

"I think everyone has felt it!"

"We are very quiet under the water, and it can easily cause huge psychological pressure!"

“In this case we must trust and protect the equipment we carry!”

"Especially the locator we use to determine our position and direction of travel must be protected!"

If you get lost in the sea, it will be very fatal!

This point must be made clear to them!

"At the same time, we are in the sea environment, people will be relatively nervous!"

"At this time, our mentality must be calm! Master the breathing rhythm, the oxygen cylinder can last longer!"

"As for the mines I just talked about on land!"

"Have you all remembered them clearly?"

"Remembered clearly!"

The other base members nodded in the headset.

This is knowledge related to life and death, and must be learned carefully!

Seeing this scene, Chen Fan's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Then I will give you a task next!"

"There are 100 mine models from all over the world in our 500-meter sea area!"

"Today's task is for each of you to find a mine and bring it back to shore!"

"If you don't complete the task, you know!"

After that.

Chen Fan took Zhang Hao and four others away.

It's time for these team members to start in-depth training.

After the diving training is completed, the next step is to conduct training for various A-class ships.

This is one of the reasons why Chen Fan agreed to train the Marines for the Navy!

If he did not agree to the Navy's training requirements, the other party would not cooperate with them in ship training.

The cooperation between the two sides is a win-win situation.

There are a total of 200 members of the base team.

But there are only 100 mine models on the seabed.

Some people are destined to be unable to complete the task.

The punishment at that time will be enough to make these base members feel like they are in heaven!

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