With Chen Fan, the expert in devilish training, it is obviously impossible for the base members to complete all the training tasks.

The competition is the team members' eyesight, hand speed and swimming skills.

In the end, the 100 base members who did not complete the task fought on the beach under Chen Fan's supervision.

The rules are very simple.

No fake fights are allowed.

If Chen Fan finds out that they are faking, he will be the sparring partner.

Under this threat, almost all the base members were bruised and swollen after the beach fight.

Especially the old squad leader who just graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China and others have fallen behind a lot.

In this kind of training, it is simply ecstasy.

However, even if the training is so strict.

No one dares to complain.

The base members have already felt it.

Chen Fan has changed completely after participating in the mission of the Chuncheng Branch this time.

Although the training requirements for the base special forces were also very strict in the past.

But it is impossible to catch up with the training of every base member bit by bit like now.

After 20 days of training,

The squad leader, Tan Jiaqi, Pu Lin and others finally caught up with the training progress of the main force.

The sea training of the base also entered the boarding training stage.

From helicopter landing to the deck, speedboat approaching to board the ship, and close combat on the ship, etc., each item must be mastered to perfection.

These are the essence of special forces.

In addition, they have to suffer academic bombardment from Chen Fan and other instructors every night.

Every day, they are exhausted from training during the day, and they have to learn various ship knowledge at night.

After learning, they will take exams.

Including the general structure of the hull, the function and distribution of each cabin, how to destroy the power of the ship as quickly as possible.

And how to drive after capturing the enemy's ship, etc.

At this time, almost all the base members couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw Chen Fan teaching them!

Instructors like Xu Ke and Zhang Hao rarely come into contact with the content of maritime news.

They can only

But Chen Fan can teach the base members like other instructors seconded from the navy.

Almost every base member can't help but think of an idea in his mind!

"Besides giving birth, what else can't the captain do?"

This is destined to be a question that has no answer for the time being.

If any base team member thinks that they can rest easy as long as they do a good job in daytime training, they are very wrong!

As an ordinary special forces soldier, you may not need to master every skill to the extreme, as long as you master the general principles and the overall principles of action.

It's a pity that Chen Fan has already regarded his existing base special forces as the basis for entering the national special forces in the future.

So it must be all-round!

The things that ordinary special forces soldiers master are not taken seriously by Chen Fan at all!

These instructors from the navy are indeed very good, and they are not comparable to those guys who are simply sent here on official business to fill in the numbers and spend their days.

The reason is still the same.

If the navy does not teach these base members naval combat training well.

Then in other special combat training that they are not good at, the base will obviously not teach the bottom of the box.

Wait until a month later.

The sea training of the base special forces has almost been carried out!

Bailichuan, the captain of the Marine Corps that the Navy is about to form, also came to the training site of the base's special forces.

"Captain Chen, my name is Bailichuan. It's better to meet in person than to hear about the base!"

Bailichuan looked at the hot training ground of the base's special forces and his eyes flashed with envy: "I only heard that the base's special forces training was very strict before, and they dared to kill their own people!"

"Now I realize that our pattern is still small!"

Under Chen Fan's high pressure.

The training of the base's special forces can be said to have truly achieved everything from actual combat, which is even stricter than the standards and requirements of many large-scale military exercises in China.

The confrontation between the base team members is really like encountering their own life-and-death enemies.

There is never a saying of letting them go.

"Captain Baili should be relieved now!" Chen Fan laughed and joked: "I heard that many people in our navy are very dissatisfied with our base's special forces training the Marine Corps!"

Bailichuan blushed when he heard this.

If he was not dissatisfied, how could he come to the training site of the base's special forces?

"I want to apologize to Captain Chen!"

Bai Lichuan is not a stingy person: "It's just that the military region and the Navy Headquarters put too much pressure on us, so some inappropriate remarks appeared!"

"Now I believe it!"

"Your base members are indeed the best choice for training the Marine Corps!"


Of course!

Chen Fan smiled and stopped talking.

After Bai Lichuan left, his expression became serious.

"Old Xu, it seems that the candidates for the Marine Corps have been basically determined!"

"There is not much time left for our base to strengthen its own training!"

"Next, I have a plan!"

Xu Ke and Zhang Hao came to Chen Fan's side.

They were a little confused as to why Chen Fan suddenly paid so much attention to the training of the base members after he came back this time.

I wanted to ask but didn't know where to start.

Then there is only unconditional support!

"Captain, just say so!"

"Then let's do a periodic assessment of intensive training..."

Two days later.

Chen Fan and others took a fishing boat out to sea to prepare for an island landing combat drill.

As for why it is a fishing boat.

In fact, it has a lot to do with the situation in this sea area of ​​​​the military region.

Most of the staff of China's maritime affairs department go to sea to perform tasks almost under the guise of fishing boats.

For the base, the purpose of using fishing boats is similar to camouflage infiltration on land.

Mainly to hide their identity.

Chen Fan had already arranged for some of the base members to go to the predetermined island to simulate enemy forces.

After the attack by this wave of base players is completed, switch to another island to change the positions of the offensive and defensive sides.

But what Chen Fan didn't expect was.

A normal military exercise turned out to be unexpected.

Before their fishing boat entered the target island, a fishing boat flying a non-Chinese flag suddenly sailed towards them quickly.

Chen Fan's face suddenly darkened!

Before he came for sea training, he heard that the sea here was not very calm.

There are always minions of foreign forces looking for trouble here.

It's just that I almost didn't encounter them during training in the past month, so I didn't take them to heart.

Never expected it.

We actually met at the last moment of the exercise.

At first, Chen Fan thought the other party was also a fishing boat from another country.

When the other party went straight to the fishing boat they were on and killed them without hesitation, he knew that things might not go well today!

Think of this.

Cold murderous intent began to appear in Chen Fan's eyes!

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