"This is what I think about the engine of the new armed helicopter!"

"Our existing turboshaft engines are in the right direction!"

"But the engine's power has a fatal flaw. If it is improved according to my plan, the engine's power can be increased by at least 75%!"

"The power-to-weight ratio of the engine can be above 12!"

Chen Fan then showed the engine design plan to Wang, Chen, and Xiao based on the micro fighter engine provided in the system.

Mr. Chen originally didn't have much hope for the fighter jet engine mentioned by Chen Fan.

But when he saw the engine design plan provided by Chen Fan, he was stunned on the spot.

At this time, Mr. Chen's thoughts were roughly the same as when Mr. Wang saw the engine design plan of Chen Fan's domestic sixth-generation fighter jet!

It’s so amazing!

"Lieutenant Colonel Chen Fan, are you sure you don't want to come and study a new generation of armed helicopters with us!?"

Mr. Chen looked at Chen Fan seriously again: "Being the leader of a special operations group with your talent is a bit humiliating!"

Although it is just a design proposal, I have not seen the actual product yet.

But after a simple analysis, Mr. Chen was able to determine that the engine design plan provided by Chen Fan was definitely feasible!

Mr. Xiao beside him looked at Chen Fan with admiration: "Lieutenant Colonel Chen Fan, your engine seems to be more suitable for unmanned armed helicopters!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this.

He didn't expect that Mr. Xiao's intuition would be so sharp!

It is true that the engine of the micro fighter is a bit too advanced for ordinary armed helicopters!

On the contrary, it is more consistent with the concept of unmanned armed helicopters.

"I think it should be possible!"

Chen Fan paused for a moment before answering Chen Lao's question: "As for engaging in specialized scientific research, it is indeed not my original intention!"

Chen Fan still had a clear understanding of what was in his stomach.

Although with the support of the system, it is not difficult for him to learn to become the world's top weapon design expert as long as he works hard.

And it's quite comprehensive.

But the fundamental problem in China now is not one or two top experts!

Elder Chen and Elder Xiao could only shake their heads secretly when they heard Chen Fan's answer.

"It would be great if the young people in our research institute and the top talents in so many universities could be as down-to-earth and hard-working as Lieutenant Colonel Chen Fan!"

Director Chen sighed: "We old bones can only say that we can last one day!"

"When the day comes when we can no longer hold on, we will need young people to step up!"

Mr. Xiao also shook his head: "It's a pity that the entire society's understanding of technical jobs is too biased!"

Just tell me a very simple fact!

But if there is a 1/10,000 chance that all parents in China will never allow their children to go to technical schools.

Thousands of troops and horses rushed towards the single-plank bridge of the college entrance examination.

There are always only a few people who can finally enter the ivory tower of the university.

Even so, the vast majority of Chinese parents are flocking to it.

"If you want to truly develop science and technology, basic industry will always be the foundation!"

"If the foundation is not laid solidly, then even the most advanced ideas will never be implemented!"

"It's a pity that there are fewer and fewer people in China who are willing to engage in grassroots technical work!"

Chen Fan also recognized this.

The status of workers was the backbone of China twenty or thirty years ago.

And now? Has become the bottom of society!

Technical workers are not liked, have no social status, and are even ridiculed and looked down upon by their peers.

Young people would rather deliver food and be Dida drivers than engage in the most basic jobs in the industrial field.

Because this type of work is generally dirty and dirty, and the pay is not high.

on the contrary.

Even if you work as an agent for second-hand houses, you still wear suits and leather shoes.

Not to mention the so-called internet celebrity anchors who are now torturing a new generation of teenagers.

The atmosphere of the entire society has been heading towards an uncontrollable path!

It’s not that China’s officials haven’t made any efforts.

TV programs such as "Big Powers and Heavy Equipment" that were very popular in the past also briefly aroused the resonance of most low-level technical workers.

It has even attracted many young people to engage in these industries!

However, it was only when they actually joined the industry that they discovered the difficulties.

Very few can persevere!

"I hope this situation can change in the future!"

Mr. Chen very carefully accepted the armed engine design drawing provided by Chen Fan just now.

This can be called the biggest gain of this trip!

Then that night, a group of people, including Mr. Chen and three other old experts, once again conducted in-depth research and cracking on the Ugly Country armed helicopter that Chen Fan drove back this time.

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that most of the work was completed.

The follow-up work can wait until you return to the institute!

The Ugly China fighter jet driven back by Chen Fan will be transported to the airport of China Headquarters tomorrow.

Subsequent research on it will continue.

"Our harvest this time is really great!"

Mr. Chen relaxed his body a little and looked at Chen Fan with satisfaction.

"Yes! Without Lieutenant Colonel Chen Fan, our harvest this time would be greatly reduced!"

"Thanks to Xiao Chen!"

Old Wang and Old Xiao also praised Chen Fan.

"The only pity is that this helicopter is no longer the latest model of the Ugly Country!"

Chen Fan laughed when he heard this: "Isn't that easy? Next time I will go and seize the latest armed helicopter and bring it back!"

Old Wang and the other three were stunned!

Then they all looked at Chen Fan with a smile!

This guy is worthy of being the head of the base special operations regiment, and he is just as good as Li Yunlong!

"Okay! The research on armed helicopters this time has come to an end, and we are ready to go back!"

"Okay! Three experts, take care!"

Chen Fan saluted the three experts: "Welcome the three experts to come to our military region and the base special operations regiment frequently to guide our work!"

"Haha! When you really seize the latest armed helicopter of the Ugly Country, we will definitely come back!"

"Then it's a deal!"

After seeing off the three old experts, Chen Fan returned to the military headquarters of the military region again.

Mainly about the expansion of the base special operations regiment, he made a separate report to Yu Lei.

The chief had already prepared for Chen Fan's request.

So the two of them finished the discussion quickly.

Chen Fan then returned to the Marine Corps training base with peace of mind.

The training of this batch of Marines must also be accelerated.

It's time to formulate a special training plan for the second phase.

Only by training the Marines as quickly as possible can the base members return to their own troops to build the newly formed base special operations regiment.

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