By the time Chen Fan returned to the base, it was already the morning of the third day when he saw Zhang Hao, Xu Xu and others again.

Fortunately, it rained heavily.

despite this.

There is a lively training scene inside the Marine Corps training base!

"Are you planning to be lazy?"

“The old ladies at the vegetable market buy food faster than you!”

"Don't think that I don't know that you are just trying to make up for your mistakes. If you don't try your best, I will give you two more rounds..."

in heavy rain.

The base members, who have now become iron-blooded instructors, are wearing raincoats and enthusiastically urging the Marine Corps members to train in the heavy rain.

Figures that had already become drowned rats were running wildly on the training ground.

They formed a team of two, carrying a round log on their shoulders.

Everyone was so wet that it was hard to tell whether it was rain or sweat.

In this torrential rain, every step would leave deep footprints on the muddy ground.

Chen Fan couldn't help but nodded when he saw this scene!

The training was pretty good.

However, the number of people has dropped sharply to less than 300 compared to when Chen Fan just left.

"What kind of outrageous thing have you done? In less than five days, 200 people left the training camp and returned to their original troops?"

As soon as Chen Fan saw the permission, the other three immediately asked the question with a smile.

"Captain, you can't blame us for this!"

When Xu Xu saw that Zhang Hao and his two brothers were ready to stab him at the critical moment, he immediately told the truth.

"We didn't do anything else. We just saw how delicious everyone was eating next to the cesspool on the first day. In the past three days, we moved the restaurant to the top of the cesspit!"

"I'll go... you guys!"

Chen Fan, dumbfounded, pointed at the three iron buddies in front of him: "How did you know that I was planning to do this?"


Xu Xu and Zhang Hao were both stunned.

But if you think about it carefully, Chen Fan is really someone who can do such a thing.

For a moment, all three of them felt extremely frustrated.

They originally thought that this move would surprise Chen Fan.

However, due to the friendship between the three of them, these things were quickly forgotten.

"Captain, you look like you've finished your work?"

"That's right! We are all done!" Chen Fan chuckled: "Brothers should be very happy now, right?"

"Of course! As soon as the brothers heard that our base's special forces had been upgraded to a base's special operations group, they all felt like they were on fire!"

"Otherwise these Marines can hold on for a few more days!"

Chen Fan was speechless again.

No wonder the eyes of these base members were shining when I saw them today, and the Marines who were being trained had no temper at all.

It turns out that the culprit heard the good news about the establishment of the base's special operations group.

"Are these Marines okay with their appetites?"

"Captain, don't worry! We are sensible!" Xu Xu said with a smile: "The amount of training is so heavy now. If they can't keep up with their diet and nutrition, we will take the initiative to arrange for them to return to their original army!"

In fact, about 50 of the 200 people eliminated were allowed to be forcibly repatriated.

The Marine Corps' next training will only be more intense than before.

If you cannot eat well and take in enough nutrients, you will definitely not be able to keep up with the subsequent training.

"That's good! From now on, this cesspit eating session can end here! At most, it's enough to remember the bitterness and sweetness once in a while!"

"After all, once they form a habit, the part of eating in the cesspool will be useless!"


Xu Xu responded: "Then think of it as a preferential treatment given to them after the captain comes back!"

"Let's do the bad part, and the captain will do the good part!"

After saying that, Xu Li immediately called their squad leader and asked him to arrange Chen Fan's instructions.

Chen Fan walked towards the office building of the training base with Xu Xu, Zhang Hao and others.

They must study the training plan for the second phase together.

4 people discussed and studied it all through the night.

Finally, a thorough optimization was carried out based on Chen Fan's plan and combined with the current Marine Corps training reality.

Start the next morning.

The second phase of training officially started.

Of course, no matter what stage of training, elimination is still in progress.

The first thing they came into contact with was the disguised infiltration that Chen Fan gave them.

This is also one of the skills that special forces must master, and it is a core skill.

However, in order to catch up with the training progress, Chen Fan originally required a month of training for the special forces at the base, but only allocated half a month in total.

For a whole month, these guys kept camouflaging and practicing with each other in a jungle 30 kilometers away.

Under Chen Fan's rigorous training.

With less than 200 Marines left, they are still in the process of rapid attrition.

Fortunately, the four people Chen Fan, Zhang Hao and the others noticed, namely He Haiyuan, Zhang Chen, Ren Zhenglong and Wang Yuntao, persisted forcefully.

It can be regarded as living up to Chen Fan and the others' hard work.

Of course.

Almost all Marines who persevere grow and improve extremely quickly.

Although it is impossible to master camouflage and infiltration in this half month, it is far beyond the ordinary special forces.

After Chen Fan's camouflage and infiltration skills, the next step is to teach them close combat.

This time, almost all the members of the Marine Corps suffered a great loss!

Originally, they thought that they had made great progress in the past 20 days.

Each of them was even a little proud and excited in private, thinking that the instructors were just like this, but they were more experienced.

But when they really fought with, they found out how ridiculous their so-called confidence was in front of the real masters!

Each of them had bruises all day long.

When the close combat training was over, there were only 130 Marines left.

During this process, Chen Fan noticed that Wang Yuntao had an excellent fighting foundation. After this special training, it can be said that he ranked first among all the Marines.

Even better than the average base members!

Next, Xu Ke and Zhang Hao taught the Marines tactics, traps and intelligence skills.

Relatively speaking, the elimination rate was not that high.

It was already one and a half months after all the second phase of training was over.

At this time, the remaining Marines were just as Chen Fan had expected at the beginning, only 96 people, indeed less than 100 people.

The Navy leaders who had been watching Chen Fan and the base team members training the Marines through the video were silent at this time.

Chen Fan and the base team members saw the intensity of the training of these Marines.

They were not surprised at all by the elimination rate of up to 80%!

That was why.

Ma Long, the leader of the Navy of the Military Region, suddenly remembered something.

The wrinkles between his eyebrows also spread out a little bit.

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