When Chen Fan and others brought members of the base troops to the local department in Gada City.

Everyone was involuntarily attracted to the blood stains on their bodies.



All local department staff in Gada City solemnly saluted Chen Fan and others.

After Chen Fan and others returned the gift, these local department staff immediately made way for a spacious passage.

Let Chen Fan and other members of the base troops go in first.

This is a courtesy to the fighting heroes!

"This must be Captain Chen!"

After walking into the lobby of the local department in Gada City, a middle-aged man in casual clothes who was standing next to Chen Fan stretched out his hand to say hello.

"Hello, Captain Chen, this is..."

Another staff member wearing a police uniform, who was obviously the head of the local department in Gada City, was about to introduce it to Chen Fan, but was interrupted by a middle-aged man.

"Xiao Ding, you don't need to say more!"

The middle-aged man's expression was serious, and then he looked at Chen Fan with a smile.

"I am Tian Yuan, the captain of the Xijing local department detachment. It is an honor to meet Captain Chen!"

Turns out to be the captain of the Xijing local department detachment?

Chen Fan had just noticed that this middle-aged man should have a high status.

But he didn't expect that as the captain of the Xijing local department detachment, he would greet him personally.

"Hello, Captain Tian, ​​I am Chen Fan!"

"But from what Captain Tian said, did you know me before?"

This time it was a secret mission.

Chen Fan has never dealt with the local department detachment in Xijing.

How could the other party recognize him at a glance?

"To be honest, Captain Chen, your name has already spread in our local department system!"

"He Kai from the local branch in Chuncheng City and Chen Kai from the local branch in Xiacheng City. These two captains have high praise for you, Captain Chen!"

"I have admired his name for a long time in Xijing!"

"I see!"

Chen Fan suddenly realized, and then said: "It seems that I have to go and ask if my name has been spread in Dongjing when I have time!"


Tian Yuan was stunned for a moment, then understood what Chen Fan meant: "I would rather work there!"

"But the main thing is to rely on you, Captain Chen!"

"I hope it can come true in my lifetime!"

After saying that, they both looked at each other and smiled.

Fellow-minded people!

After all, whether Beijing is hot or not is not up to anyone else!

You have to take your brother to experience it for yourself to know, right?

After some further understanding.

Only then did Chen Fan realize that Tian Yuan in front of him also came from a military compound and originally wanted to pursue a military career.

Later, by mistake, he became a member of the local department.

The chat between the two became more and more lively.

At the same time, with the cooperation of the base force members, the staff of the local department sorted and summarized the physical evidence related to the Gada City case collected in the canyon.

Try to form a complete chain of evidence tomorrow morning.

Give Gada City and all Chinese people a satisfactory answer!

A whole night followed.

The members of the base troops cooperated with the staff of the local department before the press conference was held at 8 a.m. the next day.

Summarized to form an authoritative closing report.

After the press conference ended, almost all the Chinese people who had been paying attention to the matter applauded.


The entire closing report deliberately avoided the fact that the base force's special operations group left the Chinese border to perform combat missions.

all in all.

It was the soldiers of the 17th Military Region who, after a bloody battle, killed all the criminals who dared to resist.

There were no casualties of his own.

On the second day of the press conference, after another day of rest in Gada City.

Chen Fan and others finally got on the transport plane returning to the base.

This time the atmosphere inside the transport plane will become much more lively.

During the desert special training, all the members of the base troops who were not selected as national special forces team members regretted it because their performance was not outstanding enough.

"If I had known that there would be actual combat, then I would have fought tooth and nail to be selected!"

"Geng Hu, tell us quickly, what is it like in actual combat?"

"That's right! Stop being so pretentious and tell us quickly!"

Each of these team members who were not able to participate in the selection turned into curious babies.

Geng Hu and other members of the base force who had already participated in actual combat stood out among the crowd.

Like a peacock, it raised its neck proudly.

"Actual combat is actually no different from our usual training!"

"Just aim and kill 'em!"

"Nothing else!"

"It's so exciting sometimes when we feel those bullets flying past us!"

"Also, it's very satisfying when our own bullets kill the enemy!"


Chen Fan was listening to these base troop members bragging, and he almost couldn't stand it anymore!

I'm sorry that when you saw the corpses of the first two criminals, each of them was vomiting and turned into a human figure, and you didn't even mention a word about it!

There are also some team members.

When they felt the bullets flying past their bodies, they were so frightened that they turned pale and sweated profusely!

Not even a word was mentioned!


A man’s mouth is deceptive!

Even if they are special forces, they are no exception when facing the same sex!

Other special forces of the base force who were unable to participate in the actual combat could only listen to the nonsense of these team members.

They were looking forward to and yearning for their next actual combat opportunity!

Chen Fan looked at them with a smile!

I hope that when they really enter the actual combat, they can still remember today's bold words and ambitions!

Soon the transport plane landed at the headquarters of the 17th Military Region.

On behalf of the special operations regiment of the base force, Chen Fan gave a summary report on the desert special training and actual combat mission to Yu Lei.

Then they quickly returned to the base of the special operations regiment of the base force.

The next time is the special training for the National Special Forces Competition.

In the expectation of all special forces in the army, the date of the National Special Forces Competition is approaching.

Most of the special forces are also ready to go.

Prepare to achieve an excellent result in the competition!

After experiencing an actual combat, the members of the special operations regiment of the base force who participated in the special forces competition have a deeper understanding of special forces.

The pertinence and consciousness of subsequent training have been significantly improved.

When the competition is about to start, it can be said that everything is ready.

10 days later.

The day of the National Special Forces Competition has finally arrived.

Special forces from all over the country are fully armed and go to the designated location to gather.

The members of the special operations regiment of the base force are the same.

A total of 60 members are ready to fight in the competition.

What they don’t know is.

When the organizers of the special forces competition learned that Chen Fan was about to take the base force members to participate in the competition in person.

The leaders from the headquarters couldn’t help showing an interested expression.

At the same time, some items of the entire competition were specially changed.

There are also some unknown existences waiting for these contestants of the special forces competition.

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