"Comrades, the National Special Forces Competition is the highest-level special forces competition within our Chinese military!"

"And just last night we received a special notification!"

"In view of the current situation, in order to move closer to actual combat to the greatest extent!"

"This national special forces competition will be shown to all units in the army in the form of an internal live broadcast of the army!"

"Although our base special forces team has achieved excellent results in the national special forces competition!"

"But this time the competition will be live broadcast to meet all the comrades in the army!"

"It is very likely that the content of this National Special Forces Competition will be changed accordingly!"

"And we may encounter unexpected opponents in the competition this time!"

Chen Fan looked at the 60 base troops in front.

I have a lot of emotions in my heart.

It takes three years to successfully create a special forces unit and be promoted to a special operations group.

For ordinary people, this is an extremely satisfactory result.

But for Chen Fan, all this is just the starting point!

"Of course brothers don't have to be too nervous!"

"Our participation in the Special Forces Competition this time is more to find out our own weaknesses and weak links!"

“Achievements are important to us but they are not our top priority!”

"What's more important is to learn their advanced combat methods through this competition!"


"Set off!"

After Aaron and others left with 60 new team members, Chen Fan looked at the squad leader.

"The National Special Forces Competition has very little effect on you!"

"But you can also take advantage of this opportunity of the military live broadcast to observe and learn!"

"Our base force's special operations team must not only invite in but also go out!"

"There will be many similar opportunities in the future, and a broader stage is waiting for you!"

"While I'm away, our base troops' own training must not be left behind!"


at last.

Chen Fan also got into the transport vehicle with the base troop members.

Next, they will take a military helicopter to the gathering place for this national special forces competition.

What all the members of the base force did not expect was this.

The moment they stepped onto the transport plane, they discovered the staff of the All-Army Special Forces Competition.

"Hello, fellow comrades from the special operations group of the base force!"

"I am Zhao Hongliang, a staff member of this special forces competition. You can call me Staff Officer Zhao!"

"Now, first of all, please collect the exclusive materials for this special forces competition!"

"From now on, when all special forces participate in the competition, only the badges of their respective special forces will represent their identities!"

“Everyone must wear a mask and goggles during the entire competition to prevent your identity from being revealed!”

"Including the list of personnel submitted by Zhu Long to the organizer of the competition, they are also numbered in order!"

"This first phase of the All-Army Special Forces Competition is divided into regular competition subjects and special competition subjects."

"The regular competition subjects include obstacle course single combat, armed swimming team combat, etc."

"The special competition subjects will be announced after the regular competitions, including exercises and confrontations with mysterious opponents!"

"Each of these competition subjects has its own rules!"

"I believe that all comrades can easily understand and master it, and can get good results no matter what the rules and conditions are!"


After Chen Fan'along gave permission to Zhang Hao and others, Staff Officer Zhao announced all the numbers.

From Chen Fan to Li Jian, they are numbered 1 to 4 respectively, and all other base troop members are numbered in sequence.

Chen Fan knew that this was because of the live broadcast of the whole army.

After all, special forces have their own special reasons and cannot reveal their identities at will.

Although it is a live broadcast within the military, it is better to be cautious in order to prevent accidents.

This is also to prevent the participating team members from having preconceptions about each other, and thus not being able to show their normal strength when performing.

For example, quite a few people in other special forces must know Chen Fan.

If you know that your opponent is Chen Fan.

I'm afraid that five achievements would be considered good if I could exert my own strength.

"Thank you, Staff Officer Zhao!"

Chen Fan nodded to Zhao Hongliang and then looked at his base troops: "When we arrive at the assembly area, talk less and observe more!"

“From now on it’s time for the All-Army Special Forces Competition!”

"We must pay special attention to every move we make!"


The same scene was also played out in other participating special forces transport aircraft.

Two hours later, the transport plane finally landed at a base in China specially used for exercises and confrontations.

Even Zhao Hongliang didn't expect it.

Surprisingly, most of the special forces who had already arrived at the assembly area learned that the next one to land was the base's special forces, and they all rushed to the outskirts of the airport.

As a sudden rise of the special forces of the base force, the Excalibur Special Forces of the First Military Region are the undoubted favorites to win the championship in this special forces competition.

Moreover, Zhao Hongliang's direct boss, a senior colonel from the headquarters, was actually waiting outside the airport.

It is enough to see the status of the base force's special operations group among the various special forces in the army in recent years.

"Hello, I'm Xu Jianjun!"

What surprised Zhao Hongliang even more was that his direct leader, Colonel Xu Jianjun, actually came over to greet Chen Fan.

This was not because of the special operations regiment of the base force.

It was because Chen Fan was the winner of the Huaxia Medal.

If it wasn't to avoid being too shocking, I'm afraid the leaders of the headquarters responsible for this special forces competition would come to see Chen Fan.

"Mr. He from our headquarters, I hope that Commander Chen can visit him when he has time after arranging his own deployment!"

"Understood! This is what he should do!"

Chen Fan answered very calmly.

In fact, even if Chen Fan did not receive the Huaxia Medal, his grandfather was once the head of the First Military Region.

Especially last time during the rectification of the Huaxia education system, Chen Guoqiang's actions were undoubtedly admired by the leaders of the entire army.

"Xiao Zhao, make good arrangements for the special operations regiment of the base force next!" Xu Jianjun looked at Zhao Hongliang on the side: "I'll go back and report to Mr. He first!"

Xu Jianjun came here for this reason.

If he stayed here for too long, it would cause criticism from other special forces!

Then Zhao Hongliang took Chen Fan to their dormitory.

He explained some precautions in the base.

Then the special forces from other military regions of the whole army also arrived at the base one after another.

But what Chen Fan regretted was that he did not see the Marine Corps of the 17th Military Region.

Originally, he thought Song Zhiyuan would not give up this opportunity.

It seems that there may be other mission conflicts on the Navy side!

After all, there is only one Marine Corps in the entire 17th Military Region.

As far as Chen Fan knows.

Their tasks after establishment are still very heavy.

Then the base troops can only fight alone.

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