Chen Fan rushed downstairs and used the radar system to detect the situation inside the building.

Then his face changed drastically.

They were in an old neighborhood, where the houses were relatively old.

The building on fire had six floors, but it was a U-shaped building, which was equivalent to four buildings connected together.

There were nearly a hundred households in total!

The fire happened to be on the third and fourth floors in the middle.

Due to the aging of the circuit equipment, the narrow corridor, and the large amount of debris, the fire had spread.

Almost all the people on the lower floors escaped, but many people were trapped on the third floor and above.

At this time, the surroundings were noisy, with cries for help, screams, and the roar of the fire.

Many people gathered, but the fire was so big that no one dared to risk rescue.

There were also many people taking pictures with their mobile phones.

"Oh my god! The fire is so big, and it started late at night. Almost no one upstairs ran out!"

"Have you called the police? When will the fire truck arrive? This building is basically full of old people and children! If they don't come soon, they will be burned to death!"

In the crowd, the masses shouted anxiously.

The radar showed that at least 80 people were still trapped in the building.

"He Chenguang! Save people!"

Chen Fan shouted to He Chenguang next to him without hesitation, then pushed the crowd away and rushed straight into the building.

He Chenguang followed closely behind, his eyes firm and without any fear.

"Hey! What are you two doing!? Don't go! It's dangerous!"

Seeing them rushing in, the masses tried to stop them.

But the two men ignored them and plunged directly into the sea of ​​fire.

"He Chenguang! You are responsible for searching the first and second floors to see if there are any trapped people!"

As soon as he entered the building, Chen Fan began to assign tasks.

He Chenguang didn't have the system's blessing, and he didn't have the ability to predict danger, so Chen Fan didn't want him to take risks.

"Wait! What about you?!"

He Chenguang grabbed Chen Fan who was about to rush up and asked loudly.

"There are still many people trapped upstairs! I want to save them!"

"I'll go with you!"

He Chenguang said and rushed up.

"No! It's too dangerous! After you search the first and second floors, retreat!"

"Leave the people upstairs to me!"

Chen Fan refused without thinking.

Even he, who was cheating, didn't dare to guarantee whether he could get out of the fire safely.

What about He Chenguang?

"Aren't you afraid of danger?!"

He Chenguang said anxiously.

"Believe me!"

"I will definitely rescue them all! If you follow me, you will only drag me down in the end!"

Chen Fan looked at He Chenguang with a firm look in his eyes and said, "If you hesitate for one more second, they will be in more danger! Save them!"

Then, regardless of He Chenguang's obstruction, Chen Fan rushed to the third floor.

Although he was extremely worried, He Chenguang had to follow Chen Fan's arrangements.

He also knew in his heart that what Chen Fan said was true.

With such a big fire, if he followed him up, he would become a burden if he was not careful.

All he could do now was to immediately check if there were any trapped people on the first and second floors.

After rushing to the third floor, Chen Fan immediately quickly searched for the trapped people based on the radar positioning.

Such old houses basically have no natural gas, and they still use barreled gas cylinders.

From time to time, you can hear the sound of gas cylinders exploding.

Rescue is urgent. If you are late for one second, you may lose a fresh life.

Currently, the trapped people on the third floor are the most dangerous.

Because the fire here is the biggest and the smoke is the thickest.

Many trapped people have been fainted by the thick smoke.

If they are not rescued immediately, they will be choked to death.

The fiery red flames spit out snake cores at Chen Fan like a poisonous snake.

Even if Chen Fan ran at the fastest speed, the scorching temperature would burn his skin.

Fortunately, Chen Fan's physical fitness is several times stronger than that of ordinary people, so this burning sensation does not have much impact.

The radar shows that there are two trapped people in the room on the far left.

Although the fire has not spread to that side, the thick smoke has filled the entire floor first.

If they are rescued quickly, even if they are not burned to death by the fire, they will die of poisoning and suffocation.

Chen Fan tore a piece of cloth from his clothes, wet it under the broken water pipe, tied it on his face to cover his mouth and nose, and prevented himself from inhaling thick smoke and carbon monoxide.

After taking some simple protective measures, he rushed to the room on the far left in the raging fire.

The house was filled with thick smoke, and visibility was almost zero.

The trapped grandparents and grandchildren were hiding in the toilet.

"Dong Dong Dong! Old man! Open the door quickly! I'm here to save you!"

Chen Fan knocked hard on the toilet door and shouted.

Hearing the sound, the old man inside was instantly overjoyed and immediately opened the door to let Chen Fan in.

The toilet door was well sealed, and there was an exhaust fan inside, so the smoke did not affect the grandparents and grandchildren.

But the little grandson was scared and cried loudly.

"Young man! Aren't you a firefighter? Are you alone?"

The old man was stunned when he saw Chen Fan, who had no protective measures.

"Old man, don't worry, I will definitely help you get out safely."

Chen Fan thought he was worried that he was not able to take them out, so he quickly comforted him.

But who knew that the words the old man said later made him stunned on the spot.

"What a fool! There is such a big fire outside! What are you doing in here!"

"You don't even have protective equipment! How dangerous!"

The old man said with great pain.

In his opinion, Chen Fan was no different from committing suicide.

He would rather be burned to death by the fire than let others sacrifice their lives for him!

Chen Fan was deeply moved when he heard this.

"Old man, believe me, everything will be fine."

Chen Fan patted the old man's hand and then began to look for tools.

There were several bath towels in the toilet. Chen Fan soaked them all with water and draped them all over the grandparents and grandchildren.

"Old man, let's go!"

Chen Fan bent down and let the old man lie on his back, then hugged his grandson with one hand, took a deep breath, and kicked the toilet door away.

According to the best route provided by the radar, he increased the speed to the highest and rushed out quickly.

Fearing that the fire would hurt the grandparents and grandchildren, Chen Fan gave them all the blankets, and he still had no protection.

As soon as he entered the fire scene, the scorching flames pounced on him like a hungry wolf.

Even if he wet his body in advance, he couldn't hold on for long.

The moisture on his body was evaporating little by little, and he could even smell the smell of burnt hair.

But Chen Fan still protected the grandparents and grandchildren, broke the window of the living room, and jumped directly from the third floor.

Clang clang clang——

A sound of broken glass was heard, and then the crowd watching below saw a shadow falling from the third floor.

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