"Oh my god! Someone jumped off the building!"

When the people who didn't know the truth saw this scene, they were all frightened and screamed.

At a height of nearly ten meters, Chen Fan was not stupid enough to jump down.

What's more, he still carries an old man and a young man with him. If he comes down from such a height, he will die or be disabled.

I saw him holding the child in his arms with one hand, while the other hand grabbed the window edge of a house on the second floor.

He borrowed some strength, then let go and jumped to the ground.

Everyone who originally thought they would fall to the ground saw this scene and their jaws dropped in shock.

"Holy crap! Is this Spider-Man?!"

Unexpectedly, the plot in the movie actually appeared in reality.

After landing firmly on the ground, Chen Fan immediately opened the bath towel on his body and put the old man and child on his back and arms on the ground.

"I really came out! Thank you so much, young man. If it weren't for you..."

The old man cried with joy. Just when he wanted to thank Chen Fan, all he saw was his back.

"Oh my god! Why is he still rushing in! Does he want to die?!"

Others exclaimed.

"Chen Fan!"

He Chenguang, who had just evacuated all the people on the first and second floors, saw this scene and his pupils dilated instantly.

He wanted to catch up, but when he ran to the stairwell on the second and third floors, his way was blocked by falling debris.

"damn it!"

There was no way, He Chenguang had to withdraw.

"What are you doing standing there?! Think of a way to put out the fire!"

"Stop filming! Do you know there are many people trapped inside?"

Unable to help, he felt as if his heart was on fire.

Seeing that the onlookers all stood indifferent, some even started the live broadcast.

He Chenguang immediately became angry and yelled at everyone.

After hearing his words, these people finally restrained themselves, and at the same time they took action to organize firefighting on their own.

However, the video of Chen Fan rescuing someone just now has been uploaded on the Internet.

"A fire broke out in a Hui-shaped residential building in the old city. Many people were trapped. A young hero was not afraid of the fire and rushed into the fire to save people!"

"The scene of him jumping from the third floor with the elderly and children on his back is like a god descending to earth! He is the Chinese version of Spider-Man!"

"Such a heroic deed! We must give him a thumbs up! Everyone, please start spinning!"

After seeing the video, many netizens who surfed late at night liked and reposted it.

Soon, this matter became a hot topic.

At this time, Chen Fan didn't know that he had become a celebrity, and all he could think about was saving people.

He used the same method to rescue the two people from the third floor again.

At this time, all of his hair had been singed, his entire face was blackened by the fire, and many exposed parts of his body had been slightly burned.

"He Chenguang! Get me two wet quilts!"

Chen Fan didn't care about dealing with his injuries, but loudly ordered He Chenguang.

"Chen Fan! It's too dangerous for you to do this! Do you want your life?!"

He Chenguang frowned and pulled him and said loudly.

"Hurry up and organize the masses to put out the fire!"

Chen Fan shook off He Chenguang's hand, put a wet quilt on his body, hugged another wet quilt, and rushed into the fire scene again.

He Chenguang was so angry that he stomped his feet!

But there is nothing you can do.

We can only work harder to put out the fire.

At this time, the fire on the third floor had spread to the entire floor, and there was almost no room for people to pass in the corridor.

But Chen Fan turned a blind eye.

In addition to the more than 20 people He Chenguang evacuated, plus the four he had just rescued.

At this time, more than 40 people were trapped in the building.

He must speed up!

Later, he rescued two unconscious people on the third floor and sent them out safely again.

As for the residents on the fourth, fifth and sixth floors, they have all been moved to the sixth floor, which is not yet on fire.

They are all relatively safe at the moment.

"Chen Fan! The firefighters will be here soon! And the fire has completely sealed the corridor, you can't get in!"

He Chenguang was afraid that Chen Fan would rush into the sea of ​​fire again, so he held him tightly.

Chen Fan frowned as he looked at the blazing fire at Youdaokou.

It seemed impossible to rush up the stairs.

But he did not give up rescuing people, but quickly observed the condition of the building's exterior wall.

If you can’t take the stairs, climb up from outside!

"Get me two fire hoses and bring them over!"

Chen Fan said to He Chenguang.

"What do you want to do?!"

"I can climb up from the outside!"

Hearing Chen Fan's idea, He Chenguang slapped his forehead fiercely.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of this just now!"

Immediately, He Chenguang quickly found two twenty-meter-long fire hoses.


Chen Fan and He Chenguang looked at each other, and then they each carried a bundle of fire hoses and began to climb up with their bare hands.

"Look! They actually want to climb up with their bare hands!"

"This is too dangerous! These security windows were installed decades ago and have long since become rusty and aging!"

"Who are they?! Why are they so desperate to save people?!"

Everyone stared blankly at the two figures climbing up quickly, their eyes full of shock.

Chen Fan and He Chenguang both climbed very quickly, reaching the third floor in just a few seconds.

Many windows on the third and fourth floors were spitting out flames and thick smoke.

It's still a bit difficult to climb over.

Those security windows were made more fragile by the flames.

Both of their hands were wrapped in wet towels, which didn't feel so hot even when they were wearing them.

With just a slight push from them, the security window began to shake and seemed to fall off in the next second.

"Be careful! You go first!"

In order to ensure He Chenguang's safety, Chen Fan asked him to climb up first.

If something unexpected happens, I can still catch him.

He Chenguang nodded, then grabbed a security window on the third floor and climbed up as fast as possible.

Creaking, creaking——

As they crawled at night, the noise from the security window became louder and more frequent.

Just when He Chenguang was about to grab the security window on the fifth floor, the security window he was relying on fell off.


Everyone below was exclaiming, thinking that He Chenguang was about to fall down.

Some timid ones even covered their eyes and didn't dare to look.

Fortunately, Chen Fan grabbed He Chenguang's hand, then gave him a hard throw and threw him to the highest point.

Although He Chenguang was startled, he quickly calmed down and took advantage of the situation to grab the security window on the fifth floor.


The security window fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

Seeing that he was fine, the people below breathed a sigh of relief.

It was easier to climb up, and soon the two of them reached the top of the sixth floor.

On the sixth floor near the street, there is a large room specially used to install a water tower and dry clothes.

At this time, all the trapped people have gathered here.

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