Chen Fan first fixed one end of the fire hose on the roof of the building, and then climbed to the sixth floor along the fire hose.

Be prepared to break in through the window.

"Mom! Look! Superman!"

The scene when they broke in through the window happened to be seen by a little girl.

Her exclamation instantly attracted the attention of others.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Chen Fan and He Chenguang suddenly appearing in front of them.

"Don't worry! We're here to get you out!"

Chen Fan shouted loudly.

"Uuuuuuuuah...Thank God! Finally someone came to save us!"

When one of the aunts heard Chen Fan's words, she fell to her knees and knelt down to the ceiling.

He Chenguang curled his lips and was speechless about this.

We risked our lives to save you, but you didn't thank us, but you thanked God.

What kind of brain circuit is this?

"Little brother! Please rescue me first! I don't want to die! As long as you can see me safely, get out! I will give you one hundred thousand yuan!"

A middle-aged man wearing a big gold chain ran up to Chen Fan and begged.

"Save me first! Save me first! I'll give you two hundred thousand!"

Another beautifully dressed woman also spoke immediately.

But Chen Fan ignored them, but looked at everyone and said, "The fire won't spread here for the time being. It's still safe here."

"In order to ensure that everyone can go out safely, we follow the principle of sick, old and young women."

"First let the injured and unwell people out, and then look for people, children and women."

After hearing his words, the middle-aged man with the big gold chain couldn't sit still.

"Why do we men have to stay until the end?! It's not fair!"

"Just because you are a man!"

Chen Fan glanced at the middle-aged man indifferently and said, "If you don't want to stay until the end, you can also climb down along the fire hose yourself."

The middle-aged man was immediately choked by Chen Fan's words.

This is the sixth floor!

How could he climb down by himself?

"I-I don't feel well! I just breathed in the smoke! Cough cough cough...take me out quickly!"

The middle-aged man rolled his eyes and immediately pretended to be sick.

Chen Fan ignored him and went straight to the young man who looked a little pale.

"Let's go, I'll take you out first."

Because the system can detect the condition of everyone present, Chen Fan can tell at a glance whether they are really uncomfortable or not.

The middle-aged man just now was obviously pretending.

Although this young man looks normal now, he has already developed symptoms of dizziness and nausea.

This is obviously a sign of carbon monoxide poisoning, which can be very dangerous if you don’t seek medical attention promptly.

"He is also a man! He is still a young boy! Why take him out first!"

When the middle-aged man saw this, he immediately became upset and questioned Chen Fan loudly.

"Brother, I'm fine. Send the others out first."

Although the young man was unwell, he gave the opportunity to others.

The difference between him and the middle-aged man was instantly highlighted.

"Let's go, don't be brave, you have already been poisoned by carbon monoxide. If you don't go to the hospital quickly, it will be life-threatening in serious cases."

Chen Fan said, directly reaching out to help the young man up from the ground.

Finally, he said to an old man next to him: "Old man, please come with me. You have a basic disease."

The old man was shocked after hearing what he said.

He did have a heart disease, but his appearance was just like ordinary people. He was curious about how Chen Fan could tell.

He Chenguang also brought two old people with him. Together with Chen Fan, he used ropes to fix the two people on his back.

Be prepared to use the fire hose to descend quickly.

"No! You can't leave! One hundred thousand is too little, right? I'll give you three hundred thousand! You must send me out first!"

When the middle-aged man saw that Chen Fan was about to leave, he quickly grabbed him with a very strong attitude.

"Let go!"

Chen Fan warned with a cold face.

"Three hundred thousand is too little? Five hundred thousand! As long as you send me out first! I will give you half a million!"

The middle-aged man thought it was because he didn't have enough money, so he increased the price again.



Chen Fan directly kicked the man away with a cold face.

It's not about money at all.

Anyone with a bit of humanity would obey Chen Fan's arrangement just now.

But this middle-aged man kept asking to be sent out first, which shows how selfish and independent this man is.

Moreover, he repeatedly delayed Chen Fan's rescue time.

You know, in the face of danger, they all race against time.

For the middle-aged man to stop them like this is completely disregarding the lives of other people!

Chen Fan kicked him lightly.

"You guys wait here! We'll be back soon!"

Chen Fan warned the others, then grabbed the fire hose and jumped down with the young man and the old man on his back.

He Chenguang followed closely behind.

They had done this kind of rooftop sliding training countless times before, but they didn't expect it to actually come in handy this time.

"Look! They're coming down!"

along with

The entire descent took only a few seconds.

"Quick! Help!"

Seeing that they landed safely, other people quickly ran up to help them put down the people on their backs.

After these four people got off, Chen Fan and He Chenguang quickly climbed up the fire hose without resting for a moment.

"Asshole! You dare to hit me! Do you know who I am?!"

"Just wait! I will kill you when I get out!"

Back on the sixth floor, the middle-aged man who had just been beaten stared at Chen Fan with anger and threatened loudly.

"Shut up!"

Chen Fan glanced at the middle-aged man coldly, and the terrifying aura on his body instantly choked his throat.

He was very unwilling in his heart, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Seeing that he was honest, Chen Fan ignored him and continued to rescue people.

In this way, they climbed up and down again and again.

Unknowingly, most of the trapped people had been rescued.

In the end, there were only 5 men left upstairs, including the middle-aged man.

"You wait here, we still have time, don't be afraid, I will definitely come back to save you."

Looking at the middle-aged man who was nearly twice as big as others, Chen Fan had to leave him at the end.

Because if he rescued him first, then two people would have to stay.

In case of an unexpected accident later, Chen Fan could not guarantee the safety of three people.

The middle-aged man sneered and said, "Don't you just want to teach me a lesson? Why are you pretending here?"

Time was running out, and Chen Fang was too lazy to explain to him. He carried the other two people and jumped down again.

Just when he descended to the third floor, a flame suddenly jumped out of the window.

In order to avoid the flames, Chen Fan had to shake the fire hose and borrow some force from the wall on the third floor.

At this moment, an accident happened.

"Asshole! What are you doing!"

Only hearing a scream from below, Chen Fan looked up.

Seeing that the middle-aged man found a sharp knife from somewhere and was cutting the fire hose where Chen Fan was.

"Go to hell!"

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