Three days ago.

In a military base in the Ugly Country across the ocean.

"Frank, remember! Blood debts must be paid with blood!"


After Frank, the head of the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company headquarters, hung up the phone, his face was extremely ugly.

The person who just called was the financial sponsor behind him.

The entire Thanksgiving Mercenary Company's branch in Bal Country was uprooted by a group of Chinese special forces.

This caused an uproar in the mercenary field around the world.

Many people are discussing whether the combat strength of the Ugly Country's special forces is not good enough.

This is something Frank absolutely cannot tolerate.

It is also something that the forces behind him absolutely cannot stand!

As the saying goes, when the wall falls, everyone pushes it, and when the drum breaks, everyone beats it.

The Thanksgiving Mercenary Company must take practical action to get back this place!

After thinking for a long time, Frank finally dialed the phone.

Now it has been nearly half a year since the incident in Bal Country.

Even the most vigilant prey will inevitably lose some of its vigilance at this time.

It's time to make those guys in China pay the price they deserve!


Special Operations Regiment of Huaxia Base Force.

"The first squadron of the first squadron is ready to go!"

"The first squadron of the second squadron is ready to go!"

The squad leader and Tan Jiaqi were the first to stand up.

They took the initiative to apply for participation in this rescue mission!

Today, the Special Operations Regiment of Huaxia Base Force has 4 battalions under it. A Long, Zhang Hao, Xu Ke and Li Jian are the captains of the 4 battalions respectively.

The squad leader, Tan Jiaqi and other bamboo farmer team members who usually perform well are the squadron leaders.


"The first squadron of the third squadron is ready..."

"The first squadron of the ninth squadron is ready..."

Geng Hu, Wang Zhiqiang, He Quan and others also stood up with their own team members.

Soon a total of 12 teams were assembled.

It can be said that the most elite players were selected in full accordance with Chen Fan's instructions.

Make sure to use me in the first battle, and I will win.

The other members of the base troops also looked at these comrades who were about to go out with excitement!

Their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

They could go out to perform tasks at any time!

And at this time they chose to obey orders!

Just when Chen Fan was about to take these 12 teams to set off to perform the mission.

Suddenly a voice sounded in everyone's ears.

"Report to the regiment commander, why are we not on the mission?"

"That's right! Why do all the tasks have nothing to do with us?"

"We are also a member of the base force! We can also complete all the tasks!"

"Yes! We are not weaker than them!"

One voice after another sounded behind everyone.

Everyone, including Chen Fan, looked over in surprise.

When he looked up, he saw Lu Caiwei, Li Shutong, Chen Huan, Chu Anran, Zeng Yafang and other members of the Mulan Special Forces.

The former 17th Military Region Mulan Special Forces also followed Chen Fan to join the new Huaxia Base Force Special Operations Regiment.

But Chen Fan was not particularly happy when he formed the women's special operations team.

When completing all the tasks, they also subconsciously ignored the female soldiers of these base troops.

"Report to the commander, our Mulan Special Forces Brigade is also a member of the Huaxia Base Force Special Operations Regiment!"

"You can't treat them differently like this!"

The speaker was Li Shutong, the head of the Fifth Brigade of the Huaxia Base Force Special Operations Regiment, that is, the Mulan Women's Special Forces Brigade.

This girl looks very quiet on weekdays.

But she is quite fierce in battle, which makes Chen Fan very impressed.

Objectively speaking.

The strength of the Mulan Women's Special Forces Brigade is slightly different from that of the other four brigades.

But it is much stronger than ordinary special forces.

Especially Lu Caiwei, Li Shutong and other outstanding female special forces.

Their strength is comparable to Geng Hu, Xiao Wu and others.

It's just that Chen Fan subconsciously ignores them every time!

When I think of these members of the Mulan Women's Special Forces Brigade, they have been training and training in the base on weekdays.

There is almost no record of mission execution since its establishment.

Chen Fan also feels a little guilty.


He paid too little attention to the Mulan Women's Special Forces!

He did not give these female soldiers a chance to show their strength!

It was very unfair!

Thinking of this, Chen Fan finally made up his mind.

"Li Shutong and Chen Huan, you two can bring a team of Mulan members to perform the mission with us!"


Li Shutong and Chen Huan were overjoyed when they heard this, and saluted Chen Fan at attention.

There was a stubbornness in their eyes that refused to admit defeat.

Chen Fan then looked at Lu Caiwei: "You stay in the base and take all the Mulan Women's Special Forces members for intensive training!"

"When we complete the mission and come back, we will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the Mulan Women's Special Forces!"

"Anyone who fails the assessment will be eliminated!"


All the Mulan Women's Special Forces members, including Lu Caiwei, looked stern!

In fact, Chen Fan wanted to do this a long time ago.

At that time, when the Mulan Women's Special Forces was formed, it could almost be said that it was a rush.

The trained Mulan female special operations team members are relatively weak in actual combat capabilities.

Although later Chen Fan did not favor one person over another.

Things like physical enhancement liquid are also provided to the Mulan Special Forces.

But after all, there is no actual combat training.

There are many Mulan players who currently do not have the strength that China's national special forces should have.

Just take this opportunity to train the women's special team.

"Okay! Everyone is ready to go!"

The total of 13 teams, including Chen Fan, Xu Xu and Zhang Hao, totaled 107 people.

Speeding towards the airport quickly.

Military transport aircraft are already on standby at the airport.

This is China's latest military transport aircraft that was urgently dispatched by the headquarters after issuing the mission.

In the cabin of the transport plane, Chen Fan quickly put on all the combat equipment.

"Next, I will convey the main content of the mission to everyone!"

"The goal of this mission is to rescue one of our Chinese intelligence personnel abroad!"

"This is his picture!"

Chen Fan handed the front, side and back photos of the intelligence personnel to all the team members and circulated them.

At the same time, explain the corresponding situation to everyone.

The last step is to convey the rescue plan.

This operation was also fully directed by Li Quan.

Zhang Hao is responsible for checking for leaks and filling them.

Chen Fan was in the middle to provide support and prevent unexpected situations.

At this time, Xuancheng was no longer the young boy who could only follow Chen Fan.

He scanned the whole place with a faint look: "

"First of all, our destination is Basha, a small country in the third world."

"Our military transport aircraft have been registered in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia and will not be targeted by the country's air defense system."

"The time of arrival in Bassa should be around 9pm local time!"

"Our military transport will pass over the mission airspace!"

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