"The temperature difference between day and night in Basha is quite large!"

"Most of the area is desert!"

"Our intelligence personnel are hiding in Peter Town, a border town in the northeast of Basha!"

"The security environment in this country is almost the same as that in China!"

"Almost every household has automatic firepower weapons!"

"So we must be careful after we land, and we must not shoot without certainty..."

"Secondly, according to the intelligence we have now, the town of Peter where our intelligence personnel are located is adjacent to a gold mine!"

"Therefore, there are a lot of mercenaries in the town!"

"The financial backers behind the largest group of mercenaries are likely to come from the Ugly Country!"

"So our intelligence officers are in extremely dangerous situations!"

"He must not only guard against the intelligence officers of the Ugly Country who are hunting him, but also must not be discovered by those mercenaries!"

"Finally, our mission goal is to find and protect the intelligence officers before they are exposed!"

"Remember! Our mission is to study the intelligence officers, not to eliminate as many enemies as possible!"

"Of course, although we don't take the initiative to find trouble, we are never afraid of it!"

"Once someone dares to attack us, we don't need to ask for permission to fight back directly, and we must make them pay the price in blood!"

"Do you understand?"


Everyone, including the Mulan female special forces, shouted loudly.

"Okay! Change clothes now!"

This is an extremely secret mission, so the identity of the Chinese special forces cannot be exposed.

All team members, including Chen Fan, changed into black combat uniforms without any logos.

Except for the Oriental faces, there is no other feature that can prove that they are from China.

Li Shutong and Chen Huan also immediately formed a human wall.

Organize the female soldiers to change clothes one by one in the corner of the transport cabin.

After everyone changed into combat uniforms without any logos.

Xu Ke nodded and looked at Li Shutong and the other eight people.

"To be honest, there was no corresponding arrangement for you eight people in the combat plan!"

"But since you took the initiative to volunteer, the captain and I have prepared corresponding tactical plans for you after discussion!"

"After landing and assembling, the main task of you eight people is to make up and conduct reconnaissance!"

"Determine the location of our intelligence personnel and verify his identity as soon as possible!"

"Remember! It is important to rescue our intelligence personnel, but you know exactly what will happen to you once you fall into the hands of the enemy!"

"So the mission is important, but you are more important in our hearts!"

"And after you have detected the corresponding intelligence, you must ensure your own safety and do not act on your own!"

"Do you understand?"

"Understand! Make sure to complete the mission!"

Li Shutong and others nodded heavily.

In public and private, this is a combat action plan that is very suitable for these female team members.


After the military transport plane flew for nearly three hours.

Finally, we arrived at the scheduled airdrop airspace.

Everyone began to check oxygen masks and other special equipment for high-altitude parachuting.

In order to avoid arousing suspicion from the Basha military and those ugly intelligence personnel lurking in the Basha military.

The military transport plane maintained a flight altitude of 5,000 meters.

Such high-altitude parachuting operations must wear oxygen masks.

Otherwise, the parachutists will fall into a coma due to lack of oxygen the moment they leave the cabin of the transport plane.


The cabin of the transport plane slowly opened.

Everyone, including Chen Fan and others, could clearly see the flickering and blurred light strip on the ground.

"Attention! We have arrived at the airdrop airspace! The current altitude is 4,950 meters!"

"Attention... The cabin door is open!"

The voice of the captain of the transport plane echoed in the cabin: "I wish you all the best in your mission!"

"Thank you, Captain!"

Chen Fan smiled slightly after hearing this, took a deep breath, and then decisively ordered: "Jump!"

After saying that.

Xu Ke immediately took the lead and jumped down from an altitude of more than 5,000 meters.

Other members of the base force, including Li Shutong and other female members, followed one after another.

Chen Fan was the last one to hold the line.

All the members of the base force who participated in this mission had undergone hundreds of hours of high-altitude parachute training.

They formed a circle hand in hand in small teams.

They identified the direction in the sky and quickly fell to the ground.

Xu Ke was at the front, constantly adjusting the direction and angle of landing according to his own positioning device.

When the height dropped to only 1,500 meters from the ground.

"Everyone, open the parachute!"

The members of the base force pushed outward one by one, and dispersed with the help of the force of other members.

They opened their own parachutes.

At this time, everyone could vaguely see a small town below.

Everyone's nerves were involuntarily tense.

Ten minutes later.

Everyone landed in a valley area that no one cared about.

This is the best space location that Chen Fanxu and others had specifically asked the official intelligence personnel of Basha before setting off.

"Everyone listen, each team counts the number of people and confirms whether they are intact!"

"Meet up at the designated assembly coordinates in teams!"

The voice of permission came from the communication system.

The 13 teams that had completed their assembly put away their parachutes and quickly assembled towards the predetermined coordinates.

After another 20 minutes.

"The first team's personnel and equipment are intact and have arrived at the assembly point!"

"The equipment of the second team is intact..."

As each team arrived at the assembly point one after another, all team members completed the assembly.


This time, a total of 107 people skydived, but there were no casualties.

Not even a sprained foot.

You can imagine how solid the training of the base troops is.

“Everyone did well!”

Xu Xu affirmed everyone's performance on the call system, and then decisively ordered: "Start an urgent march from now on and rush towards the town of Peter!"

"I have sent the coordinates of Peter's town to the team leader's command handheld computer!"

"Wait until you are about 3 kilometers away from Peter Town!"

"Each team will advance according to the predetermined coordinates given to you!"

"We must arrive at the scheduled location before the countdown ends!"


The squad leaders glanced at the command-specific handheld computers on their forearms.

Sure enough, there is a coordinate position that is flashing on it.

There is also a countdown ranging from 30 minutes to 50 minutes.

These countdowns are calculated based on the distance between each team and the target location.

Arrangements are deployed along the way as permissions are deployed.

Everyone is getting closer and closer to the town of Peter.

Wait until they are about three kilometers away from the town of Peter.

Chen Fan suddenly frowned.

"Is it a trap?"

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