"Report Captain! Our sonar just searched for a submarine, but because it was too far away, they have now lost track of them!"

"The other party must be looking for terrain to hide in!"

Tan Haijun's face was extremely solemn!

Appearing in front of their warship at this sensitive time.

And at first glance, it seems to have no good intentions, and it is too easy for people to have bad associations!

"Captain, is it possible that submarines from other countries happened to pass through this area when performing daily tasks?"

Chen Fan actually didn't quite believe that the other party would actually arrange for a submarine to attack them!

Because this approach is so bold!

Once exposed, it can easily trigger a war between the two countries!

"The possibility is very low!"

Tan Haijun is the expert in this regard: "Under normal circumstances, if it is a normal patrol or training, we will avoid the route of our warships!"

"It's so unusual for this submarine to be so close to us in the vast sea!"

When Chen Fan heard this, it was indeed true.

The possibility of coincidence is too low!

It is almost certain that the other party is coming for them!

"Report to Captain!"

At this moment, a crew member who was nervously controlling the sonar suddenly shouted: "The other party has appeared again! It is about 2 kilometers away from us... Not good!"

"Report Captain! They launched torpedoes!"

Chen Fan and Tan Haijun were shocked when they heard this!

These damn guys actually dare to attack their warships!

"Quick, quick, quick! Launch depth charges in the direction of the torpedoes immediately!"

"At the same time, all our close-in defense guns provide indiscriminate fire coverage in the direction of the torpedo attack, forming a blocking barrage!"

These countermeasures have been practiced countless times by warships during training.

It goes deep into the bone marrow of almost every naval soldier!

Boom boom boom!

The close-in defense guns on the warship immediately opened fire, and depth charges were also fired in the direction of the torpedo attack!

In fact, the principles of warship combat at sea are similar to that of fighter jet air combat!

It's just that there is no way to use jamming bombs to mislead the opponent's torpedoes.

The core is to detonate the torpedo in advance in the form of saturation fire.

"Send the information about the attack on us back to the country as soon as possible!"

Tan Haijun's expression was extremely serious!

Of course he knew that even if this information was sent back to the country, he would not be able to determine whose submarine attacked the warship!

But having this information can at least bring some convenience to subsequent domestic investigations!


"Turn on the power to the maximum and perform evasive maneuvers!"

One instruction after another was transmitted to various locations throughout the warship through Tan Haijun.

Everything is going in an orderly manner!

At this moment, all the members of the base force also woke up from their slumber!

It's just that if the battle at sea is a boarding battle, it's okay, as corresponding training has been carried out in advance.

But with this kind of long-range torpedo attack, all the base troops could only be blinded!

Even Chen Fan is no exception!

After all, where they are now is in the endless ocean!

No matter how powerful a person is, he can only survive by drifting disorderly on the sea!

Lost the warship.

I am afraid that 99% of the people on the entire ship will be buried in this sea area!

That's why.

Everyone on the warship worked hard at the first opportunity!

The close-in defense guns kept firing wildly in the direction of the torpedo at a terrifying rate of fire.

Even so, no one dares to be careless in the slightest!

Boom boom boom!


Suddenly, a violent explosion sounded in a piece of sea water hundreds of meters away from the Type 1055 warship!

Then a huge fiery red light emitted from the sea water, and the water column caused by the explosion rose into the sky!

The first torpedo was finally successfully intercepted!

"Report to Captain, this is not the way to go!"

A crew member anxiously ran to Tang Haijun.

"We can't lock each other's position now!"

"Obviously the other party is also a master of driving submarines. After launching the torpedoes, they hid as fast as possible and took advantage of the terrain..."

"Other torpedoes will definitely be launched next!"

"Our depth charges and close-in defense guns are limited!"

At this moment, Tan Haijun and Chen Fan were both silent!

This problem does exist!

The best defense is offense!

Only by killing the enemy submarine can you ensure your own safety!

"Contact our submarines as quickly as possible and ask them to come over for support as soon as possible!"

"Everyone remains on high alert and tries to capture the opponent's position the next time he shoots!"

"Find the right opportunity to kill them!"


The crew quickly conveyed all Tan Haijun's instructions.

The entire warship is full of crew members running around in a hurry!

The atmosphere is extremely solemn!

"Captain, why don't I do it?"

Chen Fan suddenly said: "Where are our depth charges and torpedo launch bays?"

Tan Haijun was stunned when he heard this: "Do you still know how to operate depth charges and torpedoes?"

"I studied it during special training before! My level was once among the best in the entire military region!"

"Okay! I believe you!"

At this critical moment, Tan Haijun believed that Chen Fan would never lie.

Because this not only concerns the lives of everyone on the warship, but also Chen Fan himself!

No one will joke with their own life!

"Xiao Wang, please take Comrade Yuanshi to the launch control room!"

A very young soldier quickly took Chen Fan to quickly insert in the warship.

5 minutes later, they finally came to the launch control room for launching rocket depth charges and booster torpedoes.

Just entered.

Chen Fan found several busy figures.

One of them was a senior non-commissioned officer at a glance!

There are many young soldiers pushing depth charges weighing hundreds of kilograms into the launch cabin!

Ready to launch at any time!

"Squad leader Zhou, this is Comrade Yuanshi. The captain asked me to bring him here to be responsible for the launch of depth charges!"

"Just him?"

The senior non-commissioned officer looked at Chen Fan with suspicion!

Even with Tan Haijun's endorsement, he was quite distrustful of Chen Fan!

"It's me!"

Chen Fan stood up decisively: "We must take the initiative to attack and kill the enemy's submarine!"

"Do you know how to operate our depth charges?"

Team Leader Zhou unceremoniously tested Chen Fan on the spot.

No way.

He couldn't put the safety of the entire warship on a stranger!

"The depth charges carried by the 1055-type warship usually explode at a depth of about 300-500 meters!"

"So basically it can only be used to intercept the enemy's torpedoes!"

"But the anti-submarine torpedoes we are carrying can completely sink the enemy's submarine!"

Chen Fan glanced at the entire launch control room: "The only problem is that we seem to have only two anti-submarine torpedoes now!"

After the voice fell, Team Leader Zhou was about to explain.

Suddenly, the bridge broadcast sounded a harsh alarm "Warning! Warning!"

"Torpedoes are coming! Pay attention to intercept!"

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