"Do these damn Chinese guys think they can build high-tech warships and that's it?"

In a deep sea about 2 kilometers away from the Huaxia Type 1055 warship.

Three white officers were chatting with smiles on their faces.

"Okay! They were able to intercept our first torpedo. They are already stronger than most navies in the world!"

"so what?"

One of the white men said very disapprovingly: "All the tactics in recent decades were developed by the military of our ugly country!"

"Compared to us, they are just a bunch of kindergarten kids!"

"Do you really think that once you catch up with high-tech weapons and equipment, you'll be fine?"

"Still promoting the so-called launch of an aircraft carrier!"

"We already have more than a dozen aircraft carrier formations, and they are just a few aircraft carriers!"

"And they are all conventionally powered aircraft carriers!"

"You can't say that! Being able to build an aircraft carrier is still worthy of our attention!"

"If their war thinking and tactical concepts cannot keep up, no matter how powerful their weapons and equipment are, what's the use?"

After saying that, the three of them looked at each other and smiled almost at the same time!

They had long wanted to teach them a lesson for slipping, but they never had the chance!

Just in time!

Let the Chinese people know how powerful they are!

"I'm afraid they are still struggling to find our location!"

One of the white officers smiled sinisterly: "I don't know that I just let them scan our location on purpose!"


After the three of them finished speaking, they laughed again!

With the Ugly Country's stealth submarine technology, it is completely possible to reach the Chinese warships silently!

Just now, you just deliberately exposed your location to Chinese warships to ensure your own safety!

to some extent.

Their plan actually worked!

The main control room of the Huaxia Type 1055 warship.

"Where did the sonar find the opponent's submarine just now?"

"Report to Captain!"

The sonar operator answered as quickly as possible: "It's about 2200 meters from our 11 o'clock position!"


Tang Haijun said decisively: "Notify everyone to pay close attention to the direction from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock!"

"Be prepared for close-in defense artillery and depth charges at the same time!"

"The enemy's second torpedo was intercepted by us again, and they will never give up!"

Tan Haijun's order was once again conveyed to all areas on the warship through the bridge broadcast.

This warship has never participated in actual combat since it was launched!

I didn't expect that during the battle with the opponent's submarine, I actually intercepted two of the opponent's torpedoes!

It undoubtedly shocked everyone’s spirits!

The members of the base force who stayed in the room without permission to go out also calmed down a little!

"It seems that the daily training of our navy comrades is still very effective!"

"As far as I know, the success rate of intercepting torpedoes is never high. Today, I really have both strength and luck!"

in words.

The mentality of almost all the base troops gradually relaxed.


But at this moment.

Chen Fan quickly discovered the problem!

Its radar scanning skill PS can always accurately capture the position of the opponent's submarine!

Judging from the firing conditions of the two torpedoes, it seems that the other party has always been in one position and has not conducted long-distance maneuvers.

But just after the opponent launched the second torpedo.

The submarine is moving forward to the left at an extremely fast speed!

The opponent's submarine obviously has super high stealth technology, and they have found an extremely hidden trench.

Thus deceiving the sonar of the Type 1055 warship!

Now almost all the defense forces of the entire warship are facing one of the directions.

Once an enemy submarine attacks from another direction, the probability of the warship being hit will be greatly increased!

"Squad leader, I will take over the launch control room next!"

"No matter what goes wrong in the future, I will be responsible for it!"

It's too late now to go to Tan Haijun to explain his findings and speculations just now!

It is even more impossible to watch warships exposed to great risks of defeat!

He must kill the opponent's submarine as soon as possible!

Monitor Zhou, the original person in charge of the launch control room, quickly noticed Chen Fan's actions!

He watched Chen Fan skillfully adjust the launch parameters of rocket depth charges and rocket-assisted torpedoes.

Then his expression suddenly changed...

The problem he discovered from the anti-submarine torpedo trajectory adjusted by Chen Fan!

"What are you going to do? You're going to waste our anti-submarine torpedoes!"

Squad leader Zhou immediately rushed out to stop Chen Fan: "The captain just ordered us to pay close attention to the direction from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clock. What are you doing now?"

Chen Fan had no way to explain his radar scanning skills to Squad Leader Zhou!

Moreover, he vaguely noticed that the other party had now adjusted the distance between the two sides and was now in an excellent attacking position.

"I said I will take over the launch control room now! Please believe me!"

Chen Fan's words had just finished.

Suddenly his expression changed drastically!


The submarine that had rediscovered the best offensive position reappeared and locked onto China's Type 1055 warship at an extremely fast speed!

"Alert! Alert! Torpedo attack at nine o'clock!"


Tan Haijun and others in the main control room were all shocked!

"Quick, quick, quick! Adjust the position of all firepower!"

"Be sure to intercept this torpedo!"

No need for the command of the main control room, all anti-aircraft guns frantically adjusted their positions at the fastest speed.

Unfortunately, the incident happened suddenly!

The interception effect would definitely not be as ideal as before!

And at this time in the launch control room.

Squad leader Zhou looked at Chen Fan in front of him in shock.

The trajectory of the anti-submarine torpedo he just adjusted was exactly at the nine o'clock position!

Pah pah pah pah!

Chen Fan pressed a series of buttons in succession!

More than a dozen depth charges were fired in the direction of the torpedo in front!

Then Chen Fan found the right time!

"Let you fucking plot against me! Go to hell!"


Chen Fan's big hand slapped it hard!

A white light appeared at the bottom of the water and then shot directly to the depths of the bottom of the water!

In the radar scanning skill ps, Chen Fan clearly saw the location of the other submarine!

The enemy submarine, which had already launched torpedoes, was preparing to dive!

Then, several white officers who were chatting and laughing suddenly lost their composure!

A shrill alarm suddenly sounded!

"Alarm, alarm! We have been targeted by the enemy's anti-submarine torpedo!"

"Evade quickly!"

The submarine commander lost his composure instantly!

Soon the submarine began to evade in the opposite direction!

At this time, Chen Fan showed a victorious smile!


Another anti-submarine torpedo was shot out from the bottom of the warship!

The target direction was exactly the direction that the enemy was preparing to evade!


Instantly, all the middle and senior commanders of the entire submarine showed desperate and terrified expressions!

How is it possible?

Why can the enemy find their position so accurately?

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