Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 595 Everyone, please listen to the dragon's roar!

"I can't decide this issue!"

Fu Dengguo seemed to have known that Chen Fan would ask this question. He smiled and pointed at it.

Chen Fan suddenly woke up.

Although the first flight of China's domestically produced 6th-generation aircraft was placed at Longteng Air Force Base, the overall command should be the leadership of the Air Force.

It’s really not up to Fu Dengguo to decide who will do the test flight!

Thinking of this, Chen Fan couldn't help but feel a little sad.

All the pilots on the scene probably hope that they are the one who performs the first flight!

The question just now was really a bit abrupt!

"How about we go watch the assembly process of the domestic sixth-generation aircraft together!"

It seemed that Chen Fan was a little embarrassed.

Fu Dengguo immediately initiated the invitation.

At the same time, he waved his hand and asked all other Longteng Air Force Base leaders to leave.

Because the following content also involves some secrets.

Only Chen Fan and himself can know.

As for the latest Chinese-made sixth-generation aircraft, assembly must be completed at Longteng Air Force Base.

But Chen Fan didn't even think of it.

The day after tomorrow is the first flight ceremony. Did the assembly just start today?

"I don't know the specifics!"

Fu Dengguo spread his hands: "But Director Huang specifically told me that we must wait until you arrive before we start assembling the domestic sixth-generation aircraft!"


Chen Fan nodded and the two of them quickly got on the off-road vehicle and headed to a dedicated field for domestic sixth-generation aircraft vacated by Longteng Air Force Base.

During off-road vehicle driving.

Chen Fan was not surprised to see many more soldiers on guard duty around.

It seems that this first flight is still a secret first flight.

It is not an official first flight open to the media and the world.

It’s normal to think about it.

If it were an official first flight for the media and the world, even more people would come.


The off-road vehicle arrived at the assembly area inside the Longteng Air Force Base.

As a result, Chen Fan unexpectedly heard his name as soon as he walked into the engine laboratory.

"The formula and engine design drawings given to us by Comrade Chen Fan, as well as the design drawings of the 6th generation machine, are so perfect!"

"We just need to follow the process!"

"There will definitely be no problem with the first flight!"

Chen Fan felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

It was Huang Zhengwu, director of China's First Aircraft R\u0026D Center, who said this.

Then everyone else looked at Chen Fan at the door, and Huang Zhengwu also noticed the abnormality immediately.

"Chen Fan, you are finally here!"

Huang Zhengwu was very excited when he saw Chen Fan: "The suggestions you gave us to improve the formula and manufacturing process are really great!"

"We have optimized the production process according to what you said!"

"We have also completed the new special steel you mentioned!"

"The entire fighter fuselage can be lightweighted!"

"According to the current progress, all test data are fully in line with the expectations of the 6th generation machine!"

The more Huang Zhengwu talked, the more excited he became.

This special steel is not only very practical for 6th generation machines.

And it can also be used in helicopters, tanks, warships, etc. in all military industries.

It can even be said that it will bring a great improvement to the entire material field of China!

At this time, Huang Zhengwu didn't know that Chen Fan had brought X element back to China in Baal Country.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he will be even more excited!


It will be at least a year or two before X element is used on fighter jets.

When the time comes, just follow the changes and start production!

"It's good to be able to use it!"

Chen Fan was relieved from the bottom of his heart when he heard these contents.

He just said a few words casually based on the content provided by the system.

What really matters are the scientific research staff at China's No. 1 Aircraft R\u0026D Center!

So Chen Fan felt a little guilty every time at this time!

It can come in handy and play a certain role in the research and development of the 6th generation machine. I am very satisfied!

"Let's go! I'll take you over now to see the engine!"


Huang Zhengwu led the way, passing through the assembly rooms of other fighter parts, and soon arrived at the core engine assembly laboratory.

Now that it has been decided to make the first flight of the domestically produced 6th generation aircraft.

These components have of course been tested and are already quite reliable.

After walking into the engine assembly laboratory, you can see that all the parts have been manufactured and placed quietly there.

Saw Chen Fan coming in.

Huang Zhengwu immediately directed the assembly personnel who were already eager to try: "You have assembled these parts several times. Now start assembling them according to the standards for the official first flight!"


The staff responsible for assembly immediately started assembling the engine.

The precision and workmanship requirements for these parts are extremely high!

It's easy to scrap parts if you're not careful.

So there are almost always spare parts.

Those responsible for assembling are all veterans to prevent damage or even affecting the overall performance of the engine due to improper assembly!

"What do the words on those parts mean?"

Chen Fan soon discovered some marks engraved on the components.

He remembered that this had never happened before.

"It means that all the people who made these parts left their own unique marks on them!"

Huang Zhengwu explained casually: "It's not a novel measure!"

"In ancient China, there were such anti-counterfeiting labels..."

"It is mainly to prevent some people from not being serious when working or handing these materials to other people to do it!"

Once there is a problem, it is easy to hold people accountable!

At the end, Huang Zhengwu's tone began to become serious: "It's okay if they mess around with other projects!"

"The domestically produced sixth-generation aircraft is the most important project of our China's First Aircraft Research and Development Center!"

"Whoever dares to do anything to me in this project, I will definitely make him look bad!"

Chen Fan nodded on the side.

No wonder China's domestically produced sixth-generation aircraft was able to carry out its maiden flight in such a short time.

It must be inseparable from Huang Zhengwu's strict management!

Then the two of them watched the staff assemble the engine quietly on the side.

During the whole process, the assembly staff can be said to be very careful!

Because they don't want to make any mistakes.

One by one, the parts were assembled together, and many of the parts involved heavy tools.

Fortunately, all of these were prepared and brought here!

Three hours later.

All the parts of the engine were finally assembled together!

Chen Fan also witnessed the whole process of assembling the Taizu engine provided by him for the first time!

At this time, the assemblers were sweating profusely!

"Let's go!

Although he was already certain in his heart, Huang Zhengwu's face began to become solemn at this time!

Other problems can be optimized on site!

But if there is a problem with the engine, I am afraid that the 6th generation aircraft will not be able to complete its first flight!

After Chen Fan patiently and carefully scanned the entire engine with the radar scanning skill PS, he showed a calm smile!

"Okay! Today we will experience what it means to listen to the dragon's roar!"

Hearing this.

Huang Zhengwu and the other four were all excited!

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