Although Chen Fan did not know much about the structure of the engine, his only contribution to the Taizu engine was to borrow an engine design drawing from the system.


Chen Fan, who has the radar scanning skill PS, can easily scan the entire engine.

Once there is any abnormality, it can be discovered at the first time.

So after the scan, Chen Fan's face was full of confident smiles.

"Listen to the dragon's roar! This word is really well used!"

Huang Zhengwu instantly felt an indescribable excitement after hearing these four words!

China has been the descendant of the dragon since ancient times, and there are many legends about dragon roars in myths and legends.

In the folk, some people even mistakenly believe that the sound of China's former fifth-generation aircraft flying is a dragon's roar.

And today.

The most advanced Chinese sixth-generation aircraft engine has been assembled.

Next, isn't it time to listen to the dragon roar of the domestic sixth-generation aircraft Taizu engine?

There are of course special inspection equipment in the assembly area.

Soon the assembled engine was connected to a pipe for testing.

The fuel supply system is connected, and the other end is collecting test data about the Taizu engine through a supercomputer.

Chen Fan saw the logo of the University of Science and Technology of China on the back of the supercomputer without any surprise.

It seems that this engine is also a product of the University of Science and Technology of China.

The experts on the scene began to check the connection parameters of the entire engine to ensure that there would be no problems!

Although this process had already been carried out at the First Aircraft Research and Development Center of China.

But all the experts still dared not be careless!

"Testing completed! No problems were found!"

After the experts finished speaking, they looked at the Taizu engine in front of them expectantly.

Their feelings for the Taizu engine can even be said to be deeper than Chen Fan.

Huang Zhengwu stepped forward and said, "Get ready!"


As his voice fell.

All the people in the entire laboratory fell silent!

Everyone looked at the ready Taizu engine expectantly through the protective glass!

Some people even clenched their fists tightly.

As if sensing the solemn atmosphere at the scene, Huang Zhengwu suddenly said to Chen Fan: "Engineer Chen, do you know what we are most proud of about the Taizu engine?"

"Its huge thrust and power conversion efficiency?"

"Or its stability and super long service life?"

Chen Fan answered tentatively.

Soon he realized that he might have said something wrong.

"Of course what you said makes us proud!"

Sure enough, Huang Zhengwu immediately changed the subject: "But what makes us most proud is that this engine is as small as a screw, and all the accessories are all domestically made!"

"We have truly achieved zero imports in the engine!"

At this moment, all the other scientific research staff almost shed tears!

The engine has always been the weak point of the Chinese Air Force, restricting the development of the entire Chinese large aircraft equipment.

They have been working hard for decades, but it is really too difficult!

Not only do the materials restrict the various parameters of the entire engine, but the domestic technology is also far behind the top foreign engine equipment manufacturers.

It is even worse than the actor country that is now raging in war.

Once the Taizu engine is successfully tested, it will become the undisputed first in terms of the engine parameters announced by countries around the world!

The content about improving materials and manufacturing processes that Chen Fan borrowed from the system at that time was really too important!

At such a critical moment, it is no wonder that Huang Zhengwu and others are particularly nervous!

As long as there is no problem with the subsequent engine test!

The subsequent fighter jet first flight is basically no problem!

Because in the fighter jet architecture, China is not behind any country in the world.

The design drawings of the domestically produced 6th generation aircraft provided by Chen Fan have even vaguely reached the most advanced architecture level in the world.

"I believe it will succeed!"

Chen Fan couldn't help but feel the same at this time.

"I hope so!"

As the director of China's first aircraft research and development center, Huang Zhenguo's strong psychological quality is also indispensable.

Then he looked at an old expert with gray hair: "Chief Engineer Li, you will do the next ignition!"


Chief Engineer Li was also very excited, but he quickly stabilized his mind at this critical moment.

Chen Fan also knew why Huang Zhengwu arranged Chief Engineer Li to ignite.

China's domestically produced engines can be said to be Chief Engineer Li's lifelong career, and in this field, it is also important to pass on the torch.

Although he is only in his early 60s, Chief Engineer Li, who looks more than 70 years old, pressed the start button very calmly.


The sound of electricity sounded in everyone's heart.

The test system started working.

Then the whole engine started running instantly.

The roar sounded.

Whether the engine can work normally depends on this!

The most tense moment has arrived!

Everyone stared at the engine through the protective glass without blinking!

Fearing that it would suddenly malfunction or suddenly stall.

Time passed second by second.

Soon the voice of the technician came from the monitoring room: "The engine is running normally!"


At this moment, everyone on the scene felt that they could breathe!

The heart that had been raised to the throat finally slowly fell!

"Perform afterburner test!"


The so-called afterburner is similar to computer overclocking, and the purpose is to release the full power of the engine!

The technicians slowly increased the fuel delivery, and the roar of the engine became more intense.

Similarly, the expressions of every technician became more and more excited!

"Everything is normal!"


"Stable operation!"

"Okay! Perform the extreme afterburner test!"


The entire test process was carried out in an orderly manner.

Soon it came to the most thrilling extreme pressure test!

Whether the Taizu engine can achieve the huge thrust when it was designed is about to be revealed!

Boom boom boom!

The roar of the engine can be clearly perceived through the protective glass to become more intense.

However, no one on the scene felt any discomfort.

Even the mood became more cheerful!

What this means is really clear to everyone on the scene!

It is not far from a successful test!

"The extreme afterburner test is complete, everything is normal!"

"Good, good, good!"

Everyone at the scene immediately began to applaud!

Everyone's face was filled with uncontrollable excitement!

"Data! Let's see what the data is like!"

Huang Zhengwu is worthy of being the director of China's first aircraft research and development center, and he reacted immediately!

Since the engine has been successfully tested, the most important thing next is the various data of the engine!

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