Hearing Wu Yuwen's words, Chen Fan couldn't help but sigh in his heart!

The scientific researchers represented by Lin Ziqian all looked at the base troops with suspicion.

There seemed to be some anger in their expressions.

Of course, he knew that Wu Yuwen was right to some extent!

So far, Chen Fan has been completely sure that this is a trap set by some unknown force in the Ugly Country specifically for the Chinese national special forces!

The scientific researchers represented by Wu Yuwen, Lin Ziqian and others are just tools used by the other party to achieve their goals!

"You are right! The other party's target is indeed us!"

Chen Fan has received news from the base troops at this time.

There are no other extra bombs in the cave.

It seems that everything is just as he expected. Even if there are remaining bombs, they are not under Wu Yuwen's control at all!

"Please think about it, is the other party's target really just us peasants?"

"No! The other party's real goal is to destroy our Chinese special forces!"

"We are also victims!"

"Now that things have come to this, we should be united against the outside world!"

Then Chen Fan no longer cared about the reactions of Lin Ziqian and others, and directly ordered the base troops: "From now on, I will take over everything here!"

"Anyone else, including Engineer Lin Ziqian, will be shot on the spot if there is any unusual movement!"

Of course, this was also said to the scientific expedition team members.

After saying this, Chen Fan turned around and looked at Lin Ziqian and others: "Now that things have come to this, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope!"

"Only by working together can we survive this crisis!"

The scientific expedition team members are not fools.

They quickly recognized the situation.

And the fact is indeed as Chen Fan said, the real enemy is those guys from the Ugly Country.

"Now everyone follow me and leave the cave as quickly as possible!"


At this moment.

Lin Ziqian suddenly walked towards Chen Fan.

The base troops wanted to stop Chen Fan but waved their hands, indicating that it was not necessary.

"Can this comrade speak further?"


Chen Fan and Lin Ziqian came to the corner: "Engineer Lin, please speak frankly!" "There is a piece of news here that I shouldn't tell you!"

Lin Ziqian hesitated for a moment and said carefully: "But if I don't tell you, you will never allow us to stay!"


Chen Fan nodded.

Of course, he couldn't let the scientific expedition team members stay in the cave. He must ensure the safety of these scientific expedition team members!

"Xiao Wen... Although Wu Yuwen gave us false information!"

"But the meteorite he brought us to find is real!"

Chen Fan nodded.

He had just discovered that the stone in the cave had been emitting a faint golden luster.

It should be a meteorite!

In the long history of the earth, it has been hit by asteroid fragments from the universe countless times.

The most famous of these is the mass extinction of dinosaurs 56 million years ago.

Planetary impacts on the earth do not only exist in science fiction movies and novels.

It is entirely possible.

Most asteroids burn due to friction with the Earth's atmosphere, consuming most of the material.

Meteorites that can land on Earth are usually some rare elements.

But this meteorite in front of us.

Since the Ugly Country's scientific expedition team has studied it, there should be nothing left!

Then Chen Fan quickly reacted!

"What do you mean?"

"That's right!"

Lin Ziqian looked like you are also a smart man.

"After our detection just now, just when you came in, a researcher has separated almost ten grams of element A from the core area of ​​the meteorite!"

Element A?

Chen Fan's heart moved.

In the system, there are indeed more than 500 rare elements starting with 26 letters.

Among them, element A is relatively not so rare, and the system believes that it should exist on Earth.

But Chen Fan read all the scientific research materials in the field of materials science in China, and did not find element A.

It is said that the statement about element A also came from the Ugly Country.

It usually only appears in the materials of nuclear reactors with very high uranium content.

And it is quite unstable.

Each a-element can produce more than 100 million seeds per minute under certain circumstances.

These seeds will produce specific reactions when encountering various substances.

Therefore, the moment a-element appears, it is considered to be something that can bring qualitative changes to future radar detection technology!

However, since the Ugly Country has released some news about a-element, there has been no more information.

Precisely because of its scarcity, the value of one gram of a-element has reached tens of millions of Chinese yuan.

It is even more expensive than the x-element discovered by Chen Fan before.


It was obviously a trap set by the Ugly Country, but the coveted a-element was discovered?

Is this plot a little too magical?

Lin Ziqian seemed to be able to guess what Chen Fan was thinking: "I know you can't believe it, but this is the fact!"

"Because of the harsh conditions for formation, these a-elements only exist in the core area of ​​super meteorites!"

"So we must protect this meteorite!"

Chen Fan was speechless instantly!

The scientific expedition team must complete their mission, and the special operations group of the base force must ensure the safety of the scientific expedition team members.

If there is no super meteorite and AI elements.

Chen Fan can take all the scientific expedition team members away without hesitation.

But what about now?

"There is one more thing, I must remind you!"

Lin Ziqian spoke again: "My suggestion is to separate all the a elements now!"

"Because with our existing technical means, we cannot be sure whether they will only exist for a short time, or perhaps there will be other changes!"

This problem does exist.

Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why the scientific expedition team members of the Ugly Country did not find these a elements.

On the contrary, the scientific expedition team members of China found them by accident!

"I understand what you mean!"

Chen Fan nodded: "It seems that we can only stay here!"

"How long will it take to extract these a elements?"

"At least one hour!"

"Okay! Then wait another hour!"

Chen Fan made a decision immediately.

Just in time to solve the battle outside.

Thinking of this.

Chen Fan arranged for the base troops to protect the scene and the scientific expedition team members, and tied up Wu Yuwen and locked him in a corner.

So as not to affect the work of the scientific expedition team members.

He himself took some of the base troops to leave the cave.

But what he didn't expect was.

The changes in the battle outside were far beyond previous expectations!

The trap arranged by the enemy was simply impeccable!

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