After learning that this expedition to the Antarctic was a trap set by the enemy, Chen Fan had already prepared for a fruitless expedition.

He never expected that there would be an unexpected surprise at this time.

The importance of element A to the Chinese military industry is self-evident.

However, the battle outside the cave at this time has entered a white-hot stage, and it is completely different from what Chen Fan thought.

When the teams led by Aaron Xu and Zhang Hao discovered the enemy respectively, almost each team used their own methods to attack the enemy.

The sniper of Aaron's team took the lead in killing an enemy.

The huge sound of sniper rifles resounded through the snow-capped mountains, and countless enemies were awakened.

At this time, the increasingly strong gusts of wind brought one blizzard after another.

It looks like it is snowing in the Antarctic.

However, all the base troops are quite clear.

The climate in the Antarctic is extremely dry, and it is impossible to snow.

All the blizzard-like weather seen is formed by the wind blowing up the ice and snow on the ground.

But Aaron, Zhang Hao and others still frowned involuntarily.

This storm came at the wrong time!

Originally, in this polar region, everything was white. Whether it was the base troops or the enemies on the opposite side, they all wore snow camouflage, which was very easy to hide.

In this stormy weather, it was even more difficult to aim.

The original tactic of hoping to force all the others out by killing one enemy was directly abandoned.

Then Aaron's team searched for several minutes in a row, but still found nothing.

Zhang Haoxu's team encountered a similar situation.

Just as they were about to move forward and kill the enemy at close range.

Suddenly, an observer in Aaron's team changed his expression.

"Report No. 2! Report No. 2!"

"Received! You say!"

"I found the enemy, but..."

"What's the but? Since you found them, let the sniper kill them!"

"But there are too many enemies!"

"What do you mean by too many enemies?"

However, Aaron's voice had just fallen, the storm gradually passed, and visibility was restored again.

Aaron's pupils suddenly widened!

Da da da da!

The other side fired dense gunshots and took the lead in launching an attack.

"Damn it! Everyone hide!"

Aaron rolled on the spot and hid behind the bunker!

No wonder there were too many enemies in the observation just now!

Looking around, at least more than 1,000 people are slowly surrounding them with the help of the terrain!

And the team occupied by Aaron has only more than 30 people in total.

Zhang Hao and Xu Ke also discovered the abnormality almost at the same time.

When they saw the enemy in front of them, which also exceeded 1,000 people, they felt that their scalps were about to explode!

What's going on?

Chen Fan just walked out of the cave and encountered such a scene!

"No. 1! No. 1 received, please reply!"

"Received! No. 2, you say!"

"Old Chen, the enemy is really bloody this time!"

"The three directions of td add up to at least more than 4,000 people!"

"How to fight this horse?"

4,000 people?

Chen Fan instantly understood where Wu Yuwen's confidence came from!

Then he used the radar scanning skill ps, and indeed found that there were more than 1,000 enemies in each of the three directions ahead.

You can vaguely see their clothes.

"Damn Thanksgiving Mercenary Company!"

At this time, Chen Fan could know who was behind the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company even if he used his toes to think about it.

But it was meaningless!

"There's nothing to say! No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, we have no choice!"

"We must kill them all with all our strength!"

Although the radar scanning skill ps only saw a large number of enemies in three directions within a range of 3.5 kilometers.

But the ancient tactic of surrounding three and missing one is not only known by China.

Many foreign military personnel have also learned China's tactics.

Chen Fan even began to worry about the team led by Li Jian who stayed on the scientific research ship!

Retreating is impossible!

Even if there was no major discovery by Lin Ziqian, at this time, only one of the three directions could be chosen to break through.

We must not retreat!

"Okay! Then kill them!"

Along Xu Ke and Zhang Hao were also excited at this time.

It seems that there are many enemies, but if you think about it carefully, they can be killed!

The only thing to be thankful for is that the other party has not yet deployed large-scale heavy weapons.

At most, it is just some heavy machine guns!

You can understand it if you think about it carefully.

Heavy weapons are difficult to transport, and these enemies cannot come to the Antarctic region on warships.

They must be disguised as scientific research ships.

They can't carry too many heavy weapons and equipment.

In addition, heavy weapons often represent the violent armed forces of the country.

Since the other party disguised themselves as the Thanksgiving Mercenary Company, they certainly don't want their actions to rise to the level of the country.

There is still a chance!

"Brothers, there is nothing to say! Even if we try our best, we must kill them all!"

"Listen to my orders! Fire!"

Along, Zhang Hao and Xu Ke gave orders to their team members without hesitation.

The members of the base force tacitly found favorable shooting positions and began to counterattack the enemy!

Puff puff puff!

At this time, the superiority of the individual strength of the special combat group of the Huaxia base force gradually emerged.

The guys disguised as the Thanksgiving mercenary company on the opposite side were at least one level lower than the members of the base force.

Swish, swish, swish!

The sound of bullets kept whizzing past everyone's ears.

Almost every bullet of the base force members could kill an enemy.

Although the guys of the Thanksgiving mercenary company had good marksmanship, they encountered the base force members who had just upgraded their full body armor.

Puff puff puff!

The sound of base force members being hit by bullets kept ringing.

However, almost everyone just grimaced and cried out in pain, and continued to fight.

"Fuck! The equipment the captain got for us is too awesome!"

"Damn, when I was hit by a bullet, I thought I was going to die!"

"But I looked carefully and I was not hurt at all!"

"Fuck him! I won't pretend anymore!"

After the bulletproof ability of the full-body bulletproof vest was verified, the base troops let themselves go one by one.

Even the tactical evasive actions were omitted.

In addition to subconsciously looking for cover and covering half of their bodies, the whole person was holding the rifle and outputing crazily.

There was no evasive action at all!

In this way, the speed at which the base troops harvested the lives of the enemies was greatly accelerated!

It turned into a one-sided massacre!

And the enemies opposite them were dumbfounded.


On the hillside 5 kilometers away, Rick received the first combat briefing.

"Fuck! What did you say?"

"Are those Chinese special forces on the opposite side invincible?"

"Do you think our guns are made of paper?"

"Do you want me to give you a bullet now to try?"

The communications personnel were almost crying!

He didn't want to either!

But the battle briefing sent back from the front was like this!

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