After seeing the full-body body armor and combat boots on the base troop members working.

Chen Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time!

The enemies encountered this time can be said to be unprecedented.

They were well prepared and left almost no blind spots.

Fortunately, this time all members of the base force have been equipped with full-body body armor. So far, there have been no casualties.

But there are too many enemies!

Full-body body armor has very strong performance at present, but every body armor has a fatal flaw!

Chen Fan believed that this loophole would soon be exposed to all base troop members!

Then he looked at the members of Aaron's team.

As Aaron's favorite disciple, Geng Hu was already ready to kill.

Originally, he was a little restrained. After every shot, he had to find a bunker and change his position to prevent being hit by the enemy.

But when I discovered that the full body armor and combat boots combined made me almost invulnerable.

Geng Hu was like a god of death, standing there and firing wildly at the enemy.

However, after joining the special operations group of the base force, his strength has been greatly improved.

The accuracy of his marksmanship is enough to make all enemies frightened!

In less than 5 minutes, he had emptied more than 10 magazines and killed at least 50 enemies.

This is mainly because the enemies are also wearing bulletproof vests.

In the extremely bad weather in the Antarctic region, it is impossible to guarantee that every shot will hit the enemy's head.

It often takes several shots to actually kill an enemy.

Even if the bullet from the Thanksgiving mercenary company on the opposite side hits Geng Hu, it will only cause slight pain.


The situation changed after 5 minutes!


Geng Hu felt two sharp pains coming from his abdomen again, but he didn't take it to heart.

However, he soon felt a sharp pain in his abdomen again.

Aaron noticed immediately that something was wrong with Geng Hu. He frowned: "Geng Hu, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, No. 2! I'm fine!"

Geng Hu shook his head: "I just got shot in the abdomen, and now I feel a little pain!"

Only then did Aaron notice Geng Hu's abdomen, and then his expression changed!

"Damn it, you're bleeding!"

"Come here and let me see what's going on!"

The two quickly found a bunker. Aaron untied Geng Hu's coat as quickly as possible. His expression changed completely!

"Fuck! What the hell kind of luck do you have?"

After taking off his coat, he could clearly see that Geng Hu's body armor had a bullet slug embedded in it.

You can still vaguely see the traces of two consecutive bullets hitting the same position on Geng Hu's abdomen.

"The enemy hit the same spot twice! Tell me, what do you do for food?"

Having said that, Aaron also knew that this was not Geng Hu's fault.

In the Antarctic region, in such extreme terrain, a top special forces soldier would even want to hit the same spot twice.

The error does not exceed 1 cm.

At least it takes a master of Chen Fan's level to achieve it.

If there were such masters on the opposite side, the base force members would have already been reduced in number!

This is the current situation.

The enemy's firepower was too intense and too dense.

Therefore, there is a small probability that two bullets hit the same part at the same time!

Although a small amount of x-element is added to the full-body body armor worn by members of the base force, it can slowly repair itself.

But if it suffers two severe impacts in a short period of time, there will be no time to repair it!

Oh, and Geng Hu, this guy, most likely didn’t even realize that he had been shot!

"number 2......"

Sure enough, Geng Hu's face turned red and he hesitated: "I just felt a bit of pain, but I didn't know that the bulletproof vest was penetrated!"

"You're a lucky kid!"

Aaron shook his head: "If you are hit by a third bullet again in this position, I'm afraid your life will be in danger!"

At the same time, Aaron's expression showed more worry.

Regardless of whether the same part is hit by two bullets in succession, the probability of being hit by two bullets is quite low.

The scenario that the members of the base force are facing now can easily lead to this low-probability event happening again and again.

Chen Fan saw this point more clearly than Aaron.

Through the radar scanning skill PS, he has discovered that the teams led by Aaron Zhang Hao and Xu Xu have each experienced at least 5 small-probability incidents of bulletproof vests being penetrated.

In addition, several team members accidentally misjudged the terrain when conducting tactical evasion.

There were leg fractures and minor concussions.

At present, the attrition has reached more than 10 people.

They did kill quite a few enemies, but they didn't improve the current situation!

This situation became more severe when the enemy changed tactics and avoided confronting the base troops, instead hiding behind bunkers and using rifles to provide indiscriminate fire coverage.

Currently, the base troops are surrounded.

Moreover, the opponent's firepower equipment is obviously more sufficient than that of the base troops.

If the war of attrition continues, the end result will be that the base troops will lose more and more members.

Even death will occur.

This is something Chen Fan absolutely does not want to see.

But through the radar scanning skill PS can only see the endless enemies around.

How should we break the situation?

"No. 1! No. 1 received, please reply!"

Xu Ke's voice came at this time.

"No. 3! No. 1 received! Please speak!"

"We are almost unable to hold on here, and the consumption of ammunition is almost reaching the bottom. When can we organize a breakout?"

The best way in the world today is to leave as quickly as possible.

This is the best way Xu Ke can think of.

But Xu Ke does not know that the scientific expedition team in the cave has made a major discovery.

In this case, unless it is really necessary, Chen Fan will not give up the legendary a element.

As for withdrawing all the base troops back to the cave.

That is even worse.

At that time, the enemy will have countless ways to encircle and suppress the base troops.

"No. 3! Stay calm!"

"I'll arrange for support now! You must hold on!"

Chen Fan arranged for his team members to go to three directions to provide support.

On the other hand, he opened WeChat and wanted to ask the headquarters for support.

Since the other party's Thanksgiving mercenary company did not dare to reveal its true identity.

The Chinese authorities can arrange for people to provide support.

But it's hard to say when this support will arrive!

Seeing that the special operations group of the base force was in a desperate situation again, Chen Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

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