After killing the two enemies, Chen Fan turned around and waved to Hongshun and the others behind him, signaling them to follow. They crawled cautiously behind Chen Fan and came to the door of the hall. They saw that all the residents in the hall were dejected. The old ones were so hungry that they were weak. The women could see that they had cried and had no tears. Their eyes were dull and desperate. The children were also so hungry that they fell asleep. Some of them even had no strength to cry and could only moan. There were almost no young men. They were probably on the battlefield or killed by the enemy. There were a few disabled people who looked powerless...

"Damn it." Chen Fan cursed fiercely, his face flushed with anger.

"One of you stay here to take care of them, and the others follow me to kill them all." Chen Fan said hatefully and firmly.

"I'll stay. Lei Hu, you go with Chen Fan. Be careful. If there is anything, use the satellite system to convey it." Hongshun said immediately.

"Received", Lei Hu and the others responded in unison.

Chen Fan led everyone to the middle alley briskly. "This alley should be the main path of this town. You see other alleys are so narrow that only two people can walk at the same time, but this one is different. It is estimated that a car can drive through it." Chen Fan analyzed slowly.

They came to the entrance of the alley. With the help of the faint sunset light, they could see that the walls on both sides of the alley were made of green bricks, and the walls were covered with moss. The alley was very long and there was an exit every 20 meters. There were exits for turning left and right. There was a doorway every 5 meters, that is, one doorway was for one family. The green bricks on the ground were already shiny. But the wooden doors of each doorway were tilted, probably because of the violent treatment of the enemy. In such an environment, it can be imagined that although the residents here are not rich, they live a stable life and have lived a happy life for a long time. If it were not for the sudden attack by the enemy, they would probably like the current state.

"You must be vigilant. The environment here is complicated. We have few people and we have to take care of everything. Try to follow me." Chen Fan reminded.

Lei Hu and other soldiers nodded.

Chen Fan came to a door and peeked through the crack of the door to see what was going on inside. He was immediately stunned. The walls of the houses inside were blown up to the base of the walls. There was nothing good that could be preserved. The bodies on the ground were lying in all directions, unrecognizable. There were old and young, men and women, and the whole ground was stained with blood.

Chen Fan took them to visit several households, and there was no exception.

"The enemy this time is ruthless. It is estimated that they attacked this town from the air. Their combat methods are not bad. We must be more careful. We must save this town." Chen Fan said sharply and firmly, his eyes became more ruthless than ever, probably because he was touched by the current situation.

"There are footsteps, pay attention." Lei Hu said hurriedly.

There were four enemies guarding the first exit of the alley, and they were patrolling back and forth. Suddenly, their bracelets sounded the alarm at the same time, warning that outsiders were approaching, and they immediately walked towards Chen Fan and his group in the direction indicated. Chen Fan and his team dodged quickly but were still discovered. The enemy immediately opened his rifle and fired at Chen Fan and his team. "Pah, pah, pah..." The enemy was shooting while looking for outsiders. They almost hit Lei Hu at a 30-degree angle. The patrol soldiers at the exits and the enemies guarding nearby heard the gunshots and came to help. Fortunately, Chen Fan had the skills of hiding and dodging, and quickly took Lei Hu and his team to hide behind the brick pile in the room. The enemy searched for about 10 minutes and didn't find anyone, so they went back to their positions.

"That was a close call!" Nightingale said tremblingly.

"Yes, the enemies here are too powerful, their layout is too complicated, and their shooting skills are not bad. Leader, it's really not right for us to blindly die like this." Lei Hu also responded in panic.

The other soldiers who followed also nodded, and they all felt that fighting like this was not advisable.

"Our main problem now is that we don't know their exact location and how many snipers the enemy has. Their aiming ability is very strong, which is the reason why we can't win." Chen Fan analyzed calmly.

"But we can think of other ways. We must fight with wisdom to fight with them." Chen Fan continued.

Everyone looked at each other, and they were all shocked by the situation just now. They didn't know whether they should believe what Chen Fan said.

"I got it. I will use radar to measure the specific location of the enemy. Then, you will move forward according to my prompts to attack them by surprise and fight them unexpectedly." Chen Fan took out the radar excitedly and said, and turned on the radar to detect the enemy's position and scan the enemy's position.

"Lei Hu, the nearest enemy is 10 meters to the west, 20 meters to the south, and 30 meters to the north... You lead them to kill the nearest enemy first, and attack in the opposite direction. I installed a silencer on the gun, so that the nearby enemies will not hear the action. You just do as I say, and listen to my radar system to communicate the operation at any time." Chen Fan said to Lei Hu confidently while looking at the radar system.

"Leader, the enemy's layout is too powerful, and their reaction ability and sensing system are very strong. It is estimated that they will kill us before we get close. I think it is not advisable for you to fight like this. You must think carefully and make sure that there is no risk before taking action." Lei Hu said worriedly.

"Leader, Lei Hu is right. We must put safety first before we go out. If we are all so impulsive and go to die, isn't that what the enemy wants?" Nightingale also hurried to dissuade Chen Fan.

The other soldiers also nodded fiercely.

Chen Fan looked at Lei Hu and the others, and felt that they all didn't believe in him.

"Okay, you don't go, you stay here, I will go by myself, what is a battlefield? Isn't the battlefield like this? If you are afraid of death, don't chatter in front of me and delay my action. If you think like this, can we save the town? My goal will not change because of difficulties." Chen Fan said angrily.

When everyone heard Chen Fan say that they were afraid of death, they were also very dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to admit that they were indeed afraid of death, so they could only keep silent.

Chen Fan detected the enemy's position based on the radar and moved forward with a "whoosh". Seeing that he really acted so decisively, everyone felt ashamed of what they had just said and thought, and could only watch him attack in front quietly from behind.

"Ding ding..." The alarm bracelet of the enemy in the west sounded again. It turned out that it would sound when the outsiders approached them within 8 meters.

Chen Fan didn't wait for them to react. He shot and killed them first. Every shot hit the enemy's vital points and killed the nearest enemy silently.

Lei Hu and others were shocked to see their jaws drop in the back. They all sighed at the leader's light-speed reaction ability and were also sweating for Chen Fan, worried that his attack would be unsuccessful.

The sound of the enemy falling down alarmed the enemy in the south. When they saw their own people falling to the ground, they quickly raised their vigilance and prepared to fight with guns. Chen Fan also immediately used his dodging and hiding skills. Before the enemy could react, he immediately pulled the trigger and shot the enemy. In the end, everyone fell to the ground.

In the end, one after another, he was like Sun Wukong, only his shadow could be seen, and the enemies fell one after another under his fast combat.

"The leader is worthy of being the leader. If it were me, I might be the first ghost under the enemy's knife." Nightingale was stunned and talked to herself.

The other soldiers seemed to be watching an extremely exciting movie, and they didn't feel that they were in a dangerous scene at all.

After Chen Fan saw the detection prompt sound on the radar quiet down, he pressed the detection button again, and after making sure that there were no enemies in this alley, he returned to join the Thunder Tigers. Everyone in the Thunder Tigers excitedly raised their thumbs. For the sake of safety, no one dared to make a sound.

Chen Fan also nodded to them confidently, as if all the unhappiness just now was washed away by this temporary victory.

After seeing Chen Fan's life-and-death action, everyone showed that they were willing to go through fire and water for the future attack.

"Don't underestimate the enemy at all. We have this experience, and we must be more cautious in the next step." Chen Fan frowned instantly, because he knew that the battle situation in the future might be more complicated.

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