Chen Fan and the four team members were suppressed in a corner by the enemy's firepower. The enemy's firepower was too strong. If there was any sign of trouble or something that they felt was suspicious, they did not need to confirm it. It was just a round of machine fire. A truly arrogant person did not need to save ammunition. . Such a move would undoubtedly cause huge obstacles to Chen Fan and his team who wanted to infiltrate and investigate the situation.

Their team of five people had just touched this place today. They originally planned to use the Hidden Shadow Technique and the Flash Technique to slowly and quietly sneak in to explore the situation. Unexpectedly, the plan was already dead before it was even launched. .

It is impossible to advance or retreat. Their mission is to explore the situation in the town. Are the people in the town being controlled or... killed? The situation is unknown now and they cannot make a next plan.

They had learned about the topography and architecture of the town before coming in. The topography of the town was originally shaped like a pyramid. The tallest building in the town was built at the top of the tower, and then the residents of the town surrounded the tallest building. The houses they live in are built in the form of stairs, spreading out in circles. This kind of building complex seems to protect their beliefs and worship their beliefs. If it were placed in a peaceful time, this would be a very special attraction. The people inside would have faith and hope, and their lives would definitely be comfortable and happy.

But once this stability is broken, it becomes a fatal weakness. As long as the enemy seizes the tallest building and occupies the highest point, they can block all avenues for help and rescue, and easily control the entry and exit of the entire town.

"It's not an option for us to stay here all the time. If we don't take the lead, they will come to patrol soon. Facing the enemy directly, we may have a chance of winning, but we still can't avoid the attack from the highest point."

"Then what should we do? We haven't moved here yet. In just five minutes, we have fired at least five times! And each time they were not far from us." Lei Ming said angrily. Their mission this time started from The beginning was not smooth. He could have arrived here yesterday. There were constant problems along the way. Only those who hurried and hurried slowly could get here after the sun rose today. He always felt that if he could arrive earlier, he might be able to make a surprise attack or something. Yes, we won't be trapped here.

"Yes, listen to the sound of gunfire. There are no less than three machine guns firing in our direction. As soon as we show up, we may be targeted by how many machine guns." Moreover, he also saw a sniper when he came here just now. The traces of the hiding place of the machine shadow must be the sniper position set up by the enemy when they attacked the town. That position was also the position he favored, so there must be sniper masters among the enemies. Don't ask him how he knows, his sniper skills are also among the best.

"Then we have to take action. I can hear the cries of children, and there are also some very weak moans. There are still people alive in the town. We have to rescue them." Lightning was a little anxious, his hearing had been impaired since he was a child. Unlike ordinary people, they can hear distant sounds clearly, and they determine a person's health based on the sounds. If the situation is very critical, the sounds will be very rapid. If he does not stay away, these sounds will always be in his ears. After all these years of training, he could be calmer, but for some reason this time, it always made him feel bad.

"Little Bee, can you count how many directions the shots were fired just now? It would be best if you could know how many shots were fired." Chen Fan pondered for a moment and asked one of his teammates.

The enemies in this town don’t know what technology they use. Neither the radar detection they carry nor the intrusion identification skills they possess can be used, so they can only rely on the most primitive methods to collect information and gain a chance of survival. .

"Three high-altitude shooting points fired in our direction. They were all single-shot shots. The distances were different. It was judged that they were not at the same height. But I just heard that shots were also fired from other directions. The shooting in that direction was more chaotic. There were gunshots from no less than 5 directions and heights at the same time. And...the gun was fired at people." Little Bee's voice was relatively heavy. He had been carefully identifying the source and number of gunshots just now, trying his best. He could clearly identify the height position. The previous five shots were all good. They were basically all random shots. This allowed him to judge the position of the enemy's machine gun. However, the round of shooting that just ended made him unexpected. It was actually carried out against people. These were civilians. They had no weapons, and they did not even have threats!

Chen Fan fell silent and clenched his fist hard. He had seen civilians being shot. It was a bloody scene that made people want to tear out the perpetrator and tear his body apart inch by inch. Those who were killed were men, women, and children of all ages. They were scared and frightened. They begged to be let go. Children were not sensible yet but they knew how to cry out in fear. Adults resented injustice and wished they could be possessed by gods. Suddenly, he had the ability to strangle all the people who looked at them in fear, admired their pleading, and finally laughed together and shot at them, and even tore into half of their bodies without leaving them alone... But , they were powerless, and in the end they could only watch helplessly, watching their respected elders, loved ones, and their children all fall to the bullets, and the blood flowed from their bodies, spreading and gathering around, Then it flowed further away, and the blood on that piece of land became a river.

"What a fool. Do it." Chen Fan didn't dare to think too deeply. He wanted to take action immediately to save those who had not been killed, just in case there were still people alive.

"We are now in the south of the town. We judge that there are three layers of shooting circles. There must be people deployed in each direction. This time the enemy is numerous. Now Lei Ming, Ji Feng and Lightning and I will cross from four directions. Little Bee, you seize the opportunity and kill all the machine gunners you can kill."

"Okay. You count to three and we will set off together." Lei Ming and the others agreed. Little Bee's words about shooting at people also stimulated them. They hate terrorists. If you fight with soldiers with real knives and guns, I respect you as a man, but I can't tolerate you shooting at civilians.

"Mortar, be careful!" Before Chen Fan could count, the Bee who had been paying attention to the surrounding situation shouted, his voice hoarse and a little shrill.

"Let's go." Chen Fan reacted quickly. Almost the moment the little bee's voice sounded, he used the shadow hiding technique and flashing technique to take people away from the power range of the mortar.

But this also exposed them to the enemy's shooting sight, and the crisis was triggered...

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