"I found a secret. Let's have a meeting." Chen Fan played with the little bee for a while and then immediately changed his face to a serious one.

"Boss, you tell me." Several people also stopped laughing. Now is not the time to be happy.

Chen Fan pointed to the white building. "In addition to the room that Lightning mentioned, there are three other rooms with hostages, with more than 200 people." He pointed to the ground again. "There is something underneath."

"How do you know?!" Lightning did not doubt the authenticity of the content, but he was puzzled about the source of the news.

"I have my own method." The radar scan in the brain is so low-key and easy to use.

"What method, can I learn it?" Jifeng asked. Just now, except for the moment when the shell exploded and Chen Fan intercepted the enemy in the smoke and dust, the rest of the time was within his sight.

"I can't learn it, only I can use it." I can't peel his brain open, take it out for research and then put it back.

I shuddered at the thought.

Instead of taking the risk to study him, it is better to let him kill a few more people.

The team members cast expressions of "I see".


It's another day of envying others.

"Boss, No. 1 asked to save people first, what should we do." Lei Ming asked "Boss, no one has been in for a long time, and there were people going in and out just now." Little Bee was careful, and even when several people were talking, he was always paying attention to the surrounding sounds.

"Really, it seems that the things inside are more important than we thought." Otherwise, it would be suspicious to block it directly without anyone sneaking in.

This building looks ordinary and should not be made of any special materials. I wonder what will happen if a tank is fired.

Chen Fan thought about this feasibility seriously. He already knew the position of the hostages. It should be feasible to fire a shot at the corner away from the hostages.

"Boss, what are you thinking about?" Lightning found that their captain was in a daze again.

"I'm wondering if we can use tanks to attack." Chen Fan said.

"The hostages are still inside." Lei Ming interrupted.

"I already know the specific position of the hostages. The power of this tank can break a corner of the building, but it can't destroy the entire building."

"Boss, I don't think it's possible. What if they attack the hostages directly?" Lightning replied.

"And boss, there are quite a few of them. We can't attack even if there is a gap." Ji Feng said.

"There are enough people. The support has arrived." After Chen Fan finished speaking, the other people also felt that someone was coming.

There were eleven people from the Tigers and Eagles, each of whom was equipped with standard special forces equipment.

The five Tigers had standard Western faces, and their height and figure were relatively prominent.

The physique and lines of the special forces training were obvious, and the muscles were surging, and the momentum of the soldiers was overwhelming.

They were equipped with all kinds of equipment. At first glance, they looked the same, but you could vaguely recognize the differences in the division of labor and equipment.

There were six people from the Eagles, and five of them were special forces personnel from the local government as soon as they saw their figure and equipment.

The other one looked like a soldier, but he should not be a front-line combat unit. At this time, their expressions were a bit complicated, with admiration, curiosity, inquiry, and inexplicable worry and fear.

Worry, fear? Why is this?

"Langya, I'm Menghu, I've heard of you for a long time!" Menghu, who had communicated with Langya and was a partner recognized by Langya headquarters, spoke first.

"I've heard of you for a long time." Chen Fan also said in a greeting.

But he complained in his heart, "I've heard of you for a long time, if you have heard of me before, I'll show you a show!"

The team members also murmured in their hearts, saying that other internationally famous people might be long-known, they don't usually come out to do missions, and basically no one knows them.

Langya, usually not showing up, when showing up, no other living life can leave.

"This is Feiying, this is the deputy commander of the local government army." Menghu didn't know what Chen Fan and the others were thinking, and introduced the others with a normal face.

"I've heard of you for a long time." Chen Fan smiled at the other people and said.

His eyes fell on the deputy commander.

"Do you have any other arrangements?" Chen Fan asked the deputy commander.

"We have no objection to rescuing the hostages, but there is one thing that this building cannot be destroyed violently!" The deputy commander said it directly without keeping it a secret.

"Can't destroy it violently? So I can't use this tank?" Chen Fan's tone was calm, and it was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry.

"Yes, we need to make another plan to rescue the hostages. Our Eagles and friendly Tigers can all follow your arrangement, Langya." The deputy commander looked into Chen Fan's eyes and said. He has also been in a high position for many years and has mastered expression management.

"Can I know why?" Chen Fan narrowed his eyes, his eyes were a little sharp.

"That's what we want. Langya can integrate manpower, reorganize the commando and arrange the operation." The deputy commander shook his head and was unwilling to say more.

"Your Excellency, the deputy commander, you must know that the longer the hostages are in the hands of the enemy, the more dangerous they are. What if I insist on bombing the building with tanks?" Chen Fan pressed again.

"Langya, it's not clear which parts of the building still have hostages. Directly bombing with tanks may hurt the hostages, and you can't explain to the headquarters." Eagle saw that the deputy commander was not going to answer him and spoke directly.

"It is a consensus to rescue the hostages. I naturally made a plan to use tanks." Chen Fan replied.

"Now this building has been sealed off. We can't break in without heavy weapons." Menghu said.

The local government is interesting.

The news he got was that a kind of neurotoxin was developed here. Could there be other stories about this building?

"Forget it. Even with a tank, you can't cause damage to the building." Seeing Langya's insistence, Menghu also agreed and didn't intend to hide it.

He said he couldn't hide it.

"Look at the window on the second floor where the hostages are." The deputy commander raised his hand and asked Feiying to shoot at that place.


Everyone was shocked.

First, they were shocked that they actually shot directly at the hostage room. Isn't this playing with the hostages' lives? !

Second, they thought that there was no collision or shattering sound of bullets hitting the glass, or screams from people.

The bullet fell to the ground instantly when it was about to touch the glass, and no sound was made.

What the hell is this.

The building is automatically defending?

Although Chen Fan was surprised by this situation, he was still calm because he had guessed it beforehand.

"Damn, what is this? I wonder if it will work on a human." Lei Ming was shocked. What a defense god.

"This shouldn't happen. We have hit the sniper and machine gunner upstairs before." Ji Feng was so shocked that he could hardly close his mouth.

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