Chen Fan raised his gun and fired a shot at the place where the building connected to the ground.

A barely perceptible light flashed, the air flow moved slightly, and then returned to calm.

"Deputy Commander, why is this?" Chen Fan asked.

"Because of the terrain of this place, there has been a continuous flow of air from the ground."

"The politicians in power in the previous world took advantage of this terrain, first built this building on this ground, and then made some plans underground to lead all the air flow to the outer wall of this building, and slowly formed a layer of air flow."

"If there is no attack on the wall, it will not be seen. Once there is a gravity attack on the wall, the force will be decomposed by the air flow."

Well, it is magical, but it is a pity that it cannot be used on people. Lei Ming and others did not bother to study this defense ability.

"Do the terrorist armed personnel inside know this news?" Chen Fan asked again.

"They should not know, otherwise they would not use rocket launchers and tanks here." The deputy commander replied.

They thought so too, with such a good natural defense, as long as the highest point is controlled, there is no need to arrange guards below.

So now the frontal attack is blocked. Only high-altitude control and underground entry are left.

"Langya, it's not easy to deal with high altitude." Menghu frowned and said.

"Yes, air power can't play a role in this place." Feiying spoke.

This is the second time he spoke, and the first time he refuted Langya's question. This time he conducted situation analysis and combat plans as a combat zone participant.

Everyone nodded. Everyone understood this, but if they didn't enter the building from a high altitude, what other ways could they get in?

"I have a way to get into the building from underground." Chen Fan said.

He gave his teammates a look, and Lightning and several others immediately understood that this meant to cooperate with him.

"Boss, how are you going to get in from underground?" Lei Ming asked.

"Boss, it won't be this pit, right?" Little Bee asked with a surprised and puzzled expression.

When Menghu and Feiying heard Chen Fan say that they could enter the building from underground, they stared at Chen Fan, waiting for him to explain how to enter.

They didn't believe it.

Especially the local government army's Flying Eagles. Since they knew that this building had this natural defense, they have been studying this building.

Special forces usually like to arrange training or exercises here, but no matter which one, the attacker has never succeeded.

They have tried various methods. As long as the defenders are not stupid, they will not fail.

"Just go in from this pit. I won't talk about the specific method. Now let's discuss the arrangements after I go in."

"Boss, can you really get in?" Lightning looked a little unconvinced.

"You can't get in!" Flying Eagle said.

"That's right, we have been making various attempts since we found this building special, but none of them succeeded." The deputy commander didn't believe it either.

The local government army now doubted Chen Fan. Could it be that the person who just solved a hundred armed personnel and easily took the winning tank was not the one in front of him?

Although Menghu didn't believe it, he still wanted to ask again.

"Langya, you need to tell me how you are going to get in, otherwise I can't believe you can get in, and no matter what plan you make later, it won't work."

"I can get in. But I can't tell you the method." Chen Fan insisted.

He knew that it was a bit too much to ask people to trust him completely, but he didn't want to be so distrustful.

A little angry.

"Do we need to discuss the arrangements after getting in now?!" Chen Fan ignored the look on his face and asked again. "Or you can discuss with our teammates, I'll go in first!"

Chen Fan thought this was feasible, so he ignored the others, told his teammates that he would find a chance to contact them, and left.

In front of everyone, Chen Fan disappeared in front of everyone in a flash.


Tiger and Eagle had never seen such a willful captain, who left without making any arrangements or explaining anything. His individualism was a bit too strong.

Lei Ming and the other four didn't know what to say, but fortunately their personal strength was also very strong, and they could do it without anyone leading them.

"Someone!" As soon as the little bee warned, gunshots rang out.

Gunshots rang out in an instant, and the two sides fought fiercely.

The walls collapsed one by one, and white smoke rose everywhere. All the smoke bombs and grenades that had not been used before were used.

The smoke released by various ammunitions, as well as dust and sand and soil flying from bullets, could not be seen clearly from the outside except for the little fire when the guns were fired.

The people in the war zone had nothing in front of them except the guns in their hands. They could not see anything else.

In addition to the sound of gunfire, there were shouts, groans, and curses.

In addition to the smell of gunpowder, the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger.

When the war zone was in chaos, Chen Fan found the opportunity to enter the underground of the building from the deep pit that was blown out when he robbed the tanks.

He was serious about entering the building from underground.

His radar detection found that the airflow in this place was abnormal. He didn't know what it was before, but when he heard the deputy commander talk about the airflow, he thought of this.

In addition to the role of unloading gravity attacks, this airflow can find the direction of the airflow and follow it.

Of course, Chen Fan can't fly into the sky or hide in the ground, but it just happened that the underground was dug up, and he could see a gap there that could be entered.

Chen Fan entered the building. He was not in a hurry to deal with the terrorist armed personnel and rescue the hostages. He wanted to carefully explore the building.

After rescuing people, he certainly could not transfer all the people out. It would be better to find a place that could accommodate all the hostages and was easy to defend.

Chen Fan began to act. He first appeared in the room on the second floor where the hostages were held.

The detection showed that there were nine armed personnel inside, one of whom had a communication device in addition to weapons.

Their communication equipment was not equipped for every personnel. Chen Fan had noticed this situation before, and now he was more convinced.

Not equipped with communication, it can only be said that only a few core people knew their plan.

Maybe they were planning a big anti-human plan.

Chen Fan opened the door lightly and locked it with his backhand.

The nine people in the room were sitting or standing in the four corners of the room. The person carrying the communication was in the corner farthest from the door, by the half-closed window, and there was a door opposite to the door and said to look at the window clearly.

Chen Fan's body was as fast as lightning, and only a little afterimage could be seen if you looked carefully. So the alarm personnel in this room pressed the alarm as soon as they saw Chen Fan coming in, but they were not as fast as Chen Fan.

The communication alarm was in Chen Fan's hand. Before he could boast, Chen Fan solved the two people in the corner.

Another one dodged and attacked the two people on the other side. The dagger and silencer each solved one enemy, and the dart flew to the other end and sealed the marquis with a knife. There were three more puffs, and the three people who were about to shoot fell down.

At this time, the hostages in the room found their voices, and some people shouted out reflexively.

"Don't make a sound, I am a special force of the Celestial Empire, and the country asked me to take you home."

Chen Fan said a few more words in Chinese, the local language, and the most commonly used language in the country. Perhaps they saw hope and were comforted. Everyone was silent, just looking at Chen Fan tightly, as if looking at their life-saving straw.

"Don't worry, I won't leave here for the time being." Chen Fan spoke softly.

He walked to the window, showed his face by the curtain, and slowly closed all the curtains.

The people who had been watching outside the building had already spotted Chen Fan.

He had done it!

He had actually entered the building!

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