The foreign armed forces and the Wei Ri armed forces reorganized their teams and concentrated most of their firepower on the gap created by the shell just now, in the direction of Mori.

His eyes were already red with blood, and the light of hatred flashed on his ferocious face.

All he saw in his eyes was the gun and the heroic spirit of fighting to the death.

He seemed unable to see the dense bullets coming like ice arrows, nor could he hear the hoarse shouts around him.

He couldn't smell the increasingly heavy smell of blood or the smoke filling the sky.

The heroic souls of his comrades with broken bodies around him seemed to still be roaring for this war, making him even more unafraid to face death.

But he refused to take a step back.

"Report, the armed terrorists outside the boundary marker are rushing towards our territory and seem to be encircling us!" Feiyu, a sniper in the distance, reported.

"Captain Ke, we have the last box of grenades left, and we are almost running out of bullets."

"Report, it's going to be unstoppable at 256, please ask for support."

"Report to the company commander, our ammunition is also low, and we have suffered heavy casualties."

"Report, Sansiyi is requesting support."


The roars of personnel from various positions came from the communicator.

There was also the never-ending hail of gunfire and bullets, as well as the noise of artillery fire.

All the voices were hoarse. This was a battle that put great pressure on both the mind and the body.

A battle that can only be won, not lost.

"Snipers No. 1 and No. 2 provide long-range support to 256 and 341. All positions are divided into two to block the people behind. Sniper No. 3 locks the black box with me. No one can take the black box away!" Ke Yong continued calmly. arrange.

But he didn't say much about ammunition and support because he couldn't.

At this time, every position on this battlefield was in fierce fighting.

Chen Fan's armed helicopter is still on the way and cannot arrive yet.

Lei Ming and others were anxious and nervous in the helicopter and kept looking outside. Chen Fan stood directly in the cockpit and kept looking ahead without blinking.

I don't know what he was thinking at this time.

On the other side, the supporting troops and ammunition sent by the Southern Military Region have taken off, but even if the troops are mobilized from the Southern Military Region, it will still take time.

At the same time, personnel from the aerospace department are also rushing to the battlefield with all their strength.

They all used the fastest speed. There, there were not only the results of the country's hundreds of years of research, but also the country's soldiers. They all prayed for more luck and could wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Captain He, how long will it take for reinforcements to arrive?" Ke Yong looked at the numerous Cangyi people, and there was a lot of artillery fire in front of him, but he felt a sense of desolation.

"Not yet, the fastest fighter plane will not arrive until half an hour later." He Shu couldn't help it. The incident happened suddenly and no troops happened to be here.

"Fuck! One more word from Captain He to the reinforcements. If they don't hurry up, they will have to collect the bodies for us!" Ke Yong's tone was cold and gloomy.

It had been a long time since there had been such a war. He thought that they trained intensely every day to make themselves sharp and sharp knives, just to reduce bloodshed and sacrifice on the battlefield, but they still had to face such a situation.

He knew that the border defense troops had strict training due to their location. They had also experienced war during border turmoil, and their minds were relatively firm.

Needless to say, the Seventh Squadron is a special force among special forces. Even the reserve members have been baptized in battle blood.

But the battlefield is brutal, and morale cannot be reduced.

Ke Yong took a deep breath and suppressed the anxiety in his chest. Shout to everyone:

"Attention everyone, our reinforcements will arrive in half an hour. If we hold off this group of terrorists for another half hour, we will win."

"I know that we don't have many bullets and ammunition on hand now, and our close comrades have also suffered heavy injuries."

"We can sacrifice! Even if we use our last strength and shed our last drop of blood, the black box cannot be taken away, otherwise our sacrifice will be meaningless and we will become a shame to military personnel!"

"But! This is our land. This group of terrorists has invaded our territory with armed force, snatched our country's core technology, and endangered our country's security! This is intolerable!"

"This is a just war, a war to defend national security and territorial inviolability! It is not for anyone! Anyone who violates our land will be killed without mercy!"

"Brothers, show us the momentum of our troops that dominates the world and makes international special forces fearful. Kill me!"

"Use their heads and blood to promote our country's prestige! Avenge our fallen brothers!"

Ke Yong's voice came out from the communicator and was also playing in the air. The morale, which was originally a bit sluggish, was boosted by Ke Yong's words!

"Captain Ke is right! Brothers of King Kong Company! This is our station, this is our territory, and our existence is to prevent these armed terrorists from invading our territory!"

"Now! If they dare to come in, let them never come back! Only then can they be worthy of the country! Be worthy of the people! Be worthy of the sacrificed comrades! Be worthy of yourself!"

"Kill them all with me! Let them pay with blood!" He Shu was also aroused by Ke Yong's words. While shouting, he fired the gun in his hand, forcing the enemy back a few steps.

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"

"eye for eye!"

"Ah, ah, come on! Let's all die!"

Crazy roars and shouts rang out from the forest front.

Everyone fired at the armed terrorists in front and behind with guns, bullets and cannons in their hands as if they were not afraid of their lives.

The members of the Armed Forces of the Last Days and the armed forces abroad were horrified when they saw this situation.

The rumors that the Chinese soldiers were so powerful that they frightened the international special forces were actually true! Most of them had previously caused riots and terrorist attacks in other countries.

They had never been subjected to such a fierce counterattack as now, so they were not afraid of death! The momentum of taking everyone with them when they died made them timid.

Are they all going to die here today?

"Do you all want to die! Don't retreat! Charge!" The leaders of the Armed Forces of the Last Days and the armed forces abroad shouted.

"Charge, charge, charge, we can live if we charge forward."

"Charge! Charge forward, you can get whatever you want!"

The enemy was also shouting, but their gathering was never sentimental, because the gathering for money was naturally for money.

"They don't have much ammunition, hurry up, organize another attack!" Someone from the Armed Forces of the Last Days found that the artillery fire on the side of the Chinese soldiers was a little small, and soon found the problem.

This was a re-intensified attack by the Weiri armed forces and foreign armed organizations. The Weiri armed forces and foreign armed members were more aggressive and were about to break through our positions.

"Fight!" Ke Yong shouted.

The gunshots that were a little sparse just now suddenly became dense.

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