The men of the Seventh Squadron and the King Kong Company regained their anger. They set up this trap to lure the enemy deep into their territory and strangle more than half of their men.

Various moans, shouts, and cries of pain echoed in the positions along with the sound of gunfire and explosions.

The land had been dyed red, and even the sky was pink due to the continuous artillery fire, with a strong smell of gunpowder.

The artillery fire gradually subsided. At this time, not only the Seventh Squadron and the King Kong Company were short of ammunition, but the ammunition of other members of the Wei Ri Armed Forces and foreign armed forces was basically exhausted.

After this breakout that was full of hope and was beaten back, it was completely broken and shattered.

As the saying goes, the first blow will weaken the second and then exhaust the third. The morale of the Wei Ri Armed Forces and foreign armed personnel in the country will no longer be able to gather.

As long as their morale does not fall, even if the ammunition is now exhausted, they will fight to the death before the reinforcements arrive, and the black box will not be taken out of the country.

"Sniper No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, lock these people, don't let any of them out! Everyone else, prepare to fight!" Ke Yong shouted.

"Yes!" Everyone also responded loudly.

Outside the border, the armed terrorists of the Doomsday saw that the gunfire in the battle inside the country was gradually decreasing.

As if a mechanism had been triggered, they began to counterattack frantically.

More than 500 people rushed in like a floodgate.

The armed terrorists were excited at this time, and they thought the victory or defeat was decided. As long as the additional support rushed over and tied down or killed the people of the Celestial Empire, they could quickly evacuate with their things.

The soldiers of the Celestial Empire had no bullets, and the reinforcements had not arrived yet. Even if they fought to the death, they could not stop so many of them.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Da da da!"

Suddenly, the sound of several guns came from the jungle on the other side.

Some of the counterattacked armed terrorists of the Doomsday outside the border began to fall down from the side.

"What is this? Have the reinforcements arrived?" The people of the Seventh Squadron and the King Kong Company turned their heads to look.

But they could not see anyone.

Shooting from outside the border was directed at the terrorist armed elements of the Wei Ri Armed Forces.

The Wei Ri Armed Forces outside the border and the armed members outside the border also changed their faces, and the gunshots came from the jungle behind them!

The support troops of the Celestial Empire should not come from there.

"Sniper, did you see the person coming clearly? Is it our people?" Ke Yong shouted excitedly. He was excited. At this time, no matter who came, as long as it was a person with equipment, he was still confident that he could bring the remaining soldiers back alive.

The sniper hiding in the high place quickly observed the jungle in the distance through the telescope. After searching for a long time, he saw several vague figures.

Those were several figures running fast. Because of their fast movements, their clothes and faces could not be seen clearly.

They were running and shooting at the same time. The distance was still far, but every shot hit.

"Is it our people?" Ke Yong asked.

"Wearing foreign army clothes, wait, it's the Weihe troops! It's our army's Weihe troops. There are only five people." The sniper hurriedly reported the situation to the captain.

"Weihe troops? Only five people?" Ke Yong was stunned.

What do you mean Weihe troops only have five people, and have they sent Weihe troops here?

"Captain, the leader seems to be our captain!!" The sniper exclaimed again.

What the hell, isn't this captain here? Where is the captain coming out from the jungle.

"Jifeng, I saw Jifeng! It's him!" The sniper shouted excitedly.

"What?! So the captain you just mentioned is Captain Chen? Langya?!" Ke Yong was shocked and couldn't control his voice.

Chen Fan!

Chen Fan.

The people in the seventh squadron were immediately excited. They were too familiar with this name.

The one who impressed them with his ability, led them to train with his methods, improved their strength, and was seriously injured for them and for the mission in a previous major operation.

Is he back?

The last time I heard from him, he was still recovering. How come he was wearing Weihe clothes and fully armed to support them from abroad when they met again? !

The five figures gradually became clear, and people with good eyesight could already see the faces of the people coming.

"It's really Lao Chen! Great." Ke Yong was overjoyed.

"It's Captain Chen, it's really Captain Chen!"

The people of the Seventh Squadron were also shocked and happy. When they were facing a desperate situation, they would be happy no matter who came to support them, but they were even happier when it was Chen Fan.

"Ke Yong, you bastard, what are you doing! Hurry up and have people retreat and concentrate the existing firepower to save their lives! Hurry up!" Chen Fan also saw the people who were about to put down their guns and prepare to fight the enemy, and he shouted and cursed Ke Yong.

But his current position was still a little far away from them, and his voice could not be heard that far in the gunfire.

At this time, the muzzles and shells of the Wei Ri armed forces outside the border and the armed members outside the country were already firing fiercely at Chen Fan and others.

The armed terrorists in the country saw that something unexpected had happened, and they suddenly had a strong desire to survive. The support troops of the Celestial Empire had arrived, and now was their last chance. If they couldn't get out, they would die.

Dadada, bangbangbang, puff, puff...

The battlefield roared again, and the sound of gunfire exploded again. It was as if the brief silence just now did not exist. There was always a hail of bullets and blood here.

"Lei Ming, you lead them to shoot the enemy here, I will go find Ke Yong." Chen Fan said.

The fighting on both sides was fierce, and it was unlikely to meet at the same time, so Lei Ming and his men could only be arranged here to attract the enemy's artillery fire.

But if the people in their position don't withdraw, there will be more casualties.

He has to go and see.

Chen Fan kept rushing towards Ke Yong's position.

The Wei Ri armed forces also kept shooting at him crazily, and bullets flew towards him densely.

Chen Fan knew how many bullets there were without turning on the radar test. He combined the flash technique and hiding evasion technique with tactical evasion actions, and quickly rotated his body to avoid the attack of bullets.

After a few flashes, Chen Fan was close to Ke Yong's position.

Before he jumped into the position, he fired at the armed terrorists in the border and knocked down a group of them, which slightly relieved the pressure on Ke Yong and his team. After all, there was really not much ammunition left.

"Ke Yong, you bastard, so many brothers died, and you still let them fight! Where's your brain? You're thinking about it!" Chen Fan and Ke Yong didn't face each other, and shouted at him angrily.

"Quickly gather all the people here, make a hole, and let them go out!"

"Old Chen, no! The black box is still in their hands, we can't let them go!" Ke Yong objected.

"We are here, they can't take the black box away! Now let everyone abandon their positions and gather together, don't make any more unnecessary sacrifices!" Chen Fan shouted.


"But is bullshit! The sniper is still here, I am still here, I can get it back. Believe me! I don't want any more brothers to die." Chen Fan roared.

"Okay. Captain Chen! It's up to you." Ke Yong had worked with Chen Fan before and trusted him very much.

He gritted his teeth and immediately ordered in the communicator, "Everyone, abandon your positions, bring the injured brothers, and all come to the 78th position, quickly!"

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