Just after eating and playing, before digesting it properly, Instructor Tang took Chen Fan's hand and wanted to teach him some classic techniques of close combat.

Chen Fan smiled bitterly. In fact, he was quite lazy. He still wanted to enjoy it when he was just enjoying it.

"Teacher, let me feel your pulse carefully. I will try to treat you again, at least to relieve your physical discomfort first." Chen Fan suggested to Instructor Tang.

"Now?" Instructor Tang asked blankly.

Several other people looked over with puzzled expressions.

Chen Fan looked at Principal Lin and others and informed everyone: "Right now, after exercising vigorously and then having a big meal, this is the time when the human body is most easily tired and relaxed."

"For patients, the discomfort will be more intense at this time, and some people just want to sleep. Sleep is the most important way for the human body to start its own repair."

"Of course, people with strong willpower, such as teachers and everyone present, will only feel more energetic, but these appearances are actually the results of our training, which are somewhat contrary to the body's own functions."

"Normally, we can sit quietly or take a few deep breaths at this time to calm down our body's excitement and put the body in a calm state."

"Boy Chen Fan, why do I think you are talking about health preservation?" Instructor Qin actually did research on health preservation because of his body shape.

Principal Lin and Li Feng were taking deep breaths unconsciously.

Principal Lin had carefully read Chen Fan's resume and knew what he was capable of, so he naturally believed what he said.

Li Feng sincerely admired Chen Fan and felt that this person had something magical about him.

"Instructor Qin, Chinese medicine focuses on nourishment, which focuses on nourishing qi and blood. If there is energy and spirit, the face will be rosy and the body and mind will be healthy. I study Chinese medicine, and I have a bit of a nagging spirit." Chen Fan winked at Instructor Qin and said.

"You said treatment, what should I prepare?" Instructor Tang asked.

"No need. Just take off your clothes and sit here." Chen Fan said, taking back the silver needle he had been carrying from his arms, and taking the disinfection items from his bag.

Principal Lin, Instructor Qin and others also gathered around. They wanted to see how Chen Fan treated him.

But looking at his movements and posture, he looked quite professional.

Chen Fan didn't play any tricks. He directly drew the needle and quickly inserted a few needles into Instructor Tang's chest and head. In just a few breaths, he pulled out the needle again, and then sterilized and pocketed the needle.

"That's it? That's it?"

Principal Lin and others are sweating...

With a confused look on his face, is this over before it even begins? !

Poe has a feeling that I have taken off my pants, just show me this, it feels instant!

"Yes, the needles are different in different situations. The longer the injury, the longer the needle should be left in at first." Chen Fan explained calmly.

"Old Tang, how do you feel?" Instructor Qin asked Instructor Tang a little uncertainly when he saw that the acupuncture only lasted a while.

Instructor Tang put on his clothes and stood up, moved a little and found that his chest was indeed not that stuffy.

The faint feeling of dizziness in the back of my head is gone now.

"I'm fine. Lao Tan, Lao Lin, I feel better than I have in more than 20 years!" Instructor Tang said loudly, smiling at Instructor Tan and Principal Lin.

"Good boy, your acupuncture is really good!" Instructor Tang patted Chen Fan on the shoulder and said.

Chen Fan gritted his teeth. The teacher's hand was very strong: "Teacher, it's not healed yet. I still need to take some Chinese medicine and acupuncture will continue."

"Okay, Comrade Chen Fan, write down the prescription and I'll have someone buy it for you." Principal Lin said quickly.

Instructor Tang picked up Principal Lin's topic and said, "Old Lin, buy the medicine and bring it to me. I'll make it myself after asking."

Then he said to Chen Fan, "Xiao Fan, you will stay here with me from today on. During the day, you go to your classes. When you come back at night, I will teach you hard qigong!"

Hard Qigong?

Is it the kind of hard qigong he saw in books, novels or on TV?

That is a martial art that has been debated in China for a long time, but it is a real thing.

Hard qigong is a relatively common one. It is common because members of acrobatic troupes and street performers practice it.

Some ancient temples and Taoist temples also have inheritance, and even many people in the army can use it.

Hard Qigong is a kind of ancient martial arts. You can see it, but you can't figure it out without someone teaching you. This is an ancient skill passed down from master to apprentice.

"Teacher, the hard qigong you are talking about is the kind that can be hit hard with an iron rod and shake it away without being hurt?" Chen Fan couldn't help but confirm with instructor Tang.

"Yes! But hard qigong is also divided into strong and weak. The strong are stronger and the weak are weaker. In the fight just now, how much strength did you use?" Instructor Tang said.

"Seventy percent is close to eighty percent." Chen Fan answered truthfully.

Instructor Tang said solemnly, "Well, it's almost the same. Your speed and strength are sufficient, but you lack the domineering momentum when attacking, and you also lack the toughness when defending."

"My hard Qi attack, once you practice it, you can condense the condensed Qi into your fist when you attack, making your attack even more powerful!"

"Of course, if you want to practice to the point where you can condense Qi, you need understanding and time. The students I have taught before, the ones with the best understanding can only condense a little bit of Qi. As for how far you can practice, it depends on your talent and understanding. ”

"And the hard qi can help you to counteract some of the enemy's attack power in defense. Although your ability to resist attacks is strong, it is only effective against opponents of equal strength or opponents who are not as strong as you!"

"With your current strength, you can't withstand the attacks of stronger masters! If you learn my hard qigong to a small degree, you can increase your current ability to resist attacks by at least one time! If you practice it to a great degree, your tenacity can be increased to more than three times!"

After a little thought, Chen Fan asked Instructor Tang hesitantly: "Teacher, is the qi in this hard qi virtual or real? Can you kill people with luck after learning it? Like Duan Yu's Six Meridians Divine Sword?"

Puff, a few laughs sounded next to them.

At this time, everyone really felt that Chen Fan was also a mortal like them. When he first came into contact with such legendary things, he would also be curious and stupid.

Instructor Tang laughed and scolded, "There is no such thing as the Six Meridians Divine Sword. This Qi is both real and fake. It is fake in that it cannot become real to attack people, but it is real just like the oxygen we breathe in and the carbon dioxide we exhale."

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