Special Forces: I, Private! Destroy the Wolf Fang at the beginning

Chapter 760: The scumbag from the Criminal Investigation Academy?

"All the gases we move are just gases in the air! They cannot escape the laws of nature."

"We use the breathing method to allow these gases to be contained in various parts of the body, and then circulate along the meridians throughout the day to strengthen the physical cells."

"Strengthening one's own strength and weakening the enemy's attacks serve the purpose of offense and defense. This is the so-called use of softness to overcome strength, and use of weakness to overcome strength."

"However, I have to remind you first that the entry requirements for my hard qigong are very demanding. Anti-attack training is the main part of the early training. The level is several times that of the current special forces anti-attack training. You must be mentally prepared. "

Jiang Fan smiled and said: "Are you going to resist being beaten? You may not be able to see the end of my upper limit, teacher. I love this."

He dared to say that there was no one in this world who could endure pain better than him.

Chen Fan then asked Instructor Tang, "Teacher, I went to a small town when I was on a mission. The people there diverted all the airflow existing in the town and concentrated it on the wall of a building."

"The wall of that building forms a natural defense. All kinds of attacks will be defused after contact with the wall. Teacher, do you think this situation is similar to a hard attack?"

Instructor Tang was surprised and said, "Is there such a spectacle? I have never thought of such a possibility."

"Okay, let's study it slowly later." Chen Fan said.

"Okay. From now on, you will stay in the second room on the left. You can take a rest first. Later, I will have someone take you to familiarize yourself with the school environment and train some combat skills that you cannot learn outside." Instructor Tang said.


After Principal Lin left with Li Feng, Chen Fan briefly exchanged a few words with Instructor Tang, Instructor Qin, then went back to the room to tidy up briefly before taking a rest.

When Principal Lin and the others were leaving, Li Feng said that he would come over in the afternoon to take Chen Fan to familiarize himself with the school, and by the way, he would tell him about the study plan arranged by the school for him. If Chen Fan found anything inappropriate, they would adjust it.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Feng came to pick up Chen Fan and took him around the school.

It was said that he walked around in a circle, but in fact he only walked through a few classrooms and training grounds where Chen Fan would study next.

After all, the school is too big. In addition to the daily use of classrooms and training grounds, many surrounding mountains have been included in the school. Some special projects are also arranged in different mountains. It is not realistic to go around.

"Comrade Chen Fan, I have just discussed your situation with the principal in detail. There is no need to study the materials you are proficient in, and we have not made any arrangements."

Li Feng said to Chen Fan: "The school has only arranged training for you in five subjects: interrogation, disguise, simulation, psychology and command."

"After finishing the study, we will decide based on other arrangements of the school or what Instructor Tang and other master-level instructors say."

"In addition, in addition to regular military subjects, Instructor Tang requires you to learn ancient martial arts content with him or Instructor Qin and other instructors every night."

"That's all for now. Comrade Chen Fan, are you dissatisfied with anything and want to adjust it?"

Chen Fan was happy again when he heard this, and said to Li Feng: "Comrade Li Feng. I have agreed that I will study in school and treat me like other students. How can I be treated differently? Of course I learned how I was arranged by the school. "

"Comrade Li Fan, the principal said that your strength is something that is yet to be seen. We arranged your courses based on our understanding of the school's capabilities. We asked you to propose it because of your understanding of yourself, so that you can make better use of it. Time." Li Feng explained.

"Okay, that's it for now. I just came here and I don't know much about the situation in the school. I have to go there to know the specific situation."

"Okay. Let me tell you about the Interrogation Academy first." Li Feng pointed at a three-story building in front of them.

"This building is the main teaching site of the Investigation College. It contains the most advanced and sophisticated electronic equipment in the country."

"Students are mainly required to first understand and master the use of various high-precision instruments to conduct near, medium and long-range information reconnaissance. Then they learn various cryptographic communications and decryptions, establishment of signal base stations, information encryption and cracking, etc. "

"Although it is just one of the many subjects for students, the school also trains and teaches according to the strictest requirements. The instructors there are all top investigation talents in the country. The students' investigation ability can also be compared with the best in the country. From a prestigious school.”

"After you finish studying interrogation, you will learn four subjects: disguise, simulation, psychology and command. In fact, this is a whole system of learning. Interrogation also requires the use of the other four subjects. They are theory, practice and upgrade. To merge into one.”

"We also have in-depth study of various tactics. Although you served in special forces before, those tactics are different from ours. We focus more on command operations."

Chen Fan said: "Okay, I understand, I will cooperate with the school's arrangements."

The subjects mentioned by Li Feng seemed to be independent but interrelated. At the end, Chen Fan finally understood that the school wanted him to complete the transition from a soldier to a general while studying at school.

Although a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier, he has always wanted to be an independent soldier.

But he also knows that with greater ability comes greater responsibility. The stronger he is, the more responsibilities the country will place on his shoulders.

Because a strong country cannot be made strong by just one person.

Only by strengthening the army and the people can we strengthen the country.

However, he didn't really know the subjects arranged by the school.

For example, he had always been curious about the Morse code, and now he finally had the opportunity to learn it.

The next morning, Li Feng brought Chen Fan into the small building of the Interrogation Academy.

Li Feng handed a bracelet to Chen Fan, and he used the bracelet on his hand to unlock the door of the academy.

He said to Chen Fan: "This is the identifier you use in the academy. It is your life card and the pass for students. Only senior students can enter the Interrogation Academy. There are several other places in the school that need this bracelet. I will open the permissions for you one by one later."

"Another function of the bracelet is positioning and body monitoring. It will be turned on when the students are doing field training, so that the instructor can understand the location and physical condition of the students. It will also be turned on when it is used."

"Let's go to see the dean of the academy first."

Chen Fan nodded to show that he knew.

Soon, they walked to the dean's office upstairs. The door was open, and the back of a woman could be vaguely seen outside the door, looking down for something.

Li Feng knocked on the door.

"Come in." The woman's voice quickly came out of the office.

"Sister, I'm bringing a new person to you to report." Li Feng said to the back.

"Yes." The woman took a booklet and turned around to answer. She looked at Chen Fan, and Chen Fan was also looking at her.

"Sister, the new student Chen Fan. Chen Fan, this is Dean Wang of the Interrogation Department, and also a senior sister who graduated from the school." Li Feng introduced them.

"Dean Wang, hello." Chen Fan replied respectfully.

"I don't dare to accept it, you are the man I want but can't get." Dean Wang said a little unhappily.

"Well? Sister, do you know Comrade Chen Fan?" Li Feng asked in surprise.

"Haha, I met you once, I thought Dean Wang would forget it." Chen Fan quickly replied with a smile.

"I will never forget the person who rejected me." Dean Wang said while curling his lips.

Chen Fan was ashamed...

Do women hold grudges like this? He just rejected her digging, not the scumbag who rejected her feelings!

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