One sentence is completed, and now the important weapon of the country has gained another wing!

After Chen Fan's mission was completed, he did not stay in the desert for long. He said goodbye to the people at the Engineering Academy that day. Because Cheng Qing and the test flight team still had to collect data, Qi Lao also wanted to participate in this test flight, so he continued to stay. Complete testing here.

Chen Fan left with Camp Commander Lu and Captain Tao. He had other tasks.

Chen Fan rushed back to the military headquarters without stopping and came to the boss's office again.

But this time, after he entered, he didn't have to stand aside and hide himself.

"Read the information first and then talk after reading it." Mr. Zhou handed Chen Fan a piece of information and motioned for him to sit aside and read.

Chen Fan respectfully took the material, which seemed to be quite heavy, with both hands. Seeing that the boss had no other explanation, he silently sat aside and read the document.

Although Mr. Zhou was handling official business, he was also secretly observing Chen Fan. Chen Fan quietly read the materials, and his calm and composed performance made him secretly satisfied.

Chen Fan must have known that someone was observing him, he just pretended not to know and looked at the document in his hand seriously.

This was a meeting resolution, accompanied by an investigation, analysis and feasibility report. The more Chen Fan looked at it, the more he admired it. The leader was indeed a leader, far-sighted and considered everything beforehand.

"Report, boss, I've finished reading it." After reading all the materials, Chen Fan gave himself time to understand and digest, then he stood up and said to Boss Zhou.

"Sit down and talk. Tell me what you think." Mr. Zhou put down the pen in his hand, placed both sides flat on the table, and looked at Chen Fan and said.

"Establishing an information support force, coordinating the network information system, and serving our military is indeed an imperative and urgent decision in the current technological and information age. This decision of the leaders is of great significance to a strong country and strong military." Chen Fan He said, paused, and then said: "Report, answer completed."

"Just say this, I want to ask you, if you complete this matter." Mr. Zhou looked at Chen Fan, who looked like the leader's decision-making was wise, and it was funny.

"Boss, I, I only know how to fight. Even if I know something about computers, I still can't take on the task of forming a military unit." Chen Fan had no expression on his face, but there was uncertainty in his tone.

Looking at Chen Fan like that, Boss Zhou knew that he had underestimated him, and said: "The information support force is a new type of military branch, a newly created combat readiness branch. It is a force that promotes the development of our army and can maintain modern science and technology." The key to winning the information war is a heavy responsibility.”

"The establishment of an information support force will help strengthen the construction of the army, strengthen ideals and beliefs, ensure the loyalty and absolute reliability of the army's decisions, ensure a high degree of unity of the army, and resolutely complete the tasks assigned by the party and personnel."

"Strengthening scientific and technological innovation and building a new modern military branch that meets the requirements of modern development and the characteristics of our military is not something that anyone can do."

"First of all, the profession must be strong, and the computer skills must not be weak. Secondly, we must understand the rules of the army. So far, our army has a total of seven arms, and now it is the eighth. Each army has its own rules. In joint operations, In cross-service operations, information communication is limited, and the information support force was created to solve this problem.”

"The most important point is that when forming a new unit, it is not about having a numerical advantage. It is about being refined and specialized. The special operations force has always been based on this principle in selecting and training talents. Except for the period when you are a recruit, you have to You have been in the special operations force, and you have been in all levels of the special operations force, and you even studied in a special school for almost a year. "

"Your experience and your computer skills are exactly what I want, the strength that information support force personnel should have."

"Report to the boss, each military branch has its own reconnaissance force and interrogation department. If the information support force still does these tasks, is it conflicting and redundant?" Chen Fan asked.

Mr. Zhou continued: "This problem is something that needs to be solved after the establishment of the army. If we want to not conflict with the investigation force and interrogation department of the original service, we require the information support force to be more professional and effective than them."

"The investigation troops and interrogation departments of the original arms are all the taller among the dwarfs in the military. Although there are some who are among the best in technology, they have not played a role in establishing an information system and key support for construction and operation because they are dispersed and the things they handle are messy. ”

"The information support force must first solve the problem of communication and coordination among the various services, secondly use network information to build a new application platform, and thirdly break down service barriers and allow the services to coordinate operations."

Chen Fan was silent. This is a brand new concept. It is necessary to coordinate the addition of new arms to the existing military services. To put it bluntly, let professional people do professional things. However, the four major military services have been established for a long time, and the rules and ironclad rules therein are The law is mature but has been implemented for a long time. It is not easy to break down the barriers.

Seeing that Chen Fan was silent, Mr. Zhou said again: "Perhaps, you can think of it this way. You serve in the army as a front-line special operations personnel, but you can be awarded the title of academician in the Academy of Engineering."

"You can also provide prescriptions and medicines to the military general hospital, open a military factory, and provide some suggestions for aerospace, navigation and other scientific research and weapons. This is because you have strong abilities. So, if you have this kind of ability in a military branch, , what kind of situation will it be?”

Chen Fan's eyes shone brightly, staring at General Zhou with a burning gaze. He had never had any practical concept of information support information, but now he seemed to have some understanding of this branch of the army.

General Zhou looked at Chen Fan's bright eyes and continued with a smile: "The information support force is to provide information support to other arms and services based on its own strength."

"These supports can be actual, or they can be expected or imaginary, but one thing is that they must be advanced and one step ahead of others."

"Chen Fan, I know your dream has always been to be a special operations team member and a special operations frontline, but now the country needs you, and who says that the information support force can't be on the front line! This branch of the army, if used well, will be another secret weapon of our army!"

General Zhou stood up, walked out of the desk, walked to Chen Fan and said: "Comrade Chen Fan, the country has given you the task of forming a new branch of the army, you must complete the task!"

Chen Fan stood straight, like a green pine, and also like a sea-stabilizing needle, resolute and decisive, and said to General Zhou: "Yes, I guarantee to complete the task!"

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