He temporarily kept the military headquarters, and only after he finalized and approved the plans and plans could he implement them later.

Chen Fan was at the forefront of organizing new units. It would definitely not be fully rolled out at the beginning, so what Chen Fan had to do was to form a small team first.

According to the requirements of the military department, the team members must have the same computer skills, capture and combat skills, marksmanship, interrogation and investigation, actual combat capabilities, etc. as Chen Fan, and have strong overall strength.

As for the selection and training of the team, Chen Fan is responsible for it.

Chen Fan is bald.

He actually doesn't want to talk to others, and he doesn't want to know what other people are like, but as far as he knows, there are really not many people who are as powerful as him!

Those who are strong in capture and combat, marksmanship, interrogation and investigation, and practical combat abilities can select a squad from the army. It's simple. But if you want them to have similar computer skills to him, then you're bullshit and you'll beat them all at once!

He has met some people who are good at computers over the years, and there are a few in the Intelligence Bureau, but most of them are not soldiers, and it is quite difficult for them to practice now.

If it is later stage, it is not impossible to incorporate them into the team, but the first team must be made up of people who meet all aspects, so it will not be easy to handle.

Chen Fan thought about it in his temporary office for another day, but he couldn't think of any good way to get out. When the boss fell over, he notified him first and asked him to come over.

"Report, boss, Chen Fan is here." The clerk knocked on the door and went in to report to the boss.

"Let him come in." Boss Zhou said, and then said to the person next to him: "You are more proactive this time. I have never seen you so proactive before."

"Boss, aren't we catching up? Chen Fan also contributed a lot to the achievements of these people." Another voice said.

Before Chen Fan saw anyone, he felt that the voice of the person talking to the boss was familiar. When he came in and saw that it was Principal Lin, he was a little surprised, but he still remembered to salute the boss and report, "Report, Chen Fan reports to you. "

"Okay, I asked you to come because several people recommended it to you." Mr. Zhou told Chen Fan, then pointed to Principal Lin next to him and said: "You are all acquaintances, let's chat among yourselves."

Chen Fan turned to Principal Lin and said first: "Principal Lin, we meet again so soon. How are you doing recently? How are the teachers and others?"

Principal Lin chuckled, looking at Chen Fan who looked like he had not seen his relatives for hundreds of years, and joked: "It's been less than half a month since we last met. We old guys are in school every day, what problem can we have? "

"But you, before you even reported to the new place, you went to solve a new problem and added another wing to the country's heavy weapons."

"Principal Lin, I don't dare to be the one. I have caught up. Moreover, Mr. Qi told me about that matter before. It is a matter of procedure." Chen Fan was a little surprised. He was trapped these days and felt that time was passing by. Very slowly, he felt that just a few days were as long as several years.

Principal Lin looked at Chen Fan with joy. The more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became. He also felt that his decision to keep Chen Fan in the school was very wise. "Okay, if you say yes, I'm here today to give you something as a gift."

Chen Fan was surprised: "Giving it to someone? To whom?"

"There are a group of students in the school who have passed the school's assessment. Some of them have decent computer skills. I thought you might need them, so I sent them to you." Principal Lin said in a conversational tone.

When Chen Fan heard this, he suddenly remembered and said happily: "Okay, principal, I didn't think about that group of students in the school before. Why don't you just give me a pillow if I feel sleepy? It's really timely. Thank you, principal. With these people and some more from the army, I can train.”

Chen Fan couldn't hide the smile on his face. He was really happy. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but he was stuck at the beginning of selecting people.

His biggest worry is how to select people. According to the selection standards of the special operations force, it is possible to select a group of students with strong combat capabilities, but the students themselves must have strong computer skills.

As for this computer, sometimes it really depends on talent. Not every student can learn it expertly. So when it comes to selecting people, you can't just choose them randomly, and you have to have a reference. You can't just use him as a reference for everything, and he can't participate in the actual training.

Without a reference, students will have no comparison, and various situations will occur during training. Students trained in special schools who can reach graduation level must be among the best in the military.

Moreover, during the time when he was studying in school, there were several students in the Interrogation Academy. Their abilities were very good, and he was also very interested in it and willing to specialize in it. He was already very tired from training. Being able to catch him and ask questions from time to time shows how motivated he is to learn.

If they come, there will definitely be no problem with the comparison, and it will also meet his expectations for the members of the information support team.

"Principal Lin, haven't those students been assigned to the Intelligence Bureau by Dean Wang? Are you sure they can be given to me?" Chen Fan asked the principal weakly.

"Chen Fan, you got a small advantage and still acted like a good boy. The country's affairs are not your business alone. Since the country needs it, you will naturally obey the order." Principal Lin said.

"Yes, thank you Principal Lin for training outstanding talents for the country. I will definitely live up to the country's trust." Chen Fan said with a serious expression and a serious tone.

"Okay! Old Lin, give the list of students and the personnel materials to Chen Fan first. Chen Fan, you have to submit a selection plan in the next two days." Mr. Zhou said with finality.

"Yes, Mr. President." Chen Fan said.

"Chen Fan, I will let Li Feng give you the personnel materials later. Take a look first. Maybe you can choose an assistant first." Principal Lin said to Chen Fan in a somewhat mysterious way.

Chen Fan didn't quite understand what Principal Lin said later. He saw that Mr. Zhou and Principal Lin had something to say. After confirming that there were no other orders, he went out.

It was not until he got the student materials given to him by Li Feng that he knew what Principal Lin meant by saying that he could choose an assistant first.

Li Feng's name was also on the list of students!

When he was in school, he also heard that Li Feng was an outstanding student among the students who graduated in the previous few classes, and he was a junior of Hummingbird, so his computer skills must be strong.

But he didn't expect that Li Feng, as the first secretary of the principal of one of the most secretive schools in the country, would actually be willing to come out and devote himself to the work of forming a new army. Chen Fan didn't expect this. Could it be that he was wrong? He thought Li Feng preferred a career in politics.

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