In front of a small valley, three drones flew irregularly over the woods. The drone flew east, south, and then suddenly turned north, and the drone also flew south. Then north, south, east and west.

But it is also amazing how the wheelless drone can change direction. Even if the two drones are very close or have intersecting trajectories, they will recognize them on their own and never run into each other.

If someone is at a high place, they can still see three people running in the woods under the drone. They are in separate camps, running east, south, and north without any apparent control. Like scurrying flies.

Huang Youzhao stood on the hillside, facing the double attack of water and paint from the drone above his head, staring at the flight paths of the three drones down the hillside without blinking.

The positioning of the drones is very accurate, and they have an automatic avoidance recognition system. However, there is one thing. When the three drones are facing each other, the signal is a little affected.

That’s it!

"Li Feng, Ye Zhen, Pingshun, you go farther away from me in the other four directions. Listen to my orders and run together towards the intersection in the middle. I sprint 100 meters in ten seconds. What about you?" Huang Youzhao asked into the earphones. said.

"I have no problem." Li Feng said.

"I have no problem." Ye Zhen said.

"I don't have a problem either." Zhang Pingshun said as he ran.

Huang Youzhao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the relaxed and confident voices of the three people coming from the earphones. His overall evaluation of these people who came to a certain military academy had improved a bit.

I am even more curious about their search for a certain military academy.

I have never heard of a military academy that I cannot name.

Li Feng and the other three were really not exaggerating. The time of 100 meters and 10 seconds was an excellent result for a special operations force, but for people like them who trained hard in special schools, it was very ordinary.

The reason why students in the school can be recruited is because they have the right physique. In the words of the martial arts instructor, the first thing to recruit students is to look at their skeletons. They are recruited only because their skeletons are surprising. Therefore, these students are all big and thick, but they are not up to the level. According to the requirements of the martial arts instructor, what the martial instructor wants is mellowness.

Ahem, pulled away.

They have started physical training since they entered school at the age of six. Over the years, their physical fitness and muscles are much better than those who entered the army for standardized training as adults. Therefore, even Li Feng, who has graduated a few years ago, Just do a little training and you'll be back at your peak physical fitness.

"Run now!" Huang Youzhao's voice sounded in the headphones.

At the same time, the four of them faced the center in their direction and ran forward as fast as they could with all their strength.

The distance of 100 meters is very short, and it is not enough for the drone to accelerate. However, even in such a short distance, the speed of the drone is not very fast. The four of them met at the center point.

Huang Youzhao swooped down, spreading his limbs and lying on the ground covered with leaves in a large shape. The swooping was so fast and powerful that the surrounding leaves were lifted up a lot.

The other three people, while Huang Youzhao threw himself on the ground, flew towards him together.

The three people's jumping skills were very clever. They jumped at different heights. Therefore, when the three of them were in the air, they not only ensured that the three of them overlapped with Huang Youzhao on the ground for a moment, but also could fly smoothly without affecting each other. When he got to the other side, he flipped around on the ground and landed smoothly.


Click, click, click.

The four drones collided together above the woods, and then fell down the woods in four directions, making a loud sound.

Huang Youzhao turned his body on the spot, from facing the earth to facing Wu Kong. At this time, he felt that it was quite beautiful to look at the sky in this bare forest.

"It's done!" Ye Zhen shouted excitedly.

"Let's go take a look at this drone." Li Feng thought for a while, but still couldn't suppress the idea of ​​studying drones and suggested.

The other three people had no objection. They gathered the four drones together, even the drone that fell on the tree and was hung on the branches was taken down by them.

"Brother Li, look." Zhang Pingshun showed Li Feng the footage from the drone, with an expression that was hard to describe.

Li Feng patted Zhang Pingshun on the shoulder and said nothing. He knew what Zhang Pingshun was thinking. Since the drone had footage, it meant that everything they did in the mountains and forests would be transmitted to Chen Fan all the time.

They definitely couldn't hide the fact that they designed the drone to collide and destroy it, but he didn't want to hide it in the first place!

"Pingshun, come here. You have good mechanical disassembly and assembly skills. Come and take a look and take out the chip of the drone." Li Feng said to Zhang Pingshun.

Zhang Pingshun looked up at Li Feng in shock, with an expression as if he said something right.

Li Feng nodded and said: "Pingshun, you are still a bit young. Our senior Chen Fan is not the kind of person who will punish people if they feel sorry for them."

Zhang Pingshun was even more speechless. Senior Li Feng was only a few years older than him. Why, did he feel that he was already in his seventies?

Just when Zhang Pingshun was unable to complain about Li Feng, he was about to dismantle the four drones that Ye Zhen and Huang Youzhao were checking and studying.

A sharp and irritating sound came from the earphones, which made them frown in pain. They hurriedly took off the earphones and rubbed their sore ears.

At this time, Chen Fan's cold voice came from the headset: "I am Li Feng, Ye Zhen, Zhang Pingshun, Huang Youzhao, you four, carry the drone back to me!"

When Li Feng and the other four heard the voice, their bodies tensed up for a moment, and their faces were embarrassed as if they had done something bad and were caught by adults.

"Well, the instructor asked us to carry the drone back, so, let's not dismantle it. If we need to repair it ourselves when we go back, it won't be too late to study it then." Li Feng said a little embarrassedly. This is very embarrassing to flatter someone.

"Okay, let's hurry up and get on the road." Huang Youzhao also said. He was also a little nervous. He was still organizing and implementing the plan to destroy the drone. If the instructor could monitor their conversation from beginning to end, then, after returning, would he be held accountable?

Ye Zhen and Zhang Pingshun also nodded like pounding garlic, and their tone was not enough.

According to their learning in the first half of the month, and now they are driven by drones to rush to the training base as quickly as possible, the purpose is to let them try to decipher the drone program and control the drone. They are violating the purpose of training!

However, if Chen Fan knew what they were thinking, he would definitely say that they thought too much. He didn't feel bad that several or more drones were damaged.

However, when they were on the periphery, these students could still try to decipher the drone. The closer they were to the training base, the stronger the drone system program would be. At that time, without drones to assist in attacking, let's see how these students could get into the base.

However, it seems that no one has discovered this yet. I really look forward to their next performance!

Chen Fan sat in the large giant screen of the base, looking at the picture on the giant screen, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It was very scary!

At least Li Yiyu and Fan Zhicheng next to Chen Fan shuddered and walked a little further away unconsciously.

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