Li Yiyu and Fan Zhicheng were making faces behind Chen Fan, arguing with each other. Chen Fan didn't even turn his head and said in a cold tone: "What are you two doing? Go and reinforce the drone program for me. Since you don't want to take the right path, I will block their way."

Li Yiyu looked at Chen Fan with his mouth open in surprise. There was disbelief in his eyes, and he accused Chen Fan of being inhumane.

"Boss, you are a little too harsh." Fan Zhicheng said with a little reluctance.

"What's so strict? It's not like we didn't teach them a few days ago. We just want to see if anyone can turn the corner. The previous program was specially built for them. It's very simple." Chen Fan snorted.

Yes, Li Yiyu and Fan Zhicheng knew that Chen Fan was angry when they heard his tone. At this time, Chen Fan was a master that no one could persuade.

However, they have been watching here for so long, and no student has met expectations. Chen Fan wants to deepen their requirements for them, and it is also their duty.

Over there, the students who are still in dire straits in the forest do not know that their road ahead will be more difficult.

At this time, most students are still being sprayed by drones.

Except for Li Feng and Huang Youzhao's team, which destroyed all the drones that tracked them, the other students, except for a few who happened to let the drones hit something and landed, took the opportunity to destroy them.

Most people have not been able to find an effective way to decipher drones or avoid drones.

In a corner of the forest, several figures were running in the mountains. "Lu Fei, how long have we been running? How come this drone still has water to spray?" Zhang Mingyuan shouted to Lu Fei while running.

"How do I know, north! There is a small forest with leaves in the north." Lu Fei also ran very fast, and suddenly his eyes caught a green leaf in the far north.

Zhang Mingyuan and the other two team members immediately changed direction after hearing Lu Fei's shout, and ran quickly to the left of the direction they had just run.

In front of the four of them, there was indeed a green patch in the distance, which was very abrupt compared to the bare trees on the left and right.

However, at this time, Lu Fei and the others could not care so much. They urgently needed to find a place to hide from the drone and check the equipment in the backpack to see if it was wet.

Xiao Anping ran fast, and he rushed to the edge of the green forest first, but when he stepped on it for the first time, he noticed something different.

"Swamp! Be careful!" Xiao Anping shouted to the people behind him. One foot had already stepped into the swamp, and his center of gravity was lost. His body inertia fell forward. Before his body fell to the ground, he threw the backpack on his body in the direction of the coming and going.

Then he stretched his body as wide as possible to increase the contact area between his body and the swamp.

"Back off!" Lu Fei also shouted.

The speed of Lu Fei and Zhang Mingyuan's running was not much slower than Xiao Anping's, just one step slower. But Xiao Anping gave a warning when he stepped on the first step, and the reminder was very urgent.

When Lu Fei heard the warning, one foot was on the edge of the swamp, and the other foot was already suspended in the air about to step into the swamp. The front half of his body was also suspended above the swamp, and the overall posture was sprinting forward.

He saw his foot in the air kick forward in the air, and his whole body borrowed some force to rotate to the left for dozens of degrees, and then his hands exerted force in the opposite direction in the air, and the whole person instantly reversed the direction, fell to the ground and landed on the edge of the swamp, and rolled twice before stopping.

Zhang Mingyuan was about to pass through the bald tree and enter the green forest. He had been running on the left side of Xiao Anping. There was a small mound about 50 cm high there, and he was about to leave the ground and pounce forward.

Hearing his teammates shouting to be careful, he subconsciously used a little more force on his right foot, and when he pounced, he leaned a little to the left. Before landing, he supported the ground with his left hand. Fortunately, it was solid, and the whole person also landed to the left and did not fall into the swamp.

Zhang Mingyuan landed on the ground, and before he could do anything, he looked in the direction of Xiao Anping: "Damn it, Lu Fei, rope, hurry up!"

At this time, Ouyang Feng was not so lucky. He followed Xiao Anping closely. When Xiao Anping shouted, he had already stepped on the place where Xiao Anping had stepped a moment ago, jumped up, and hung above Xiao Anping.

Even if he knew that there was a swamp below, he had no time to change, and could not find the possibility of retreating.

It seemed that he was about to fall on Xiao Anping!

In the swamp, Xiao Anping's whole body was not deeply sunk except for his left foot, but he could not let the team members fall to his place, otherwise the two of them would be together, not to mention how deep they would sink, and the danger system would also increase exponentially.

Xiao Anping stretched out a hand to the team members above and shouted, "Ouyang, catch me!"

Ouyang's eyes were instantly red in the air. He didn't have time to think about it. He stretched out his right hand and touched Xiao Anping's hand. The two of them exerted their own strength. With the reaction force, Ouyang Feng's feet barely landed on the edge of the swamp and his body fell to the ground.

Because of the reaction force, Xiao Anping's whole body was already deeply trapped in the swamp! Although he had tried his best to tilt his head up, it was already up to his chin.

"Anping, don't move, hold on, we will rescue you immediately!" Lu Fei rushed over and untied the straps of his backpack while shouting to Xiao Anping.

Zhang Mingyuan and Ouyang Feng also quickly untied their backpack straps, untied one and threw it to Lu Fei, who quickly connected the straps.

The swamp over there sank very quickly. In just ten seconds, Xiao Anping's mouth was already submerged.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Ouyang's eyes were red as he urged the two of them. He did not dare to stop the movement of his hands. Moreover, at this moment, the more worried and anxious he was, the steadier his hands became.

"Bring the bag! I'll go over. Anping can't hold the rope now." Lu Fei watched Xiao Anping sinking lower and lower. Even the hand he had just raised was about to sink. He kept moving his hands and said to the two people behind him.

"I'll go over! I'm lighter. I'll go." Ouyang Feng said anxiously.

He quickly took out the contents of the four backpacks, quickly placed the backpacks flat on the swamp, then pulled one end of the strap, wrapped it around his waist, crawled on the backpacks, and crawled towards Xiao Anping's head.

Lu Fei and Zhang Mingyuan pulled the other end of the strap with nervous and anxious expressions, staring at Xiao Anping and Ouyang Feng in the swamp.

Ouyang Feng was indeed lighter as he said, but there was actually one more important point. He had learned hard Qigong from Instructor Tang, and he had already learned how to raise his Qi and breathe. If he had not been right above Xiao Anping, he could have dodged it.

Ouyang Feng frowned. If he had known that the swamp was sinking so fast, he would not have known how to fight against Anping. He would rather fall to the other side of the swamp, at least he would not sink so deep.

"Slow down, hold on, Ouyang, hold on!"

On the other side, seeing Ouyang Feng crawling forward quickly, and his backpack starting to sink a little, the two people on the shore hurriedly reminded him in a repeated voice.

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