The back mountain of the training base.

Plum blossom pile training ground.

Li Feng was running and jumping very fast on the No. 1 pile. He jumped easily, and every movement was smooth and flowing, without a trace of drag. He was as flexible as an elf growing up in the mountains, so agile and cheerful.

"Brother Li, this is about to be practiced." Ye Zhen looked at Li Feng's figure and said to the person next to him.

"That's normal. Brother Li has already mastered the breath. Since he successfully climbed to the top of the mountain, he has carefully studied his personal situation with the instructor. After training for so long, it should be possible." Xiao Ziping said.

When Li Feng was in school, he was always worried because he couldn't condense the breath for defense and attack. After successfully breaking through the plum blossom pile this time, he carefully asked the instructor for the method. The instructor also carefully studied Li's personal situation.

The two of them made a training plan. Li Feng has been training hard according to the plan for more than a week. Hard work pays off and his achievements are still great. "Haha, so our team will all have achieved some success. Shouldn't we celebrate?" Ouyang Feng interrupted from the side.

"You go and tell the instructor?" Zhang Mingyuan glanced at Ouyang Feng and said coldly.

Ouyang Feng shrank his neck. The instructor was angry now. He was not stupid. If he went over at this time, wouldn't he be asking for a beating?

They all looked at the seven people on the second pile formation who were still groping, crawling, and rolling.

And the instructor on the side, who had no expression on his face and showed no desire.

Chen Fan was really depressed and entangled.

He had never thought before that there were still some students who could not be taught well.

However, the more beautiful his thoughts were before, the faster he was slapped in the face. Damn, there really were some.

They were all soldiers. When they were new recruits, they had already trained in half-bridge and double-bridge. During the physical training, they did not make any mistakes.

However, once these seven people got on the plum blossom pile, all kinds of problems occurred.

As for speed, they had it, but only in places other than the plum mountain pile. For example, wherever they fell off the pile, they would fly there and return to the starting point in the blink of an eye.

But when they were asked to run on the plum blossom pile, they could do it, but they ran in a mess and did whatever they wanted. They could not control their own steps, stepped randomly, and fell off the horse without any rules.

On the second pile, the student on the pile missed a step and fell off the plum blossom pile. He found the direction before landing, rolled on the ground when landing, stood up steadily, and was not affected at all. He also gave himself a "yeah".

However, he did not make a complete gesture in the end. He saw the instructor staring at him next to him, and immediately shrank his neck and went back to the starting point to line up at the fastest speed.

The people waiting in line at the No. 1 and No. 3 pile formations next to them were amused. Everyone gritted their teeth and held back their laughter, not daring to show it.

Chen Fan still didn't show any expression. If he couldn't find the reason today, he would have to develop other training methods for these seven people.

Just like that, he watched these seven students go up the plum blossom piles one by one, and fall down without warning in various ways at various plum positions.

Chen Fan has trained himself to be indifferent even if they dance on the plum blossom piles.

Li Feng quietly approached. He had completed his training, and it was time to fulfill his duties as an assistant teacher.

"Li Feng, has the school ever recorded a situation like these seven people?" Chen Fan asked, looking forward.

"No, Instructor Tang's hard skills were not compulsory courses before. He would only teach the best. After training, those who did not meet the requirements would all go to learn other things. The school, including Instructor Tang, had not studied it in depth." Li Feng also looked into the distance and said.

"These seven people, do you think they haven't met the requirements?" Chen Fan said.

Li Feng was silent. This is not true. If you say these seven people don't have that kind of talent, they can learn to lift, jump, and light body quickly, but they can't run on the plum blossom piles.

"Instructor, in the past week, whether it is adjusting the plum blossom pile formation, special training, or even force retina reasons, we have tried, but there is still no way. They just can't stand and run on the plum blossom piles in time." Li Feng said helplessly.

"I always feel that there is another way, but I just can't think of it." Chen Fan frowned and said.

Li Feng didn't know what the method Chen Fan was talking about was. What he could think of, which was a bit possible, had already been verified to be useless. Li Feng saw Lu Fei waving at him over there, and pointed to the top of the mountain.

Li Feng looked up to the left. The sunset was already setting in the west, and only half of the red fire hung on the treetops. He said to Chen Fan, "Instructor, the sun is going down."

Chen Fan looked to the left and saw that the sun had already fallen below the treetops. He then looked at the plum blossom pile next to him and saw that almost all the other students had reached the top of the mountain.

Chen Fan nodded and said to the seven students, "Go up the mountain at full speed, let's go."

After that, Chen Fan took the lead and ran to the top of the mountain. Li Feng did not lag behind for a second and also ran up the mountain at full speed.

The seven students who were behind were stunned for a moment, all looking at Chen Fan's extraordinary explosive power, and then he suddenly flew out, as fast as a beast.

Of course, the seven students did not stop for long. After all, they were trained. After they reacted, they all rushed to the top of the mountain. The competition was effective. After Chen Fan and Li Feng, they also ran out of shadows.

They were very slow under the plum blossom pile, which made Chen Fan, who was still running hard on the plum blossom pile before the start, suffer. He was overtaken by everyone.

In a hurry, he forgot to jump off the plum blossom pile and run forward. He actually ran on the plum blossom pile. The speed was faster than he had ever been in such a long training, and it was surprisingly stable.

However, Chen Fan and his group had already run in front and could not see the situation behind them. The people on the top of the mountain were also attracted by Chen Fan and his speed. They did not pay attention to the student and missed this scene perfectly.

The student ran all the way. When he was about to catch up with the person in front, he jumped and followed everyone's footsteps to the top of the mountain. He also ignored his performance just now.

In just a few minutes, Chen Fan had already reached the top of the mountain. When he stopped, he didn't even breathe heavily, as if he was already standing on the top of the mountain.

Li Feng arrived shortly after, only one body length slower than Chen Fan. Although he knew that Chen Fan might have left some room for improvement, he was still happy. Just a little bit more, and he would be able to catch up with Chen Fan!

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