The students on the top of the mountain have been deeply affected by Chen Fan's strength. It seems that there is nothing he can't learn or learn well. He can learn everything to the best.

Anyway, they are used to being hit. Now they are comforting themselves. As long as they make progress every day, it will be good. Sooner or later, they will reach the level of the instructor.

Do it, that's right.

The seven students who arrived a beat late, everyone's time is about the same.

Everyone, standing on the top of this mountain forest, all look to the west, where the setting sun is spreading its afterglow, the rosy clouds are everywhere, the light is bright, but it covers the light.

Watching the sunset in the mountains is a different beauty. Here, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, far away from the bustling crowd, what they see is the most real and magnificent mountains and rivers of the motherland, bathed in the calmness and tranquility of the sunset.

Chen Fan was surrounded by students. They stood on the top of the mountain. The setting sun also hit their faces and bodies, embellishing them and becoming an important part of the beautiful scenery of the mountains and forests.

They added color to this primitive and natural beauty, and became the strongest first line of defense to protect this world and the people of the motherland.

After the last ray of afterglow also entered the distant mountains, Chen Fan said to everyone: "After two weeks of training, most people have completed the training of plum blossom piles as scheduled, and the effect is very obvious."

"In order to let you understand the results of your efforts more clearly, tomorrow, I will organize everyone to have a confrontation."

"Now, go back and have a meal! Target, base canteen, set off!" Chen Fan shouted loudly.

As soon as the order was issued, everyone rushed down the mountain.

Chen Chi did not take the usual path. He jumped onto the No. 2 Meishan pile and quickly rushed down the mountain on the pile mountain. He did not step on each pile firmly, but took off every few steps, and soon left the students behind.

Lu Fei and Zhang Mingyuan watched Chen Fan run from the plum blossom pile. They also jumped onto the plum blossom pile, taking three steps at a time, and followed Chen Fan's steps to fly towards the base.

For a moment, everyone used their own means and showed their own skills, using their speed to the extreme, just to be a little faster than the physical people.

Even if the speed of the two people was so fast that ordinary people saw double images, and they were equal, even if they used a stopwatch, they still had to fight for a breath, and winning you by one breath in breath was also winning.

You chased me and I chased me, and sometimes it was just a collision of eyes, which made the two people who were originally independent and did not interfere with each other, you didn't let me, I didn't let you, just to be better than you!

Sometimes men's fights come for no reason, and even a decent reason can't be found, but it doesn't prevent them from having fun!

On the playground of the base.

Those who ran all the way stopped here and took a break.

At this time, Chen Fan's figure was no longer in the crowd.

"I'm faster than you!" Jiang Zhiyue panted and said to Deng Jingxi.

Deng Jingxi was also panting. He was indeed not as good as Jiang Zhiyue in running, so he readily admitted: "You are faster, but only one step faster, and it's a small step."

"A small step is also fast. There are not many people who can beat you. I can't give up this step." Jiang Zhiyue said proudly.

"Zhiyue, you are still competing with Jingxi. What is the win or loss?" Gao Wenhe said with a smug smile.

"Humph, what do you care about me." Jiang Zhiyue snorted and ignored Gao Wenhe's words.

"Tell me, Jingxi is already a leader among us. Are there any of us who are better than him?" Gao Wenhe said to Jiang Zhiyue flatteringly.

"No, I can't say it. You won't find it yourself." Jiang Zhiyue's face suddenly flushed, and he pushed Gao Wenhe away and walked towards the cafeteria, not even calling Deng Jingxi.

Gao Wenhe had an innocent and confused expression on his face. He didn't know what happened to Jiang Zhiyue and why he left suddenly. He asked Deng Jingxi: "Jingxi, what happened to Zhiyue? Why did he suddenly get angry?"

Deng Jingxi gave Gao Wenhe an unfathomable expression, left Gao Wenhe and followed everyone to the cafeteria.

Gao Wenhe, who was left behind, felt confused. He touched his stomach and felt as if he was fed in a cafeteria.

Suddenly, he also hummed twice, raised his feet to keep up with everyone, and even walked quickly towards Zhong Liqun. Humph, brotherhood, tacit understanding, etc., he also has it here.

It was agreed that they would come back to have a meal, which was actually a simple meal, exactly the same as usual, but the difference was that Chen Fan had been eating with them for the past two weeks. After the meal, he also summarized what he had learned all day with everyone, and commented on everyone's shortcomings and areas that needed to be strengthened.

That is to say, they relied on hard training during the day, the instructors gave a summary and comments on the class at night, and then they themselves described the gains and questions of the training during the day, and then summarized and answered questions.

They were able to make such rapid progress in just two weeks.

"Your instructor will not have dinner with you tonight. He asked you to hold a summary meeting by yourself and then go back to rest. He will announce the confrontation tomorrow when you wake up." The squad leader of the base cooking squad said to everyone after the students arrived at the cafeteria.

"The instructor is not here? Squad Leader Cui, didn't the instructor just come back? Where did he go?" The chatterbox Jiang Zhiyue asked immediately.

Squad leader Cui of the base cooking squad said: "I don't know where your squad leader went. I haven't seen him. This is the information he just sent back. I am just a messenger."

How can a message be passed through the cooking squad? This question came to everyone's mind.

Huang Youzhao looked at Li Feng and asked: "Li Feng, do you know where the instructor went?"

Li Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled evilly: "I don't have inside information. This time I also know that the instructor is not in the base."

Huang Youzhao pursed his lips. He was just testing, but he didn't expect Li Feng to be so sharp.

But it's no wonder. How could someone who has stayed in the same place with the instructor, or perhaps taught by one or more teachers, be as warm and gentle as he showed, without aggression?

The so-called pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger, a smiling tiger, refers to people like Li Feng. People give people the feeling of being harmless and warm, but people who know his strength are okay and will take precautions in advance. People who don't know his details will really be deceived by him.

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