The next day, it was just dawn. The sun hadn't come out yet, and the moon was still hanging in the sky.

At this time, it was not time for the wake-up call to sound, and the base was quiet.

In each dormitory, all the students were still asleep, and those with good sleep quality were still dreaming.

Suddenly, all the voice-controlled devices in the entire base made mechanical sounds.

Beep, beep, beep.

The sound was rapid and rang throughout the entire base.

It was sharp and piercing, leaving people helpless.

The students were awakened from their sleep.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, what's the sound?"

"I don't know, all the equipment made a sound."

"Hurry up, hurry up, get up."

The students were in a hurry to put on their clothes, and there was that person who was awakened but still hadn't clear his mind. He sat up on the bed with sleepy eyes, looking at the other people who were busy in the dormitory with a look of being out of shape.

Pa pa pa pa.

There was a knock on the door, followed by Wei Lai's voice: "Brother Zhao, come quickly, Brother Li and the others have already set off for the information center." Ye Zhen said outside the door.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Huang Youzhao shouted towards the door. He quickly fastened his belt, took his hat and was about to leave. Before leaving, he said to the person on the bed: "Xiao Gao, hurry up! Everyone go to the information center to gather."

"Fuck! Wait for me, I'll be there soon." Gao Wenhe's sleepiness finally came to his senses in this harsh voice. When he heard that he had to gather at the information center, he immediately jumped off the bed and looked for clothes in a hurry.

Ye Zhen went to the dormitory to knock on the door to notify.

The students heard different mechanical sounds of searching, and all got up and dressed. When Ye Zhen knocked on the door, those who moved quickly immediately went out to the information center, while those who moved slower speeded up their hands. The information center, on the giant screen that was always on, showed that the base's system was being invaded.

The big red danger signal prompt was particularly conspicuous on the giant screen, and it made people nervous and worried.

Li Feng brought six students from the special school except Ye Zhen, each with a computer, to deal with the intrusion urgently.

Huang Youzhao, Zhong Liqun, Tan Zhaofeng, and Deng Jingxi came to the information center together. They hurriedly walked in and were first stabbed by the bright red on the giant screen. Their pupils shrank and they immediately entered a state of preparation for war.

Everyone immediately found their positions, each doing their job, and constantly using what they learned to solve the intrusion.

"It's very tricky. We can't crack the opponent's attack." Lai Runjiang said with a frown.

"Everyone, report the situation." Li Feng said.

At this time, Li Feng also frowned. Even if everyone knew that the system intrusion should be the instructor's trick outside, no matter who it was, the system in the base was confidential, and information leakage was a very important matter.

So this war was a direct battle between them and the instructor.

You can only win and not lose.

"The first-level system has been paralyzed..."

"The second-level system has also been paralyzed."

"The third-level system has been paralyzed by 60-70 percent!"

"The fourth-level system is now in danger."

"The fifth-level system, the firewall has been attacked no less than 10,000 times."

"There is a Trojan! The fifth-level system has been locked by the Trojan."

Various voices and information are being integrated into the main information flow. The system crisis continues, and it is getting deeper and more serious.

Every student, when reporting, is still fighting against invading viruses and Trojans. However, although their forces are numerous, they are very scattered. Not only can they not eliminate the viruses, but they also give the viruses an opportunity to take advantage of them.

Li Feng saw that the situation was getting worse and worse, and said in a deep voice: "Start the hierarchical killing! Start with group one! Reinforce the system, use your own method first, and then weave the connection, pay attention to from the inside to the outside, otherwise it will leave traces."

"Group two begins to organize a counterattack, from inside to outside, from left to right, concentrate on finding a breakthrough point."

"Group three is now on, from outside to inside, from right to left, looking for another breakthrough point."

"Group four, let's find out who is picking on us."

Four orders were given, and every time a group or information center was mentioned, there were corresponding students who followed orders. The keyboard changed from the crackling at the beginning to a regular and rhythmic one.

Concentrate strength, find the slots, and then break them one by one.

The method is still somewhat useful. Viruses and Trojans are about being fast, creating a time difference, and masters fighting against each other. If you can't hit the target in one shot during the advantageous time, then to achieve higher results, you need a technical duel.

They win because of their numbers, and their technology is much better than before. If the intruder is really the instructor, I don't know whether he should cry or laugh.

"Group One has completed the reinforcement and is using the second-line coding, simple and resolute." Huang Youzhao said.

"Group Two has found the breakthrough point and is concentrating on cracking the virus system." Lu Fei said.

"Group Three has a target and is chasing it." Deng Jingxi said.

"Group Four has not tracked the target yet. You continue." Li Feng said.

While exchanging information, each group still maintains an intensive attack mode. While everyone is walking at their own pace, they are also adjusting the speed and method of attack in combination with the situation and results of other groups.

"The third-level system has been restored!" Lu Fei said loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's face showed joy. It can't be blamed on them for being too superficial and being happy with a little thing. It's really because they have been squeezed too much and haven't tasted the taste of winning for too long.

"Brothers, take advantage of the victory. Group 3 has caught the target." Jiang Zhiyue said excitedly.

"Group 1 will help you." Huang Youzhao also said excitedly.

"We are here." Gao Wenhe's humble voice sounded on the side.

"Group 2, come too." Lu Fei said.

As the saying goes, good things come in pairs, and good momentum cannot be stopped. After cracking the invading virus, the Trojan horse implanted in the system was also found and killed in one fell swoop.

The system of the base has been successfully repaired. When they were patching, they also successfully found the hidden thunder point of the instructor.

"The instructor is really insidious. He can also leak this loophole. I'm afraid his hand is not a colander!" Jiang Zhiyue screamed.

Although the others were not so exaggerated, their expressions were also quite strange.

When I was always outside the system, this loophole was impossible to find, and I couldn't find it. But now, when I opened the system and repaired it, I could see this very obvious omission at a glance.

It was the kind that was normal, but once attacked, it was accurate.

"We successfully tracked down the opponent's system. It seems that the opponent has admitted defeat. Let's see what he said." Li Feng said happily.

On the giant screen, the red danger sign just now has disappeared. From just now, the mechanical sound that resounded through the sky has completely disappeared.

The information of the intruder's computer was projected on the giant screen.

It was a long list, the training list that Chen Fan listed for them!

He also briefly explained that he had received an emergency mission and had to go out. He had arranged new personnel to temporarily take over the instructor's duties and follow up on their training.

Everyone was required to train according to the list, led by Li Feng. The new instructor would supervise their training tasks. If they were not completed, there would be a surprise when he came back.

The students were excited at first, but now they were in disbelief. They thought the instructor would leave them some surprises or encouragements. If that didn't work, they could leave them some tips on the next step.

They thought the instructor left the base in a hurry last night to arrange a big confrontation for them, but it turned out to be news that the instructor was out and it was uncertain when he would return!

There was also a long list of training plans, which was a "surprise" for them!

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