Lu Fei stayed in the box for less than a minute. They quickly exchanged information and left immediately. The waiter was still guarding not far from the box. As soon as they left, they immediately provided very good service and led the people back to their own tables.

Lu Fei noticed that there were other servers leading different people to different boxes. Some of the people who entered the boxes also entered and left quickly, while some did not come out for a long time.

The waiters occasionally said a few words to each other. Lu Fei also noticed that they would make some gestures and speak in a low voice, as if they were reporting something to someone.

Lu Fei returned to the table, still smelling of cigarettes, which was very consistent with his excuse of going to smoke a cigarette. Qiu Mingyan didn't know how long Lu Fei would be gone, so she didn't stay at the table for long. She had asked the waiter to take her to the courtyard for fresh air.

Everything was quiet in front. Lu Fei continued to wait for the meal and wait for others, and also played with his mobile phone. Qiu Mingyan seemed to be bored in the courtyard, but in fact she was secretly observing everyone who came to the courtyard to kill time.

In that beautiful courtyard, the sun was shining like a veil. A group of ladies with different postures each occupied a small corner of the courtyard, leaning on the railing, overlooking or leisurely.

The young female white-collar worker on the right, wearing a simple professional suit, with neat short hair fluttering in the wind, was slightly looking up, looking at the floating clouds in the sky with concentration, and her eyes revealed that she was determined to win.

Further ahead, a little further away, there was an old man who was over 40 years old, wearing a simple long skirt, holding a book in his hand, standing quietly by the flowers.

Her eyes were gentle and deep, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. It seemed that she was walking into this Chinese-style courtyard from the words in the book, and getting inner peace and satisfaction in the fragrance of flowers and books.

She was also talking to a young boy beside her gently and quietly. The boy listened very seriously and nodded from time to time, a picture of a peaceful time.

On the left was a lively and playful fashion girl, wearing trendy clothes and an exaggerated hat.

She happily shuttled between the paths, the camera in her hand kept taking pictures of every beautiful scene, her smart eyes flashed with excitement, ready to record this beautiful moment in his lens and in her memory at any time.

Opposite Qiu Mingyan, across the pavilion and the lake, she looked at the elegant lady, wearing an exquisite cheongsam and holding a sandalwood fan.

Sitting leisurely in the pavilion, her eyes fell on the fish playing in the pond, her face was full of calmness and calmness after years of precipitation, enjoying this moment of leisure time.

Qiu Mingyan smiled back at the eyes that were looking at her. Her smile was very contagious. Although she was dressed in a ladylike style today and was not suitable for a flamboyant smile, inexplicably, she could not help but smile when she met her gaze and looked at her smile.

Qiu Mingyan continued to observe. In the courtyard, colorful flowers competed with each other for beauty, red like fire, pink like clouds, and white like snow.

The breeze blew, and petals fell one after another, like a gorgeous flower rain. The bluestone paved path was winding and led to a small pavilion deep in the courtyard.

Next to the pavilion, a clear pond was sparkling, with lotus leaves in the fields. Some lotus flowers were in bud, and some had already bloomed with beautiful flowers. The breeze brought a wisp of fragrance.

Beside the pond, a few weeping willows were swaying in the wind, as light and soft as green silk ribbons. Not far away, a small rockery stands, with moss on the mountain and a trickle of water flowing between the cracks of the rocks, making a crisp sound.

The whole courtyard is like a beautiful painting, which makes people intoxicated and linger.

It must be said that this Chinese courtyard is very well made, a bit ingenious, and the garden beauty of China for thousands of years is condensed here. It is no wonder that so many people have made reservations to come. In addition to eating, it is worth waiting for a few months in advance to see it.

Qiu Mingyan found that in the pavilion of the rockery in the courtyard, you can also see the layout of the entire private kitchen. The whole place occupies a very large area. The courtyard alone occupies most of the place. The whole place is built according to the layout of the front yard and the back building, which is clearly divided and closely connected.

It must be said that such a large piece of land can be enclosed on the edge of the prosperous city of Qing City, and this very distinctive building has been built. If you say that he has no background and backing, Qiu Mingyan doesn't believe it at all. Her eyes darkened, and she continued to turn in a direction to appreciate the beautiful scenery again.

At the same time, Su Lanchen, who received the information, began to attack quietly and moved to the back building.

The back building is a small three-story building. The exterior is also antique, which is very consistent with the entire Chinese design style of the private kitchen. The floors are not very high, which is in line with the ancient architectural level.

Of course, no matter how classical the appearance is, no one will really think that it is an ancient building, and there is nothing modern inside.

On the contrary, the entire private kitchen, from the land to the design to everything inside, is very modern, but it is cleverly hidden. Anyway, what the guests want is a beautiful environment without affecting comfort and enjoyment. Merchants just follow this routine, and no one will go into it.

Su Lanchen's camouflage and hiding skills are verified. Chen Fan also deliberately learned about his specific strength, and he also tested it one-on-one during training. The level is very high.

Chen Fan felt that if he didn't have some special things on him, he could only tie with Su Lanchen in the lesson of camouflage and hiding, so his strength is quite nice.

Su Lanchen has another advantage. He is very cautious and patient, and has a strong sense of changes in the surrounding environment.

If he stays there quietly, you may not find him even if you pass by him eight or ten times. But as long as he passes by here, he will know if there is someone hiding very secretly.

In Chen Fan's words, you can't catch him when playing hide-and-seek with him, but he won't need a second to catch you!

However, today, Su Lanchen quietly retreated after less than half an hour of entering. He came and went, and the people inside didn't notice.

"Captain, there is a master in the back building of the private kitchen. He hides very deep and has a long breath. I am afraid of alerting the enemy, so I chose to retreat." Su Lanchen retreated to a very hidden corner and reported to Zhang Qicheng in the headset.

Zhang Qicheng got the news and quickly fed back to Chen Fan, who contacted Su Lanchen directly.

"It's the ninjas from Sakura Country! If they hadn't sent other ninjas over two weeks ago, I know who the person you found is. I was just wondering how to find them, and they showed up."

"Su Lanchen, don't move yet, wait for me to get there. For the rest, if there are no special circumstances, just observe and don't act yet, wait for my order."

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