Su Lanchen actually walked behind Tan Zhaofeng and stepped out of the way to block the ninja's departure. When Huang Yuejun then stood next to Tan Zhaofeng, he blocked Su Lanchen behind him.

The viciousness in the ninja's eyes became reality. The hidden weapon in his hand instantly swung at the three of them, and he swung it three times in a row without any pause, as if he was going to fight them to the death.

Huang Yuejun and Tan Zhaofeng took action at the same time. They each used their own martial arts skills learned from home. They dodged the incoming darts with unusual and weird postures, and spun in the air to kick the incoming flying glance back.

The ninja's face changed drastically. The three darts were actually kicked by both of them, and the power and speed were much stronger than those he swung. The ninja used all his knowledge to barely dodge the darts flying towards his heart. , watching helplessly as the second and third darts hit his left shoulder and abdomen.

Stinging pain came from his left shoulder and abdomen, and Ninja felt the fear of being shrouded in death. The threat of death made him shout out involuntarily: "Don't kill me, I can tell you the secrets of the organization."

Huang Yuejun and Tan Zhaofeng heard the content of the shouting, but they did not need the secrets of this terrorist organization, and they did not care much whether the organization died.

This operation will severely damage them and prevent them from reaching out to China. They also don't have that much time to wipe out all the other weak forces.

The ninja watched in despair as he threw out his last trump card, but when the other party showed no interest or hesitation at all, his pupils instantly dilated. Huang Yuejun and Tan Zhaofeng stabbed the hidden weapons in their hands into the ninja's head from the left and right.

The ninja fell to the ground with despair and disbelief, unable to move anymore. He died without closing his eyes.

He would never understand why he was willing to reveal the information but could not get a chance to survive.

In the eyes of Chinese soldiers, I can collect information by myself and find supplies by myself, but revenge must be avenged, and I will never let it go!

"Reporting to the instructor, Group A and Group B have completed the robbery and killing mission, and no one has slipped through the net." After Li Feng gathered everyone, he reported to Chen Fan through the communicator.

"I understand. All the people in the lair have been dispatched. The AB and AB teams will go to the two designated places to wait for the final closing of the net." Chen Fan gave orders through the communicator while pointing at Lu Fei's computer screen. A red dot in the middle indicates Lu Fei to attack.

Lu Fei glanced at Chen Fan, and under his firm gaze, sent the activation command.


In the originally silent city, a cannonball was like an angry fire dragon, roaring towards a building not far away from the three of them with the momentum of destroying everything.

The moment the shell hit the building, it was like the sky was shattering. That loud noise was like the bell of the end of the world being struck, making people's souls tremble.

The fire bloomed instantly, just like a scorching sun exploding in front of your eyes. The light was dazzling, making it impossible to look directly.

After the explosion, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, looking down at the ruins ferociously like a demon in the apocalypse. The billowing smoke was like a huge black cloak, quickly enveloping the building.

Under the violent impact, the building looked like a fragile sand castle. The walls on the ground floor were like fragile biscuits, shattering and collapsing in an instant. The masonry and concrete were like a dense meteor shower, smashing to the ground crazily, raising dust that covered the sky and the sun.

The pillars cracked like tree trunks cut off by a giant axe, and the whole building was crumbling. The floors on the middle floors were like overloaded shoulder poles, groaning in despair and collapsing one after another.

Under the high temperature and impact, the window glass was like broken crystal, turning into countless sharp fragments that flew around like wildly dancing silver snakes.

Countless building fragments, large and small, were like angry swarms, flying in all directions with astonishing speed and force.

Some are like sharp spears, piercing deeply into the surrounding buildings; some are like sharp blades, scratching people's frightened faces; and some are like heavy boulders, hitting the ground and creating deep pits. .

The surrounding streets were also affected and instantly turned into a hell on earth. The vehicle fell to the ground like a toy pushed over by a naughty child. The trees were uprooted like grass blown by the strong wind.

The telephone pole fell to the ground like a bird with broken wings. The huge potholes that appeared on the ground were like ferocious mouths, trying to swallow up everything.

The ferocious mushroom cloud lingered for a long time. In this apocalyptic scene, horrified shouts and painful groans were intertwined, as if they were the wails of souls suffering in hell.

The terrorists who were originally waiting in the building and rushed out to the door after receiving the news were at the center of the explosion.

The bodies of the terrorists were instantly torn apart by high temperatures and powerful shock waves. Their skin was scorched, their muscles and bones exposed, and some even had their bodies directly vaporized, leaving only a cloud of blood mist.

The few survivors who ran fast and had already walked out of the building also suffered greatly. Their bodies were severely burned, with skin falling off and bloody flesh.

Some lost eyes, ears and limbs, while others were left writhing in pain with damaged internal organs.

Some people were trapped under the rubble of buildings, while others were hit by flying debris. Screams and cries echoed in the ruins of the building, making people's hair stand on end.

Jiang Yue quietly stood in the corner where the power of the explosion was least affected, watching the surviving terrorists struggling in pain, with a very calm expression on his face, and even his heart was calm.

As a woman, she is naturally more empathetic, but at this moment, she does not sympathize with them, because these terrorists, on the surface, are still human, but they have been doing inhuman activities.

Because of them, how many lives and families have been innocently buried in the hands of these people, and this is also retribution for them. They are Chinese who believe in the cycle of cause and effect, and it is not that there is no retribution, but that the time has not come.

And now is the time!

What the law cannot control, and what cannot be communicated through normal diplomatic means, then it depends on each person's ability!

Chen Fan also looked calmly at the terrorists who were still wailing in pain not far away. In his eyes, although these people are not dead yet, he has sentenced them to death.

He said coldly: "Jiang Yue, you watch here, if you think anything bad happens, send the second command immediately. Lu Fei, follow me to kill other fish that have escaped the net."

"Yes." Lu Fei quickly handed over the computer to Jiang Yue, quickly checked his equipment, and followed Chen Fan, who had already jumped over the wall, to the building that had become a ruin.

At the same time, three figures flew out of the uncollapsed building next to the ruins of the building that was still emitting thick smoke, and fled in different directions at extremely fast speeds.

The sound of police sirens also came from far away and quickly towards the center of the explosion, becoming clearer and louder. The area that was originally plunged into darkness due to the explosion destroying the lines was once again bright because of the arrival of a new group of people.

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