An armed helicopter slowly took off from the "helipad" of the Western Military Region.

Chen Fan stood at the door of the aircraft, and the door of the helicopter was not closed yet. When it rose to a high altitude and was about to fly out to their destination, Chen Fan waved to the people who had not yet dispersed on the ground.

This Western Military Region station hidden deep in the mountains gradually went away.

The helicopter turned a corner, and Zhang Qicheng, Huang Yuejun and seven others, who were still looking up at the helicopter flying away on the "helipad", and several leaders of the Western Military Region could no longer be seen.

After evacuating from the Sakura Country last night, they returned directly to the Western Military Region. After a brief emergency meeting, the early morning came quietly.

Chen Fan and Li Feng were eager to return to their information support training site. They stopped for a moment and boarded the plane without stopping.

They didn't give the people from the Western Military Region a chance to stay. Just kidding, Chen Fan muttered in his heart. The last time he stopped, he was directly detained here to train trainees. This place is a bit bandit-like, of course, the sooner the better.

Li Feng and his friends were unwilling to stay for a moment. They were afraid that if they stayed any longer, their instructors would disappear for a while.

The head of the Western Military Region was also on the apron. Although he was a bit old, he had decades of military career and was an elder who had come from the front line of combat. He had not been out for decades, but his aura was no worse than anyone else.

The leader withdrew his gaze and turned to the people standing upright in a row with pressure, asking: "Xiao Zhang, you have gained a lot from this training."

"Report, we have gained a lot. Thank you for the opportunity you have given us." Zhang Qicheng stared at the leader with his eyes, straightened his body, and answered loudly.

The leader looked at Zhang Qicheng with satisfaction. He nodded secretly in his state, and he could hardly hide his happiness. Looking at the other six people, although they still had the same faces as before, the aura they exuded from their bodies and hearts made people know that they were different.

Zhang Qicheng and the other seven people sincerely thanked the opportunity for this training camp. Although the process was quite difficult, the results were very obvious. They were physically and mentally improved and were no longer the same as before the training camp.

But they all felt that the training time was still too short. They were very reluctant to leave, including Li Feng and his friends. They were partners who had fought overtly and secretly and participated in life-and-death missions together.

I really envy them.

The voices of Zhang Qicheng and the other seven people were unusually consistent at this time. Jealousy almost made them unrecognizable.

And Chen Fan, Li Feng and the other six people on the helicopter. Chen Fan was still standing in front of the cabin door, looking down.

The camp was surrounded by green mountains, which were endless, as if it was the warm embrace of nature, guarding this land tightly. The trees on the mountain were lush and green, and the tall trees and low shrubs were intertwined to form a green ocean.

Rows of barracks are built against the mountain. The wake-up call has sounded. The soldiers quickly came out of the dormitory and gathered into green squares. The loud slogans resounded through the mountains and forests.

The gun smoke and gunshots hidden in the mountains and forests are proof that the soldiers are working hard to train themselves in order to protect the country.

The stream in the distance is gurgling and clear. Under the sunshine, the stream is flashing with tiny lights, like a flowing silver thread. By the stream, wild flowers and weeds grow wantonly, colorful, and exuding fragrance.

Later, the helicopter came to the sky above the village far away from the camp. The houses in the village are built against the mountain and are scattered. Most of them are built of stone and wood, simple and solid. From the chimneys on the roofs, curling smoke rises from time to time, adding a bit of fireworks to this quiet village.

The roads in the village are winding and paved with slates and soil. The road is full of traces of time, witnessing the footprints of generations.

In this land, there lives a group of hardworking and kind people. Their skin is tanned by the sun, which is the mark of hard work. Most of the men are strong and have broad shoulders. They carry hoes and work hard in the fields, sweating, just to harvest that heavy hope.

Women do housework at home, wash clothes, cook, weave and sew clothes, and use their skillful hands to create a warm harbor for their families. Children laugh and play in the village, and their laughter is as clear and pleasant as the birds in the mountains. They catch fish by the stream and pick flowers on the mountain, carefree and innocent.

The old people sit on the stone bench in front of the door, basking in the sun and telling stories of the past. Their eyes reveal the vicissitudes of life, but more of them are satisfaction with life and expectations for the future.

In this mountain village, although people live a simple life, they are full of love for life and longing for the future.

In this quiet mountain village, the morning light just broke, and the villagers began their regular and energetic day.

Chen Fan likes this scene very much. They train hard and try to resist all dangers from everywhere, just to protect this comfortable and happy life.

"Li Feng, you continue to lead the team back to the training base first. I have something else to do and will be back in two days." When the helicopter was about to approach the information support force training base, Chen Fan, who was still resting with his eyes closed the last second, suddenly opened his eyes and said.

"Don't, instructor. We are almost at the base. Everyone misses you. Go back and say a few words to everyone. It won't cost a few minutes." Li Feng looked panicked and talked to Chen Fan desperately, trying to change his mind.

"No, time is very tight." Chen Fan said seriously.

Li Feng's mouth twitched. He still said the same thing. He had studied Chen Fan and knew Chen Fan who was not on a mission. His serious expression looked fake.

"Instructor, everyone really misses you. If we drive the helicopter faster, it will be enough for you to go back to the base." Li Feng continued to persuade with a smile on his face.

He also gestured and winked at the other four people except Li Pengyu who was flying the plane.

Zhong Liqun knew what the instructor and Li Feng were talking about after a little thought. The instructor suddenly disappeared for so long and no news was sent back. The students in the base must have been full of grievances and resentment.

Moreover, the six of them took advantage of the break in training and disappeared for more than ten days in a helicopter. If only the six of them went back, they would definitely be stared at by others!

Zhong Liqun shuddered and immediately said to Chen Fan: "Yes, instructor, you have been out for so long, you must be very concerned about the training of the students. Why don't you go back to the base first to take a look, so that you can feel more at ease when dealing with other things, right?"

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